Nashville School Shooting

Three students and three school staffers were murdered today in another American mass shooting, this time in Nashville, Tennessee. According to the Gun Violence Archive, this is the 129th mass shooting in the United States this year. That’s 129 mass shootings in the past three months, and we still have four more days before this month is over. Hell, the day’s not over. For one person at the scene, it was her second time witnessing a mass shooting. Only in the United States can a person be a witness to two mass shootings.

And this happened in Tennessee where out of “concern” for child safety, the Republican-controlled state legislature just banned public drag shows. Last year, they banned Critical Race Theory even though it didn’t exist in any schools in the state.

There have been no mass murders in schools or anywhere else in this nation by drag queens or Critical Race Theory. But school shootings happen. They happen a lot. So why is it so easy to ban drag shows and a black history course that doesn’t exist yet we can’t talk about gun control? Why can’t we talk about a ban on assault weapons?

Republicans became very comfortable with kids being murdered by assault rifles several years ago. Guns are more important to them than the lives of our children. So is homophobia and racism which is why they’re so eager to act against drag queens and black history which multiple states are now banning.

And the thing is, I’ve already written this blog. I’ve already drawn this cartoon. And I’m going to write it again and I’m going to draw it again. I’m tired of drawing dead bodies. And, a lot of Republicans are going to tell me “too soon” with this cartoon.

Within minutes of posting this cartoon on Twitter, a goon tweeted a meme at me about Nazis and gun bans. It’s “too soon” for me to talk about gun control on the day of a school shooting, but the goons can go ahead and lie about Nazis and gun bans.

So if the day of a mass shooting is “too soon,” when does “too soon” expire? When can I talk about gun control after a mass shooting? With 129 within three months, it better be a short window. There have been more mass shootings than days which would mean we can never talk about it.

Mass shootings have become a Republican industry.

Signed prints: The signed prints are just $40.00 each. Every cartoon on this site is available. You can pay through PayPal. If you don’t like PayPal, you can snail mail it to Clay Jones, P.O. Box 3721, Fredericksburg, VA 22402. I can mail the prints directly to you or if you’re purchasing as a gift, directly to the person you’re gifting.

Notes on my book, Tales From The Trumpster Fire: There are 19 copies of my book in stock, which go for $45.00 each, signed. Also, I have copies of my first book from 1997, Knee-Deep in Mississippi available for $20.00.

Tip Jar: if you want to support the cartoonist, please send a donation through PayPal to You can also snail it to P.O. Box 3721, Fredericksburg, VA 22402.

Watch me draw:

19 thoughts on “Nashville School Shooting

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  1. This makes me furious. A majority of Americans want sensible gun control laws, but a minority of lawmakers, beholden to the gun industry, keep it from happening in the name of “freedom”.

    I would just point out that the Declaration of Independence mentioned the right to “Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness” long before the 2nd Amendment was ratified, which has been totally distorted by the conservative Supreme Court to allow individuals to own everything short of machine guns (and you can simulate those with “bump stocks”.

    Liked by 5 people

  2. The social irony with these latest murderts maybe that the kiilings were at a “Christian” school. Many of these were set up during the era of white flight after the Brown v Bd of Ed. integration decision. I do not know if that is the case with this particular school where people needlessly died. But coinsidering who is affliating themnselves with whom it makes me wonder if there was a certain level of arrogant it won’t touch us here at play here. I certainly hope that is not the case. If it is it might be eye opening. But as I am trying top say i hope not but I cannot help reflecting on it.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. I’m curious about that. Yes, of these schools were created so white kids wouldn’t have to go to school with black kids. I went to one of these schools in Georgia in the early 80s. It sucked. I bet the demographics of Covenant is at least 97 percent white.

      Liked by 3 people

  3. Sad but not surprised, Democrat’s can yell at the top of their lungs, all going to fall on deaf dumb ears of the GOP and people of that party who can’t change their voice for gun control. When the GOP party start loosing their kids to shootings, maybe, just maybe they will speak up. Keep doing what your doing Clay, if you can change one mind, it might catch on. Cheers

    Liked by 3 people

  4. Reblogged this on It Is What It Is and commented:
    I have no words!! … “Three students and three school staffers were murdered today in another American mass shooting, this time in Nashville, Tennessee. According to the Gun Violence Archive, this is the 129th mass shooting in the United States this year. That’s 129 mass shootings in the past three months, and we still have four more days before this month is over.”

    Liked by 3 people

  5. You’re absolutely right Clay😢
    What is with this total madness??!!
    The same culprits every time- NRA, gun manufacturers and the GOP. They have blood on their hands-
    They always pick on the “weak ” –
    Kids don’t stand a chance😞
    Weeping in TN

    Liked by 2 people

    1. You low life scum sucking worm.

      I offer you THOUGHTS and PRAYERS.
      I am THINKING about how The Almighty, or at least The Universe, will punish you in the most horrible and agonizing way, and I am PRAYING that you receive your punishment soon, and over a very long duration. 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬


  6. I have no confidence that the political system will do what’s necessary to stop tragedies like this from happening. I find hope in the scriptures showing the wicked will be removed so we can finally have peace.
    “Just a little while longer, and the wicked will be no more; You will look at where they were, And they will not be there. But the meek will possess the earth, And they will find exquisite delight in the abundance of peace.” (Psalms 37:10,11). May we all stay safe until that time.


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