Tim Kaine

Just in case Tim Kaine becomes a household word tomorrow, here's a caricature. When all the other political cartoonists in America start drawing Tim Kaine they can all look to me. I'm old school drawing Tim Kaine. I was introduced to Tim Kaine and his eyebrow in 2001. He was mayor of Richmond and was... Continue Reading →

Jumping For Bernie

I do like drawing the Bernie shirt. It's just really cool and funky, like Bernie's hair. Bernie Sanders finally endorsed Hillary Clinton today. Many were delighted and many others cursed the sky. The majority of Bernie's supporters will vote for Hillary, even if they don't like her. There are those who will never vote for... Continue Reading →

No Charges For Hillary

James Comey, director of the Federal Bureau of Investigations, announced on Tuesday his agency is recommending that charges should not be pressed against Hillary Clinton for using a personal server for her emails while she was Secretary of State. Immediately Republicans freaked out. Trump accused the system of being fixed and Attorney General Loretta Lynch of... Continue Reading →

Night Of The Comet

In the 1980's one movie so bad that is was almost good was Night Of The Comet. It's about a comet wiping out the entire planet except for two teenage girls. Mutant cannibals and other survivors with nefarious intentions show up while the girls and a guy they meet run wild shopping in Los Angeles.... Continue Reading →

Hillary Gets A Head

The Associated Press reported Monday evening that Hillary Clinton has secured enough delegates to win the Democratic Party's nomination. This has seriously burned the Berners. Clinton now becomes the first female to win the nomination of a major American political party. That might have been the direction I should have gone in but who can... Continue Reading →

America The Beer

Budweiser is renaming their flagship product "America." It is to commemorate the summer, the Olympics, the elections, and all those drunk, patriotic idiots in bars who scream "Murica!". This means if you don't drink that swill Budweiser sells then you hate America. If you're a recovering alcoholic and you've stayed off the wagon (or is... Continue Reading →


Just in case anyone doesn't believe Donald Trump is a truly horrible, hideous, impersonation of a human being, he's taken to blaming Hillary Clinton for her husband's infidelity. At a rally Trump accused Hillary Clinton of trying to “destroy the lives” of her husband’s accusers. “She was an unbelievably nasty, mean enabler, and what she did... Continue Reading →

The Woman Card

Despite rarely using a teleprompter Donald Trump usually sticks to an unvaried script which is full of lies. Mexicans, wall, Lyin' Ted, make America great again, huge, blah, blah, blah. Even with the same routine you never know what Trump's going to pull out next. He was on a roll Monday calling Cruz a "pain... Continue Reading →

Jilted Democrats

I'm going to be accused, again, of being in Hillary Clinton's camp. I'm not. In fact, there was a time I couldn't stand her. That was back in the 1990s and to be honest, she wasn't the only one who changed. I like Hillary Clinton. I like Bernie Sanders too. I love there is a... Continue Reading →

Stupid People Time

There's one really good rule for white people when it comes to telling a joke about black people. Don't. Since this particular example is from a "black" joke, let's not overlook that it's probably not cool to ever make jokes about any race. Hey, while you're at it how about cutting it out with the... Continue Reading →

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