Live And Let Trump

With the state facing life-threatening weather conditions before the caucuses, Donald Trump told his supporters that it would be "worth it" if they died while voting for him. At a rally, Trump said, "You can’t sit home. If you’re sick as a dog, you say, ‘Darling, I gotta make it.' Even if you vote and... Continue Reading →

Carly FoisTED

Didn't Ted Cruz lose FIVE primaries Tuesday night? So why in the blue blazes of Hell is he picking a running mate? He referred to her as his "nominee." I'm not sure she can be a nominee until he's a nominee. But hey, I'm looking for logic where there isn't any. Cruz announcing his veep... Continue Reading →

The Woman Card

Despite rarely using a teleprompter Donald Trump usually sticks to an unvaried script which is full of lies. Mexicans, wall, Lyin' Ted, make America great again, huge, blah, blah, blah. Even with the same routine you never know what Trump's going to pull out next. He was on a roll Monday calling Cruz a "pain... Continue Reading →

A Republican Crying Game

There's a lot of skin-crawling icky things out there you don't want to touch. Slugs, boogers, backwash, shoulder hair, Kardashians, Ted Cruz. Nobody likes Ted Cruz. People who went to college with Ted didn't like him. Bob Dole, Lindsey Graham, John McCain, John Boehner, Peter King, George W. Bush, any normal sensible person in general,... Continue Reading →

The Incredible Shrinking Rubio

You're not going to get much of a column today. I have a tiny cold and it's really hard to care about much when you feel like giant rat turds. At one point I actually drooled on the drawing paper for this cartoon. As bad as I feel I'm sure Marco Rubio feels worse. Marco... Continue Reading →

Your Mama

Donald Trump's penchant for being vulgar and slinging very uncreative personal insults is one of the reasons many believe he isn't presidential. To take him down Marco Rubio has decided he too does not have to present himself in a presidential manner. After saying he didn't want to attack his fellow Republican candidates Rubio has made... Continue Reading →

Poorly Educated

The Republican party has been cultivating a base of poorly informed supporters for years. It increased drastically after Obama was elected president. This is the party that gave rise to the Tea Party, the slogan "I want my country back," and birtherism. Republicans dumbed down and appealed to stupid, hateful people. Along comes Donald Trump... Continue Reading →

Good Bye, Jeb

I spent Saturday knowing Jeb Bush would drop out of the campaign later in the evening and I was still considering taking the night off. I thought about putting a Jeb cartoon off until Sunday (published Monday morning). What happened was I ended up drawing two cartoons. I had an idea I was OK with... Continue Reading →

Loyalty Pledges Are For Losers

In the past when Democrats controlled Southern states, Republicans were against party identification. One reason being that if you were a Republican then you didn't want anyone to know. Damn liberal Republicans. People would start looking at you funny. Today a lot of Republicans like the idea of requiring voters to identify with a party.... Continue Reading →

Candidate Oops

By the way, if you can't name the three branches of government you probably shouldn't complain about immigrants anymore....or really talk about anything political. I had a couple of other Perry ideas last night. I didn't like them enough and then I stumbled upon my Jim Bob cartoon (posted yesterday), so I drew that. I... Continue Reading →

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