Hater Waiver


Against the advice of health officials, the city of Tulsa, and a lot of people who are a lot smarter than he is, Donald Trump is proceeding with his hate rally in Oklahoma, now scheduled for June 20 after caving in to pressure not to display his racism by having it on Juneteenth.

Donald Trump is being advised not to host this rally because the coronavirus pandemic isn’t over yet. Seriously, we should not host political rallies until Waffle House is allowing people to sit at the bar to order their covereds and smothereds. They’re not doing that yet, are they?

The Trump campaign says they’re hosting this hater rally in Oklahoma because the numbers are going down in that state…but they’re not. Donald Trump continues to deny the pandemic is as bad as it really is. It’s a pandemic he initially called a “Democratic hoax.” He refuses to wear a mask and sends out a message to his followers, masks are not required, which has made many of them believe masks are a form of government control (drink more Ovaltine). He wants his rallies packed to the roofs and his campaign claims (haha) that over 300,000 people have requested tickets for Tulsa’s venue which seats 19,000 (I signed up yesterday for two tickets, and I got them. They’re still giving out tickets. No. I’m not going to Tulsa).

And despite scoffing at the danger of the coronavirus, the campaign is taking the legality of it seriously. If you’re one of the 300,000 (HAHAHAHAHA) Trump supporters planning to attend his first hate rally since the pandemic started, Donald Trump wants you to sign a waiver. This waiver frees him of liability in case while attending his hate rally, you catch…wait for it…the coronavirus.

Asking Trump supporters to sign a waiver freeing Donald Trump of liability in case they catch a virus he’s claiming they’re not in danger of catching is unethical, hypocritical, and just a downright shitty thing to do. What an asshole. And yet, I don’t blame him.

Why don’t I blame him for this? I’m going to tell you.

Trump supporters have to overlook a lot. They have to be hypocrites. They have to defend “law and order” and “patriotism” while their dude is a treasonous criminal. They have to believe Donald Trump supports the military while he disparages Gold Star families and P.O.W.s. They have to believe the guy is smart even though he thinks if we stop testing for coronavirus, then nobody will catch it. And maybe that’s what you should do if you feel a little sickish after attending his hate rally. Don’t take a test. You’ll be fine.

A family member of mine, who is a Trump supporter, accused me of doing nothing but drawing cartoons that are hateful and divisive…while he supports Donald Trump who calls peaceful protesters “terrorists” and journalists the “enemy of the American people.”

If you’re a Trump supporter, you have to overlook he’s not a good businessman who has bankrupted casinos, an industry where your customers budget how much money they’re going to lose to you for nothing in return. They have to overlook he’s a grifter who steals from charity. They have to overlook he wants to hump his daughter. They have to overlook he has five children from three wives.

Donald Trump supporters have to overlook he’s stupid and nothing more than a reality TV show host. They have to be fine that he brags about committing sexual assault and pays off Playmates and pornstars through dummy corporations. They have to be cool that while he demands their loyalty, he returns none. They have to overlook his hair.

Trump supporters have to overlook he loves dictators, most especially Vladimir Putin. Right now, they’re overlooking the fact he hasn’t condemned Putin or issued a statement on Russia sentencing an American to prison for 16 years after a sham trial. They have to overlook that Donald Trump does not defend our country.

In addition to all that, you have to overlook that Donald Trump played down the coronavirus which led to over 100,000 deaths and over 40 million lost jobs. Unfortunately for Donald Trump, none of those people signed a waiver.

To support Donald Trump, you have to ignore he’s a liar who’s told over 16,000 lies.

If you support Donald Trump, you have sacrificed dignity, integrity, ethics, morals, principles, sanity, empathy, honesty, sense of fairness, and the ability to be reasonable. You have to be a crazy asshole who applauds and laughs at cruelty.

So, I don’t blame Donald Trump in wanting you, despite your sycophantic and cultist loyalty, to sign a waiver because in supporting Donald Trump, you have all the qualities of an untrustworthy asshole.

Just be sure to make the “X” large enough to be legible.

Tip Jar: This pandemic is hitting everyone, including your favorite goofy cartoonist. I have lost clients and I’m afraid I might lose more. The PayPal button has always been included here for those who can and want to voluntarily support what I do. I understand this time is hard on everyone. If you can’t, don’t contribute. Take care of yourself and your family first.

But, all and any help is greatly appreciated and it helps keep me going. Think of me like a street performing busking out tunes on a corner (I won’t play “Wonderwall.” I promise). If you like the tune, or in this case, toon, throw a buck into the tip jar. It’ll help me play another song, draw another toon, write another blog, make another video, and post another snarky post on social media. It’ll help keep me alive. You can also order a signed print for $40. And if you don’t like the PayPal option, you can snail mail it to my P.O. Box. 

You can purchase a signed print of this cartoon.

New Book: Tales From the Trumpster Fire

Watch me draw.

11 thoughts on “Hater Waiver

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  1. I love your work!! I call you ‘my serious blogger friend with a funny bone’. I frequently share your posts on my ‘spot’. For some reason, I’m not able to reblog this morning … that makes me sad!
    😦 … I’ll try to find a way!! … have a great day!!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Reblogged this on It Is What It Is and commented:
    Ah!! Got it … “If you support Trump, you have sacrificed dignity, integrity, ethics, morals, principles, sanity, empathy, honesty, sense of fairness, and the ability to be reasonable. You have to be a crazy asshole who applauds and laughs at cruelty.” … and there’s no sympathy from me to any of you!! … Enter at your own risk!!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Just as perceptive as usual, Clay. Bless you with perseverance, good health, enough sleep, and safety. 🌈🦋🦜

    Sent from my iPhone


    Liked by 2 people

  4. “(I signed up yesterday for two tickets, and I got them. They’re still giving out tickets. No. I’m not going to Tulsa).”

    Can you send me one of those tickets? I’m training a dog to travel there on his own. He wants to go there to Hear The Dog Whistles Live And In Person. He’s looking forward to it. (Please don’t report me to the ASPCA… he really does want to go.)

    Wait… what?… you’re asking me
    “Is It My Dog?”

    “It’s A Dog.”

    Liked by 1 person

      1. It’s too bad tickets are limited to two apiece, per mobile phone. Otherwise, I could’ve brought all four of my dogs (I already ordered my two tickets); none of them has her own mobile phone.

        Liked by 1 person

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