Lurkin’ For Youngkin


I suspect Republican Virginia gubernatorial candidate Glenn Youngkin’s internal polling isn’t as exciting as he’s making it out to be. I get that impression from him encouraging his goons to stalk votings precincts and harass the volunteers who work the polls.

Do you know how much corruption, chicanery, and irregularities were in Virginia’s 2020 presidential election? Zero. Without saying he believes the 2020 presidential election was fraudulent, Youngkin is giving support to the Big Lie with this shout-out to harass election workers. He’s questioning the security and ethics of Virginia’s election. He’s casting doubt on democracy.

This shouldn’t be a surprise as Youngkin is already defending stupid parents who intimidate and threaten school board members, teachers, and other educators. He’s giving support to parents who want to conduct book burnings like the Nazis they aspire to be.

The Youngkin campaign is currently running a commercial with a parent talking about how a nasty book was forced upon her child in public school, and Terry McAuliffe, who was governor at that time, wouldn’t stop it. Boohoo hoo hoo! How dare Terry McAuliffe force this terrible rotten book, probably full of bestiality, incest, and jaywalkers upon her sweet little baby boy who was in the 12th grade….wait. What? The poor little baby was a senior in high school? He was in an advanced reading class? Today, he works for the Republican Party? But hey, I’m sure that was an extremely nasty book..what’s that? It was Beloved, a Nobel Prize-winning novel? So basically, the Youngkin campaign is making a bunch of nothing out of nothing.

Youngkin is also telling lies that McAuliffe had President Biden sic Attorney General Merrick Garland and the FBI on “concerned” parents for expressing their viewpoints to school boards about vaccine mandates, face masks, and Critical Race Theory. Right-wing goon parents haven’t been this up-in-arms with public schools since Michelle Obama tried to force their kids to eat broccoli.

I’m sorry, but no. It’s Republican governors who send police to bang on political opponents’ doors and frogmarch them from their homes in front of their children. At least that’s what Ron DeSantis does.

When Youngkin is telling this lie, he doesn’t mention the “concerned” parents are issuing death threats. He’s defending potential terrorists. As governor, will he ignore threats to our educators?

Youngkin also doesn’t want to mention abortion. But, I’m sure he’ll talk about it a lot after he wins. I’m sure he’ll work hard to ban it in the state and try to turn us into Texas but with better food choices.

Youngkin also doesn’t want to talk about Donald Trump even though Trump wants to talk about Youngkin. Trump wants to come to Virginia and campaign for Youngkin. But, Youngkin knows better and he doesn’t want any visible ties to Donald Trump. Funny thing, Larry Elder in California also didn’t have Trump campaign for him.

In fact, there haven’t been any Trumps in Virginia campaigning for Youngkin. Youngkin has attacked the McAuliffe campaign for having people like President Biden and President Obama campaign for him, criticizing McAuliffe for not being able to campaign by himself. But remember, Youngkin had white nationalist fascist Steve Bannon in the state campaigning for him. You remember that, don’t you? It was the event where they all pledged to a flag at the January white nationalist Trump insurrection.

Youngkin also isn’t talking about Charlottesville or the Nazis that marched there and murdered Heather Heyer. Donald Trump talked about them and said there were “very fine people” on both sides at that tragedy. Glenn Youngkin said he was “honored” to receive the endorsement from the guy who said there were “very fine people” marching with Nazis chanting “Jews will not replace us.”

Do you know who marches with Nazis? Nazis. Do you know who Nazis in Virginia will be voting for this Tuesday? They’ll be voting for Glenn Youngkin.

Please, Virginians. Don’t let the guy supported by Trump, white nationalists, and Nazis become governor of Virginia. We cannot allow a Trump cultist MAGAt to be the highest elected official in our state. Did you see how Donald Trump erased the progress this nation made under President Obama? Glenn Youngkin is planning to do that to Virginia. Hell, Ken Cuccinelli might even move back here if Youngkin wins. If Youngkin wins in Virginia, they’re going to take this MAGAt enthusiasm nationally in 2022.

Vote. Don’t let Youngkin Trump Virginia.

Signed prints: The signed prints are just $40.00 each. Every cartoon on this site is available. You can pay through PayPal. If you don’t like PayPal, you can snail mail it to Clay Jones, P.O. Box 3721, Fredericksburg, VA 22402. I can mail the prints directly to you or if you’re purchasing as a gift, directly to the person you’re gifting.

Notes on my book, Tales From The Trumpster Fire: There are ZERO copies of my book in stock, which go for $45.00 each, signed. A new shipment will arrive in early November. Also, I have copies of my first book from 1997, Knee-Deep in Mississippi available for $20.00.

Tip Jar: if you want to support the cartoonist, please send a donation through PayPal to You can also snail it to P.O. Box 3721, Fredericksburg, VA 22402.

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5 thoughts on “Lurkin’ For Youngkin

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  1. Here’s hoping there are more intelligent voters in Virginia than cultist voters. Or maybe it is time to create some Democratic cults. Do cultists really have any idea of what they are voting for? I highly doubt it.


  2. Clay, recognizing McAuliffe is not perfect, anyone who is supported by people who are condoning and rationalizing the untruthfulness of the former president like Youngkin does not have much veracity. Sadly 60% of Republicans believe that the former president was cheated and should be reinstated. This is what happens when elected officials do not have the spine to speak out against the overt lying and seditious actions of the former president and his cohorts. Tucker Carlson is supporting a documentary that calls the January 6 insurrection a false flag operation to discredit Republicans. Republicans are being discredited but the blame falls squarely on the shoulders of the former president and his sycophants. This is beyond the white washing that has been occurring which I find highly offensive as an independent and former Republican voter. I also find offensive that too many elected officials are not wanting to get to the bottom of what happened on this heinous day. And, if true, The Rolling Stone is reporting that seven Republican leaders had a hand in the insurrection. Keith


  3. Reblogged this on It Is What It Is and commented:
    PLEASE!! … :Please, Virginians. Don’t let the guy supported by Trump, white nationalists, and Nazis become governor of Virginia. We cannot allow a Trump cultist MAGAt to be the highest elected official in our state. Did you see how Donald Trump erased the progress this nation made under President Obama? Glenn Youngkin is planning to do that to Virginia. Hell, Ken Cuccinelli might even move back here if Youngkin wins. If Youngkin wins in Virginia, they’re going to take this MAGAt enthusiasm nationally in 2022.”


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