Y’all Qaeda


As you probably saw on the news, Trump rednecks were harassing a Biden/Harris campaign bus in Texas. They surrounded the bus, were waving weapons, and one vehicle was nearly ran off the road. Donald Trump is upset the FBI is “investigating” it.

Here’s a tip, kids: If you’re going to do anything bad, do it while wearing a MAGA hat. You won’t be arrested immediately because the authorities will have to “investigate” it before any arrests are made. Even with this situation in Texas, they’re looking to see if the Biden/Harris people are at fault for having their bus surrounded by Trump goobers. His truck looked at my truck funny.

Donald Trump even claimed the MAGAt convoy was “protecting” the Biden/Harris bus. And he tweeted out a video of the incident with, “I love Texas.”

Don Jr. encouraged them to stage the attack. Marco Rubio shouted at a MAGA rally, “We love what they do!”

In other locations, the MAGAts on wheels are blocking roads and shutting down bridges. Have there been any arrests? That’s not rhetorical. Have there been any arrests?

This is what the Trump era has brought us. If you don’t like what someone has to say, run ’em off the road.

Meanwhile, the MAGAts at a MAGA rally chanted, “Fire Fauci.” Donald Trump said to wait and see what happens after the election. Why after? Because he’s a coward and is afraid that if he does it before, it’ll hurt him? Or, is he saying “after” because he’s lying to his people? Is he giving them false hate hope?

Donald Trump supporters are the worst of America.

But let’s be honest. We’re all a little surprised it hasn’t been worse than this. The day’s not over yet. I expect the worst to happen between after all the votes are counted and the inauguration.

This is all your getting for a blog today because the Live Blog is tonight. I gotta rest up.

Tip Jar: This pandemic is hitting everyone, including your favorite goofy cartoonist. I have lost clients and I’m afraid I might lose more. The PayPal button has always been included here for those who can and want to voluntarily support what I do. I understand this time is hard on everyone. If you can’t, don’t contribute. Take care of yourself and your family first. But, all and any help is greatly appreciated and it helps keep me going. Think of me like a street performer busking out tunes on a corner (I won’t play “Wonderwall.” I promise). If you like the tune, or in this case, toon, throw a buck into the tip jar. It’ll help me play another song, draw another toon, write another blog, make another video, and post another snarky post on social media. It’ll help keep me alive. You can also order a signed print for $40. And if you don’t like the PayPal option, you can snail mail it to my P.O. Box.

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New Book: Tales From the Trumpster Fire

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5 thoughts on “Y’all Qaeda

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  1. Reblogged this on It Is What It Is and commented:
    This is what Trump has brought to America … today is the only chance to correct this!! … “We’re all a little surprised it hasn’t been worse than this. The day’s not over yet. I expect the worst to happen between after all the votes are counted and the inauguration.”


  2. We’re phucked with our pants on. How in the hell could anyone unite this country? I dodn’t want to be united with the assholes that would run people off the road for a dumb, cheating worthjless guy like trump (notwithstanding thatI would have too little in common with any trump supporter). Trump has let the racist and super-ignorant genie out of the bottle. We’re not goin to be able to put it back anytime soon.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I had to unfriend a couple of Trumpers on Facebook on Saturday after the race was called. It was upsetting because they weren’t old high school classmates–They were people I see a lot (or at least, used to, in the Before times). I liked them, stuck up for them in other contexts. And here they were harassing me on Facebook with snarky comments.

    One had been doing this for the past year, ever since I started posting about immigrants in 2019.

    The other–Well, once he called one of my other friends “slime” on Facebook for supporting abortion rights. Then he dissed modern Goth literary/art (grrr). Then one day I posted the Benjamin Corey post which starts by tongue-in-cheeky comparing the Antichrist prophecies to Trump (and ends feeling “unsettled”). This person wrote, “My church teaches that the Catholic Church is the Antichrist/Whore of Babylon.” That was a red alert right there, because the churches that teach that tend to be the extremists of the fundies. I was fundie, and we didn’t say that.

    Well, yesterday I changed my cover photo to Love Trumps Hate. I come back a short time later and find a comment that says (paraphrasing), “If PERVERT love is what the Greek Orthodox Church teaches, then I’m glad I was never a part of it.”

    I’d been ignoring a lot of his comments lately; I wonder now what the other ones were like, if he could post this jaw-dropper. And there he was with the other guy on another post, exchanging things like “I’ll never accept Biden as my president” and “I agree” with each other. I’d had enough.

    I’d heard from people in different minority groups that my town has issues. Here it was right in front of me, which I didn’t see before because I mostly kept quiet on Facebook and in real life about politics/race/LGBTQ/etc. Kept my mouth shut at church and at club, and as a white person, people treated me fine. I start speaking up about minority groups, I start talking in opposition to Trump, and look what happens. People start unfriending me, I start unfriending others. I start to see the ugliness. The blinders of privilege are real.

    And these people are unapologetic about what they’re doing and saying. These two people are not blocked; have they messaged me with apologies, asked to restore friendship? Nope.


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