The Woman Card


Despite rarely using a teleprompter Donald Trump usually sticks to an unvaried script which is full of lies. Mexicans, wall, Lyin’ Ted, make America great again, huge, blah, blah, blah. Even with the same routine you never know what Trump’s going to pull out next. He was on a roll Monday calling Cruz a “pain in the ass” and insulting Kasich for the style in which he chooses to eat pancakes. I was in hysterics.

During his victory speech Tuesday night he said the only reason Hillary Clinton was doing so well is because she’s a woman and that she plays the woman card. I would totally put my money on that woman kicking Trump’s ass, figuratively and literally. She’s a lot tougher than Trump. Let’s see Donald sit through twelve hours of b.s. questions from a partisan senate panel. With that in mind it’s really bizarre that Trump says Clinton won’t make a good president because she doesn’t have “the strength and stamina.”

Trump also states that he’s doing great with women and he’ll get their vote, and women don’t like Clinton. That’s a bigger lie than Trump Steaks. This guy also believes he’ll win New York. Dude, you didn’t win Manhattan, where you live. You lost your neighborhood to John Kasich, you know him. Mr. One in 41.

I wonder if there’s an alternate universe where there is a normal Trump and we got stuck with the Bizarro version.

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4 thoughts on “The Woman Card

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  1. This piece has the lowest rating of any of your recent toons, can anyone explain why? I love it and your corresponding narrative. I have no idea where this HIllary/Trump thing will end. But this circus of an election year campaigns will continue to amaze me, especially when no/low/information Trump supporters all gang up, to talk about nothing, and threaten to attack anyone who doesn’t support him. Him or Cruz as President? I’m seriously going to Panama.

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