Cognitive Trump


When Donald Trump revealed he took a cognitive test, his manner of describing it made you think he needs to take a cognitive test.

Donald Trump told Sean Hannity, “I actually took one when I — very recently, when I — when I was (this is where he seems to stop himself before revealing why he was rushed on a sudden unscheduled trip to the Walter Reed hospital last November) — the radical left were saying, is he all there? Is he all there? And I proved I was all there, because I got — I aced it. I aced the test.”

Then he said Joe Biden should take the same test while also boasting about how good he was at “acing” the test. He said, “He should take the same exact test, a very standard test. I took it at Walter Reed Medical Center in front of doctors, And they were very surprised. They said, that’s an unbelievable thing. Rarely does anybody do what you just did. But he should take that same test.”

Rarely does anybody reveal the shit they’re saying freaked people out enough to the point they had him take a cognitive test.

Here’s the thing folks, nobody takes a cognitive test as a leisurely activity. I mean, you could probably find some site on the internet and take one for shits and giggles like you can with a citizenship test. But when most people take a cognitive test, it’s because there are concerns you should take a cognitive test. It’s because you appear non-cognitive like you went into a closet and pooped in all the shoes.

For example, nobody ever brought up the subject of a cognitive test during the Obama administration. President Barack Obama never boasted about passing a cognitive test.

And maybe you do pass the cognitive test. If you are able to successfully identify a photo of a camel, state the date and time, can draw a clock with the time 10 past 11, and can count down from 100 by sevens, they should probably let you continue to drive a car, but because there was so much concern over your cognitive abilities, you probably should not have access to the nuclear codes.

And maybe this cognitive thing with Trump proves he’s not racist and he honestly couldn’t get past his own name being shouted in a video to realize fuckers in it were also shouting “white power” before he retweeted it.

But how bad is the new normal where the president (sic) is bragging about passing a cognitive test and boast that he was being praised for it like he’s a toddler? What’s next? Is he going to brag about having the cognitive ability to wipe his own butt? That’s plausible because recently, he displayed he still has the ability to lift a glass with one hand and his audience cheered him for it. What a big boy you are. What a low bar we’ve set.

And what’s the deal with bragging about taking a cognitive test, demanding your political opponent take one as well, then not releasing the results of your cognitive test? It’s like that time he screamed about President Obama’s school records being sealed while not releasing his own school records. This fucker won’t even release his SAT score and he hired a nerd to take that for him. What’s next? Is he going to demand Joe Biden to release his tax returns (he actually already has)? It’s not like Joe Biden is fighting in the Supreme Court to keep his taxes concealed.

Finally, the other thing is, if Donald Trump says he passed a cognitive test, that means he failed it. The man is a liar and basically, everything he says turns out to be untrue and he turns to be everything he accuses others of being. Donald Trump is a fucking moron.

Passing a cognitive test? What Donald Trump doesn’t get is that he shouldn’t have had to take one. When is he going to brag about passing an STD test after cheating on his wife? And what flavor lollipop did the doctor give him after passing the test?

Let me remind you why there is a Trump baby balloon. Because Donald Trump is a huge, gassy baby.

The truth of the matter is, we should be freaking terrified and scared shitless to the point we don’t sleep because this idiot who suggested drinking bleach to kill a virus is the president (sic) of the United States…and he has the nuclear codes!

If you’re not, you should probably take a cognitive test.

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5 thoughts on “Cognitive Trump

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  1. “but because there was so much concern over your cognitive abilities, you probably should not have access to the nuclear codes.”

    I have heard from Many People, Many People, that the Military Aide who follows Ki45*TF around is actually carrying an NFL Regulation Football with “NUCLEAR FOOTBALL” written on it (with a Sharpie™️) just to keep Ki45*TF happy because someone told Ki45*TF that the President should always have it handy.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Reblogged this on It Is What It Is and commented:
    M’lord … I heard him!! … “Trump told Sean Hannity, “I actually took one when I – very recently, when I – when I was (this is where he seems to stop himself before revealing why he was rushed on a sudden unscheduled trip to the Walter Reed hospital last November) – the radical left were saying, is he all there? Is he all there? And I proved I was all there, because I got – I aced it. I aced the test.” … seen the test?

    Liked by 2 people

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