Burying The Numbers


As the coronavirus pandemic started to take form in the United States and there were only 15 known cases, Donald Trump assured us the numbers would start going down and soon we would be at zero cases. This was one of many lies from Donald Trump and his administration about the virus.

Today, Donald Trump is telling us that the only reason we have so many cases is that we have so much testing as if testing creates cases. He says we test more than any other nation. He tells us the virus is harmless to 99 percent of those who catch it. He says we have one of the “lowest mortality rates in the world.” Each of these claims is a lie.

Donald Trump has told over 20,000 lies since becoming president (sic) and even when it comes to public safety and mortality, he continues to lie. His niece, Mary Trump, the author of the new book “Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World’s Most Dangerous Man,” said her uncle is not able to solve the coronavirus. If Donald Trump can’t admit when he’s made mistakes or even accept scientific evidence and facts during a pandemic, then he’s not the man to solve the pandemic.

We are rapidly approaching 140,00 deaths from the coronavirus in the United States. Mary Trump picked the right title for her book. Donald Trump is the world’s most dangerous man.

Now, the White House is ordering hospitals to stop reporting key data about their patients to the Center for Disease Control and to instead feed it into a new system that will flow directly to the Health and Human Services Department, which oversees the CDC. This means the White House is engaging in a coverup of the death toll. They don’t want us to know the numbers. They’re going to be hidden away like Trump’s taxes and the results from his cognitive test.

For months, Republicans and conspiracy theorists have argued the death toll was inflated. Florida, where Governor Ron DeSantis is a Trump goon, has misreported data from the state.

Florida was warned not to skip safety steps to reopen and that they should wait, and when they did reopen, to do it in phases as New York did. Ron DeSantis scoffed, attacked the press for the reporting, and boasted about how his state was doing so well and conquered the pandemic. Then, he reopened his state. Disney World Reopened. Professional Wrestling was declared an essential service. The Republican National Committee was invited to Jacksonville. Ron DeSantis took an obnoxious victory lap. National Review published an article titled, “Where does Ron DeSantis go to get his apology?”. I hope DeSantis isn’t holding his breath.

Florida was late to shut down and early to reopen. Now, Florida has the worst outbreak of coronavirus in the country. It’s one of the worst in the world. Since the beginning of July, Covid19 cases in the state have gone up nearly 60 percent. Florida has 20 percent more cases than Arizona, 70 percent more cases than Texas, and more than double the cases of California. Florida has more new cases than Europe. In case you’re a Republican, Europe is a continent. The only continent we should have more cases than is Antarctica. Despite all this, DeSantis and Republicans want every school in the state to open. And DeSantis still hasn’t issued an order mandating face masks to be worn. Seriously, there are too many stupid people in charge of important shit in this country.

Then, DeSantis blamed the media claiming they never reported on the virus during the month of May. Yeah, I totally remember a month-long coronavirus news blackout. As a member of the press, I demand an apology from Ron DeSantis.

DeSantis is a Trump acolyte. During his campaign for governor, he ran commercials showing him teaching his children how to build racist walls. He was slow to reopen because Donald Trump downplayed the virus. He was quick to reopen because Donald Trump screamed for the nation to reopen (remember when it was going to go away in spring and we could reopen by Easter?). He wanted the GOP’s convention in his state, acting as though the state scheduled to host it, North Carolina, was overreacting. Even that wrestling thing where he made it an essential business, World Wrestling Entertainment is partly-owned by the chairperson of a Trump super-PAC and former cabinet member, Linda McMahon (and huge donor to the Trump bogus charity).

DeSantis is on board with Donald Trump lying about the virus. Their lies about how bad it isn’t are just as bad as their lies to cover it up. Trump says we have the lowest mortality rate in the world when we have the 7th highest. In case you’re a Republican, there are more than seven countries on the planet and they’re all laughing at us. In fact, 120 more countries have lower mortality rates than we do. So where does Trump get off stating a lie that big? As we’ve learned over the past four years, it doesn’t matter what Trump lies about, his supporters will repeat it.

We don’t have the lowest mortality rate. We don’t have the most testing. And we haven’t had the best leaders. It was reported yesterday that Trump banned flights from Europe too late. It was too late for New York. When Trump first banned flights from China, he only banned travel for Chinese. If it was trade or passengers were American, then they could come on in as if the virus was as racist as Trump is. The virus doesn’t care who has a passport. A lot of people have forgotten about this, but when he initially banned travel from Europe, he excluded nations that had…wait for it…Trump resorts. Seriously, he was willing to let people die over his fucking pocketbook.

Now, the CDC is delaying a release on guidance for reopening schools and the White House sat on a report stating 18 states are in a coronavirus “red zone,” and recommends counties in the red zone to revert to more stringent pandemic measures like closing bars and gyms, limiting social gatherings to 10 people or fewer and requiring masks “at all times outside the home.”

After actions like that, the coronavirus deserves the title “Trump Virus.” Donald Trump has single-handedly made this virus worse. Donald Trump’s response, and lack of, has cost lives. Now he’s trying to hide deaths from the virus. When you have to lie about the numbers, you know you’ve done a lousy job. Donald Trump is the world’s most dangerous man.

DeSantis wants an apology from the media? The entire world is owed an apology from DeSantis, Donald Trump, and everyone who has ever supported these people.

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23 thoughts on “Burying The Numbers

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  1. 1) I’m SO GLAD we moved to Florida in time to experience this clusterf*ck. But then, MOST THINGS we’ve had done here (roof replacement, home improvement projects, to name just two) have been clusterf*cks; I don’t know if the weather here makes people more stoopid, or what it is, but it’s not just the guv’mint, it’s EVERYone. Why do you think ‘Florida [Wo]Man’ is synonymous with doing stoopid things!?

    2) “Then, DeSantis blamed the media claiming they never reported on the virus during the month of May.”
    DeSantis claimed the media NEVER ASKED HIM about the virus during May . . . see video disproving that here:

    Liked by 2 people

    1. 3) Andrew Gillum could have done a better job of this from his rehab center than Ron DeSantis has done from his headquarters. As could Stacey Abrams have done a better job in Georgia than Brain Kemp has done (like, banning all counties’ mandatory mask orders).

      4) Do hospitals actually HAVE to follow what drumpf orders? He’s ordered schools to open; some/many are still saying NO! to that. Hospitals are privately-owned; some are even for-profit. They can send their data to HHS, but I’m hoping they STILL send their data to CDC.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Exactly my thoughts, over ride the orange faced fucknut in the WH #45 and send the numbers to both the CDC & the WH, that way if the president (sic) lies about the information to the public – such as he does, the CDC can reply with the truth and show the country the real numbers!

        Liked by 2 people

      2. Yeah, DeSantis has killed a lot of people in our state. He’s lucky this year isn’t an election year for his job.

        To my knowledge the CDC is still getting the data, just not directly from hospital networks anymore and it’s no longer public. :/

        Liked by 2 people

  2. Trump Virus. Perfect!
    Clay, this is pure genius. Trump wants his name on everything, and he’s undoubtedly responsible for it becoming an overriding concern in our lives. I move that we all start calling Covid-19 “The Trump Virus.” Maybe it could catch on in a viral (sic) way.
    And I agree with the other people commenting here: send the statistical information now directed to be buried in the White House basement to the CDC too. Someone will squirrel it away for safety. Or maybe to Johns Hopkins’ coronavirus resource center, which 1) doesn’t get its directives from that-SOB-in-the-White-House-or-his-imbecilic-henchmen and 2) would actually use the data to save lives.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. “ Donald Trump has told over 20,000 lies since becoming president (sic) and even when it comes to public safety and mortality, he continues to lie. ”

    “… and ESPECIALLY when it comes to public safety and mortality, he continues to lie. ”

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Reblogged this on It Is What It Is and commented:
    I live in Flori-duh, I know … “the coronavirus deserves the title “Trump Virus.” Trump has single-handedly made this virus worse. Trump’s response, and lack of, has cost lives. Now he’s trying to hide deaths from the virus. When you have to lie about the numbers, you know you’ve done a lousy job. Trump is the world’s most dangerous man. DeSantis wants an apology from the media? The entire world is owed an apology from DeSantis, Trump, and everyone who has ever supported these people.”

    Liked by 2 people

      1. I agree, but I didn’t make the sign. Wish I could get one, tho – I’d put it up right by my BIDEN 2020 yard sign, in the middle of Trump County, FL (Palm Harbor).

        Liked by 2 people

      2. “I’d put it up right by my BIDEN 2020 yard sign, in the middle of Trump County, FL (Palm Harbor).”

        Florida is known for big swamps, but I would not have expected you to choose to live in one. 😉


      3. “. . . but I would not have expected you to choose to live in one.”

        We first moved here, due to strange circumstances, BEFORE ‘clean the swamp’ was uttered by drumpf. In fact, In February 2015, he was nothing more than a fool with eyebrows that made up for going bald. Yes, I realized that Rick Scott was a nasty piece o’ work, but we’d been living in of a state that went from LaFollette to Scott Walker.

        This move was made with good intentions (‘No good deed goes unpunished’); BIL had colon cancer, was in depression and financially underwater with his mortgage; I’d inherited a great deal of $$ from my father, who was not a nice person, so I thought – to improve the karma of this $$ – to buy my BIL’s house so he and his wife would be free of that worry. Little did we know what would ensue.

        Let’s face it, tho . . . Wisconsin (who finally elected a Democratic governor, but with a Rethuglican senate) hasn’t been much better. The Rethuglicans went to the state supreme court to stymie Governor Evers’ stay-at-home order, and the result is much the same as DeSantis not issuing any directives in the first place.

        And I’d rather stay at home in a large house, with a pool and good weather, than in a smaller house in cold, rainy dismal weather, which would’ve been the case if we had remained in what has been my state for over 60 years.

        Liked by 1 person

      4. I am sorry about your Brother In Law, and I am sorry for dredging up unhappy memories.

        Be well.
        Stay safe.
        Vote Blue in November. (Of course, I don’t really need to tell you that. 😉)


      5. “I am sorry about your Brother In Law, and I am sorry for dredging up unhappy memories. ”

        Oh, no worries. My BIL survived his cancer and his depression was GREATLY relieved by selling the house and moving to a manageable condo. Now Hubby and his brother visit regularly and have bonded, which is always a nice thing.

        No unhappy memories were dredged up 😉

        As for crowds protesting my BIDEN 2020 sign (and my soon-to-be-put-up “You said you would rather die than vote for Hillary Clinton. Well, here we are” sign) . . . I’ve been pleasantly surprised. I had Gillum for governor/Nelson for Senator signs up in 2018, with no issues. I DO attach a sign I’ve made stating, “IF YOU STEAL THIS SIGN, WE’LL BUY ANOTHER, WITH A DONATION TO MR. BIDEN’S CAMPAIGN FUND.
        THINK ABOUT IT!” I did the same to the Gillum sign, and I think perhaps that helped to secure it.

        We already have TWO drumpf 2020 signs in the subdivision, so I’m outnumbered at the moment. Ironically, one is a flag that is invisible unless the wind is blowing (AND this person flies the Confederate battle flag; I wonder how the black man with the white wife who live across the street from him feel about this (I raised the issue with our neighborhood folks, but was thoroughly thrashed for doing so; freedom of expression and all that. A few days later, the confederate flag was replaced by one that stated ‘You cannot censor me’. Well, yah – I just did, didn’t I, ’cause you REMOVED THE FRIGGIN’ CONFEDERATE FLAG!) ; the other is INSIDE a house, in a second-story window. I only saw it ’cause I had stopped my car to watch some wild turkeys (appropriately enough) in the yard next to that house. MY sign is blatantly on a corner lot. I’m not shy about my beliefs!!

        Hubby and I DO have CCW permits. I know we have a gun or two, but Hubby has them hidden away, so I doubt they’d do any good. WHY he has one, I’ve no idea. I don’t think there’s any ammunition, either. And the way things go, the CROWN would be the ones with guns (rethuglicans), not us (liberal progressives; dems by default).

        Liked by 1 person

      6. “ I only saw it ’cause I had stopped my car to watch some wild turkeys (appropriately enough) in the yard next to that house.”

        Florida has bottles of whiskey just hanging around people’s yards???!!!

        That explains a lot. 😉


  5. I DID find the sign, altho without Morticia (I s’pose someone had it made privately, rather than it being available for purchase), so I will buy it and put it out. Let’s see how long before it’s stolen. Just enter ‘you would rather die than vote’ in the shopping google and you’ll find it.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. PS: Shortly after moving to a better neighborhood, albeit in the same city/county, I found that the voter registration database for the state of FL was available to the public, so I perused my entire subdivision; I found that Hubby and I are in the distinct minority. I’m just an aging hippie who has remained true to the beliefs of her youth.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. “I found that Hubby and I are in the distinct minority.”

      When your neighbors start gathering in front of your house to protest your yard signs, I hope that you won’t need to stand barefoot in the grass in your front yard with your AR-15 to protect yourself. 😉
      That appears to be Standard Operating Procedure in Florida. 😉


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