Trump, The Republican Nominee

Ted Cruz had a bad week. He was chewed out by a ten-year-old, lost a debate with hecklers, was accused of being the Zodiac Killer, his father was accused of killing JFK, he elbowed his wife in the face, his veep selection fell off a stage, and he lost the Republican nomination to an Oompa... Continue Reading →

The Woman Card

Despite rarely using a teleprompter Donald Trump usually sticks to an unvaried script which is full of lies. Mexicans, wall, Lyin' Ted, make America great again, huge, blah, blah, blah. Even with the same routine you never know what Trump's going to pull out next. He was on a roll Monday calling Cruz a "pain... Continue Reading →

Hasta La Vista, Marco

Marco Rubio has dropped out of the presidential race and it's a tragedy that makes me very sad. I was just starting to enjoy drawing the religious zealot. The only candidate left promising to rule us all by the hand of God now is Ted Cruz. Did I just get a chill? Rubio lost in... Continue Reading →

The Incredible Shrinking Rubio

You're not going to get much of a column today. I have a tiny cold and it's really hard to care about much when you feel like giant rat turds. At one point I actually drooled on the drawing paper for this cartoon. As bad as I feel I'm sure Marco Rubio feels worse. Marco... Continue Reading →

Poorly Educated

The Republican party has been cultivating a base of poorly informed supporters for years. It increased drastically after Obama was elected president. This is the party that gave rise to the Tea Party, the slogan "I want my country back," and birtherism. Republicans dumbed down and appealed to stupid, hateful people. Along comes Donald Trump... Continue Reading →

Good Bye, Jeb

I spent Saturday knowing Jeb Bush would drop out of the campaign later in the evening and I was still considering taking the night off. I thought about putting a Jeb cartoon off until Sunday (published Monday morning). What happened was I ended up drawing two cartoons. I had an idea I was OK with... Continue Reading →

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