Coyote Fugly

Did Ron DeSantis break the law when he transported migrants from Texas to Massachusetts?

A coyote is a person who smuggles human beings across the border from Mexico into the United States. They’re horrible vile people who ship human beings like cattle, will take all their money, lie to them, and often not deliver as they promised. Sometimes, a coyote’s victims will die during the smuggling. If our border was actually open as the fucknuts who watch Fox News like to say, then there wouldn’t be any coyotes because nobody would have to be smuggled.

If we actually had open borders, people would be walking right on through saying, “My, how lovely it is that these borders are open,” and we wouldn’t be finding 53 dead migrants packed in the back of a tractor-trailer in San Antonio. Those people were murdered by coyotes.

Florida’s governor has become a coyote. He smuggled immigrants across borders, state borders. He lied to them. He used them for a political payoff. He probably broke the law while doing so.

Florida has a fund of $12 million to transport migrants from out of the state. DeSantis used this money to transport migrants, but not out of the state of Florida. He smuggled them from Texas to Massachusetts. He plans to spend “every penny” of the $12 million on these stunts as he said it “hit the jackpot.”

DeSantis defends using state funds to transport migrants from Texas to Massachusetts saying, “Most of them are intending to come to Florida. Our view is you have to deal with it at the source.”

How does he know that “most” of them are intending to come to Florida? Is DeDumbass a mind reader? And, they can still go to Florida. Shipping them to Massachusetts is only a detour to where they want to go.

DeSantis, like most Republicans, is a liar.

DeSantis is copying the political stunt created by Texas’ Greg Abbott, which was also copy-catted by Arizona’s Doug Ducey. I expect more red states to start trafficking humans to blue cities, even if they don’t have a large immigration problem.

They claim this is to highlight the problem at our border with Mexico and the havoc immigration from south of the border is playing with our border states. But, that’s a lie.

Sure, there’s a heavy price and burden on border states from immigration, but it’s not the crisis Republicans make it out to be. And, in case you never looked at a map, Florida is not on the southern border. Florida is on the east coast and borders Georgia and Alabama and is surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico. Florida is closer to Cuba than it is to Mexico.

Florida has immigration issues from the Caribbean, but it’s not those immigrants DeSantis is screaming about or trying to make political hay from.

DeSantis is a racist and believes that trolling liberals by dumping immigrants from Venezuela in so-called sanctuary cities will play well with the racist base. He’s right. They love it. He got a standing ovation at a Republican fundraiser in Kansas, which I kinda expect to start deporting migrants from Texas to liberal states soon as well. It’s just too bad that DeSantis may have broken multiple laws with these political stunts.

These are stunts. When you don’t inform authorities at the destinations that you’re dropping off migrants, it’s a stunt. When you drop them off at the residence of the vice president, it’s a stunt. When you drop them off at a liberal vacation destination, it’s a stunt. When you lie to the migrants about housing, jobs, and even where they’re going, it’s a stunt. If you’re a Republican, everything you do is a stunt. Most actions by Republicans create problems, not solve them.

DeSantis probably broke the law by using state funds for his political stunt. Hopefully, there’s someone in Florida who can prosecute him for it because the state legislature will probably defend him despite writing the law that stipulates those funds can only be used to transport migrants from Florida. Unless somebody moved it recently, Texas is not in Florida.

It’s not just stealing taxpayer money for his personal trolling that DeSantis could be in trouble for. A Massachusetts state Representative, Dylan Fernandes, is calling for the Justice Department to investigate Florida’s number-one troll. Fernandes said, “We are requesting that the Department of Justice open an investigation to hold DeSantis & others accountable for these inhumane acts. Not only is it morally criminal, there are legal implications around fraud, kidnapping, deprivation of liberty, and human trafficking.”

Fernandes said he has spoken with U.S. Attorney Rachel Rollins, adding that she was pushing for a Justice Department response.

Lawyers for Civil Rights, a Boston-based group that represents more than 30 of the migrants flown to Massachusetts, also called for a federal investigation into their relocations. The group wrote letters to the Rollins and Massachusetts Attorney General saying, “While we are working to protect our clients’ rights in immigration proceedings and exploring remedies for civil rights violations, we also strongly believe that criminal laws were broken by the perpetrators of this stunt. We therefore ask that you open a criminal investigation into this matter.”

These governors do not have the authority to transport migrants and dump them off in locations for political stunts. Do you know who drops immigrants off in locations without coordinating with the local government? Coyotes.

These stunts can be classified as “human trafficking.” It’s evil. DeSantis is a coyote and he’s proudly howling about it.

Music note: I didn’t listen to any music while drawing this because I was watching the Queen’s funeral.

Signed prints: The signed prints are just $40.00 each. Every cartoon on this site is available. You can pay through PayPal. If you don’t like PayPal, you can snail mail it to Clay Jones, P.O. Box 3721, Fredericksburg, VA 22402. I can mail the prints directly to you or if you’re purchasing as a gift, directly to the person you’re gifting.

Notes on my book, Tales From The Trumpster Fire: There are 19 copies of my book in stock, which go for $45.00 each, signed. Also, I have copies of my first book from 1997, Knee-Deep in Mississippi available for $20.00.

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9 thoughts on “Coyote Fugly

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  1. The prosecutors could even use the RICO act . . .

    (And why is DeathSantis the only one threatened with any prosecution? What about Ducey and Abbott, even tho they ‘only’ moved migrants from their own state?)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. “(And why is DeathSantis the only one threatened with any prosecution? What about Ducey and Abbott, even tho they ‘only’ moved migrants from their own state?)” because those two at least had the foresight to notify the receiving areas that migrants were on the way (with nmbers and names).


  2. “It’s just too bad that DeSantis may have broken multiple laws with these political stunts.”

    I disagree – It’s a good thing he so . . . otherwise, what, if anything, could be done to attempt to correct this wrong?


  3. Clay, putting this poor action by the three governors in their basest terms, these governors would be the ones who let their dogs poop in your yard no with no clean-up. Thanks, neighbor. Keith


  4. Reblogged this on It Is What It Is and commented:
    No doubt!! DeSantis IS a coyote!! I know, I live in FloriDUH!! … “A coyote is a person who smuggles human beings across the border from Mexico into the United States. They’re horrible vile people who ship human beings like cattle, will take all their money, lie to them, and often not deliver as they promised. Sometimes, a coyote’s victims will die during the smuggling. If our border was actually open as the fucknuts who watch Fox News like to say, then there wouldn’t be any coyotes because nobody would have to be smuggled.”


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