The Antisemitic Party

I’ve seen a lot of headlines, cartoons, and comments that protests on college campuses are pro-Hamas. But I think accusing everyone who protests in support of Palestinians of being pro-Hamas is bigoted. There are some protests with signs and chants using a poor choice of words. Some are guilty of bad timing and of being insensitive. And there are some that are indeed antisemitic.

I don’t agree entirely with the protests while supporting their right to protest (it’s in the Constitution). I think the greatest fault of these protests is that most of them ignore the crimes of Hamas. But that doesn’t mean they are protesting FOR Hamas. A protest against Israel isn’t necessarily a protest against Jews. We should listen to them before slapping them with labels.

Islamophobia and antisemitism are both on the rise. But it’s not always, pun not intended, black and white. While there’s a war going on between some Muslims and some Jews, the people who are guilty of Islamophobia and antisemitism are usually the same people. You know, Republicans.

Republicans are making a lot of noise pointing out what they perceive as antisemitism on campuses. Senator Tom Cotton has floated the idea of deporting people on student visas who are protesting against Israel on campuses. But Republicans are the same bigots who howled that Nazis should be given speaking platforms at universities.

When students protested white nationalist Richard Spencer over his speeches at universities, Republicans claimed the schools were woke, anti-free speech, and trying to cancel views they disagreed with. And then Republicans tried to cancel those students. They’re trying to cancel students again.

But Republicans might want to be careful about deporting people for antisemitism. While they’ll join the racist chants of “send her back” for Representative Ilhan Omar, they don’t do that for Marjorie Taylor Greene.

It’s funny that Republicans removed Omar for antisemitism but gave prime committee assignments to Marjorie Taylor Greene even after her rant about Jewish space lasers, the Gazpacho Police, and that mask and vaccine mandates are worse than the Holocaust.

They didn’t try to deport Sarah Palin after accusing the media of “blood libel” when she defended herself from criticism for placing a target on Jewish Representative Gabby Giffords shortly before she was shot in the head.

They didn’t try to deport Donald Trump when he went to the United Nations and howled about the threat of globalists, which is a wink and nudge-nudge for Jews.

They didn’t try to deport Trump when he said there were “good people” on both sides when tiki-torch Nazis marched through Charlottesville shouting “blood and soil” and “Jews will not replace us,” protesting the removal of Confederate monuments the night before one of them killed peace activist Heather Heyer.

They didn’t try to deport Trump for the time he lied that George Soros was funding migrant caravans or any of the Republicans who shout about Soros funding political campaigns or any of the Republicans who lied that Soros helped steal the election from Trump. Man, Soros is busy. They don’t even try to deport the bigots who claim Soros helped Nazis round up Jews in World War II.

While a lot of things Republicans claim aren’t true, antisemitism is real, and it’s worldwide. A plane from Tel Aviv was surrounded by an antisemitic riot after landing in Russia on Sunday.

If anyone’s going to fight antisemitism, it’s not going to be Republicans, the party of bigots, the party that’s supported by Proud Boys, the party that’s supported by the Ku Klux Klan, the party that’s supported by Nazis, and the party that’s now the racist MAGA movement. The GOP is the homophobic party gaslighting about trans teens, gay education in schools, and drag queens. The GOP is the racist party working to suppress votes from minorities while screaming about immigrants. The GOP is the Islamophobic party that backed Trump’s Muslim ban. And the GOP is the party always screaming about globalists.

The only reason Republicans are crying about antisemitism now is because it’s politically convenient. Look at the Omar/MTG situation again. Republicans only punish a Democrat for supposed antisemitism, but they don’t punish the Republican. Republicans are evil hypocrites.

Republicans hate antisemitism on college campuses…except when it’s one of their speakers. They’ll fight for that.

Music note: I listened to the Scissor Sisters.

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Notes on my book, Tales From The Trumpster Fire: There are 19 copies of my book in stock, which go for $45.00 each, signed. Also, I have copies of my first book from 1997, Knee-Deep in Mississippi available for $20.00.

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