Putin’s Puppet


The people who spent eight years screaming the loudest about being patriots and shouting “I want my country back” are the first to turn a blind eye and allow a foreign nation to commit terrorism on us and manipulate our democratic system. That’s the equivalent of treason.

The CIA has assessed that Russia wasn’t just trying to destroy confidence in our electoral system, they were trying to help elect Donald Trump. They’re very confident about this.

The White House wanted a unified bipartisan front to combat this and they went to Congressional leaders. The Republicans who spent eight years saying no to Obama this time said “eh.” Mitch McConnell, the GOP’s leader in the Senate chose to hide in his turtle shell and ignore the threat and today his wife is nominated to work in the Trump administration. That’s a sweet payoff.

Trump’s transition team dismissed the news with the statement “These are the same people that said Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction. The election ended a long time ago in one of the biggest Electoral College victories in history. It’s now time to move on and ‘Make America Great Again.” Basically “blah blah blah.”

This isn’t Iraq or a search of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. This can’t be shrugged off because of a past mistake. If that’s how we’re going to treat any analysis by the CIA then what’s the point of having a CIA? The other B.S. in the statement is that Trump did not win in one of the biggest Electoral College victories in history and has lost the popular vote to Hillary Clinton by more than two million. The last thing about this is their willingness to dismiss and ignore a threat to our nation by a foreign power.

Trump is about to swear an oath to protect this nation from all threats foreign and domestic. As president-elect he’s showing us he doesn’t intend to take that oath seriously, if he even understands it.

Trump still refuses to believe Russia was behind the hacking into the Democrat’s campaign. He says it could have been China or some guy in New Jersey. I’m not sure how capable Chris Christie is with computers. He and his supporters refuse to believe Russians were helping him win the election but they’ll buy a story that Hillary Clinton is selling child sex slaves out of a pizza parlor.

Even if it’s not Russia behind the attacks Trump and his flying monkeys are ignoring one basic fact. Nobody was hacking into Trump’s campaign and releasing the data. Someone was breaking the law, breaking the rules, not playing fair, to help Donald Trump win the White House. They’re fine with that.

Donald Trump, Republicans, and their voters didn’t just allow our democracy to be manipulated by a foreign power with evil intentions. They allowed themselves to be compromised. They’d sell their nation out for a cheap win.  That’s exactly what they did.

That’s not patriotism. It’s called treason. It’s the real scandal that’s “worse than Watergate.”

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5 thoughts on “Putin’s Puppet

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    “The Washington Post late Friday night published an explosive story that, in many ways, is classic American journalism of the worst sort: the key claims are based exclusively on the unverified assertions of anonymous officials, who in turn are disseminating their own claims about what the CIA purportedly believes, all based on evidence that remains completely secret. Throughout history we have had demagogues who try to divert attention away from the real issues
    “Fake News” & McCarthyism In Cold War 2.0 & the Top Censored Stories Of 2016 .
    People in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones. It’s hypocritical to complain when the US/CIA has interfered with the governance of other sovereign nations, instigating and supporting coups overthrowing elected governments. Finding evidence of hacking of election computers that can somehow be blamed on Russia could be crucial for the Clinton team in their effort to convince electors to change their vote.
    Russia has been blamed in the U.S. for many things and though proof never seems to be supplied, it is widely believed anyway. It has been accepted as fact by American corporate media, though no conclusive proof for either has ever been presented.
    Emotional appeals to elector’s patriotism and defense of the American system against interference by Russia could make a persuasive argument, however.
    Throughout history we have had demagogues who try to divert attention away from the real issues > they try to sell us World War III.” – Andrea Klein


  2. Reblogged this on Writing Radiation and commented:
    As usual, Clay is spot on. Only disagreement I have, is that the NYTimes says the RNC was hacked… the hackers just chose not to release the info… for some reason…

    This doesn’t change anything to the GOP. They won’t allow the recount to go forward. They don’t want to question the election results even in the face of proof.

    (I’d also like to point out that the CIA & other agencies didn’t put forward the “WMD in Iraq” story. They had some vague intelligence & George W. Bush ran with it so he could finish Daddy’s war.)


  3. Even though it is likely this did swing the election, I can’t see how they can change it now. However, Congress must investigate this to the fullest extent and punish anyone involved. If an American is complicit in any way, that is treason. I am sure the GOP Congress will get right on that.


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