A Republican Plot


A lot of people speculated during Nancy Reagan’s funeral yesterday that Ronald Reagan’s Republican party has died along with her. I’m sorry but I believe that party died seven years ago, at least.

When this country elected Barack Obama to the presidency it proved just how good this nation can be. The Republican Party took the same opportunity to prove just how awful it could be.

The GOP reacted to the very first black American becoming president that they questioned his eligibility. They concocted conspiracy theories to prove he was born in Kenya. They questioned his religion. They accuse him of apologizing for America’s exceptionalism. They swear he’s siding with those who wish to harm America. They say he’s destroying the Constitution. They swore not to cooperate with him on any bills and for once, they kept a promise. They swore to make him a one-term president, and that’s a promise they didn’t keep. They created the Tea Party. They gave us Sarah Palin. They gave us Ted Cruz. They gave us Donald Trump. They gave us Ted Nugent.

After seven years of Obama’s presidency 43% of Republicans believe he is a Muslim. A recent CNN poll finds that 61% of Donald Trump’s supporters believe the president was born outside the United States. That’s not just being stupid. That’s choosing stupidity.

You look at what the GOP has done over the last seven years. The lack of cooperation. The shutting down of the government over spending that was already authorized. You can find all sorts of things to criticize Reagan over but you can’t say he didn’t cooperate, negotiate, deal and find common ground with his opposition. When we elect Republicans and Democrats, we put them to work to do the same job. All they have done for their salary over the past seven years is scream and try to make things worse. They have tried to hurt this nation in order to embarrass and destroy one man in a political manner. That’s not patriotism. It’s not being a loyal American.

It’s not even being a loyal Republican.

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6 thoughts on “A Republican Plot

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  1. I say to myself all the time … “I can’t imagine how stupid people are to be enthralled by the Republican Party and all their BS.”
    I could wax poetic on that subject forever – but you do that for me, Clay. Thanks.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Trump IS a disgrace to the GOP. I agree and will not vote for him, neither will I Hilary. Everything else you wrote is bunk! Obama is not an African American. His father believes in Communism. Obama was raised in Indonesia. White mother from Kansas, father from Kenya. Obama is biracial. He wants a third term and has plans to get it, which Martial Law will give him power to override the Constitution. Martial Law, citizens lose all their rights. Closed Walmarts have become FEMA-camps, i.e. prison. They will confiscate our guns. Obama said he will protect His Muslim faith. Bows to Iranian President. No leader from any country bows to another leader. He has snubbed Israel, which Christian faith strongly says if you turn your back on Israel, you will fall. Obama is NOT who he appears to be. He is changing the course of America, Obamacare will be force upon us, along with pg. 1004, the mandatory inplanted chip in right hand or forehead. Revelations simply reads that this implant is the mark of the beast. Do not accept it. You better pray Obama doesn’t suspend the election, by doing so all freedom is lost in America. It will be run by the military. It’s time to pray. The New World Order is upon us. PF wants a One World Religion, One Word Government. Please pray he leaves office, or we are doomed.


  3. Trump IS a disgrace to the GOP. I agree and will not vote for him, neither will I Hilary. Everything else you wrote is bunk! Obama is not an African American. His father believes in Communism. Obama was raised in Indonesia. White mother from Kansas, father from Kenya. Obama is biracial. He wants a third term and has plans to get it, which Martial Law will give him power to override the Constitution. Martial Law, citizens lose all their rights. Closed Walmarts have become FEMA-camps, i.e. prison. They will confiscate our guns. Obama said he will protect His Muslim faith. Bows to Iranian President. No leader from any country bows to another leader. He has snubbed Israel, which Christian faith strongly says if you turn your back on Israel, you will fall. Obama is NOT who he appears to be. He is changing the course of America, Obamacare will be force upon us, along with pg. 1004, the mandatory inplanted chip in right hand or forehead. Revelations simply reads that this implant is the mark of the beast. Do not accept it. You better pray Obama doesn’t suspend the election, by doing so all freedom is lost in America. It will be run by the military. It’s time to pray. The New World Order is upon us. PF wants a One World Religion, One Word Government. Please pray he leaves office, or we are doomed. God bless America!


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