Horny For The Inauguration


Months ago, I was wondering if Donald Trump would attend the inauguration if he lost the election. I even brought it up to an editor who replied, “Who cares?”. This was before the election. Now, a lot of people do seem to care.

When I was thinking about it months ago, I didn’t factor in Trump refusing to accept the election results and spending months fighting in courts and lying about it. And while I have been worried over the past four years of Trump violence, and even violence if he lost the election, I definitely did not predict that Donald Trump would send terrorists to attack the capitol building of our government.

Donald Trump is not attending the 59th inauguration of an American president because he’s a whiny baby. But his attendance WAS important in that it would be a public display of a transfer of power…a willing transfer of power. Even though Donald Trump has finally conceded he won’t be president after January 20, he hasn’t conceded that he lost. His presence, even though awkward, uncomfortable, and totally unpleasant for everyone else attending, was kinda required. If nothing else, it would have been a display for the MAGA mob that this is how our government is supposed to work, even after the worst presidency in the history of all presidencies.

Now after the events of the past week, Donald Trump is not welcome. His announcement on Twitter, before he was banned, that he’s not attending was welcomed. Joe Biden doesn’t want him there. Nobody wants him there. In fact, he doesn’t deserve to be in attendance anymore than he deserves to be on Twitter. Donald Trump doesn’t deserve to be on that podium anymore than Osama bin Laden deserves to be on that podium, because they’re both terrorists.

Osama bin Laden sent terrorists to attack Capitol Hill…and so did Donald Trump. Only difference is, patriots thwarted bin Laden’s terrorists but Trump’s made it.

Trump also doesn’t deserve to be in OUR White House and the sooner he gets out, the better for the nation.

As for the horny guy who crashed into the capitol building, the Trump Cult initially claimed he was a member of Antifa breaking and entering into the building to make the MAGA mob look bad. It was part of their confusing messaging of it wasn’t them and they’d never do such a horrible thing while saying it was patriotic. Trying to understand MAGAt reasoning can give you a brain injury.

Of course, the guy is not a member of Antifa (nobody is because Antifa doesn’t exist). What he is is a right-wing terrorist and a member of the Qanon conspiracy cult. He’s from Arizona and his name is Jake Angeli. He’s an actor you will never see in anything. He is sometimes referred to as the “Qanon Shaman,” whatever the hell that’s supposed to be. Despite the lie being spread by the likes of Sarah Palin and Matt Gaetz that he was a member of Antifa and Black Lives Matter, he’s been spotted at several Trump rallies, once with a sign reading, “Q sent me.” There’s also a photo of him with Rudy Giuliani.

Someone on social media posted, “We spend over $750 billion annually on defense, and the center of American government fell in two hours to Duck Dynasty and the guy in the Chewbacca bikini.”

Note: I’m going to be asked why I didn’t include the sippy cup. Sometimes I forget and others times, it doesn’t fit. This time, I didn’t include it because I liked the posture in the cartoon and having his arm in another position would have messed that up. The sippy cup has become such a thing now that I felt I needed to make a note about why it’s not there.

Update: Jacob Anthony Chansley is the Qanon Shaman, Jake Angeli. He was arrested yesterday and charged with entering restricted grounds and disrupting Capitol business in Washington. As more witnesses come forward, his charges will probably increase. The idiot was identified by his tattoos and pictures of the attack he posted on social media. Even the al Qaida hijackers didn’t take selfies on the planes. He told the FBI he came as a part of a group effort with other “patriots” from Arizona at the request of the President (sic) that all “patriots” come to D.C. on January 6, 2021. So, he just made himself a witness in Trump’s prosecution.

Signed prints: The signed prints are just $40.00 each. Every cartoon on this site is available. You can pay through PayPal. If you don’t like PayPal, you can snail mail it to Clay Jones, P.O. Box 9103, Fredericksburg, VA 22403. I can mail the prints directly to you or if you’re purchasing as a gift, directly to the person you’re gifting.

Notes on my book, Tales From The Trumpster Fire: I have an order of 20 copies of my book (11 are left to purchase) on the way, which I’m selling for $45.00 each, signed. The books won’t arrive until after the new year, but orders are being taken and they’ll be shipped as soon as I receive them. Also, I have copies of my first book from 1997, Knee-Deep in Mississippi available for $20.00.

Tip Jar: if you want to support the cartoonist, please send a donation through PayPal to clayjonz@gmail.com. You can also snail it to P.O. Box 9103, Fredericksburg, VA 22403.

Watch me draw:

15 thoughts on “Horny For The Inauguration

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    1. Sorry, Spelchek did me in. Chewbacca. Maybe Spelchek knows something I don’t. If Chewbacca does have a baccalauréat degree, that would definitely be classy,


      1. Dang! That was SpellCheck???!!!

        And here I was thinking that you had come up with a really clever turn of phrase!! 😉

        Seriously… Not Kidding… That really was my first thought when I read it. 😉


    1. Hey, Mr. Schnell, are you talking about the TRUMPSTICKA flag?

      Heck, Clay has been using the TRUMPSTICKA for nearly all four years of the 45* Infestation.

      Since you are almost as Old a Fart as I am, you may be excused for missing it before. 😉

      PS: WordPress still doesn’t recognize that I am logged in, so I am not able to give you, and everyone else, the “Like”s you all deserve.
      And I have to log in again for each comment I want to make, so you should know that I consider you worth the effort. 😉


      1. Man, that sounds cumbersome. There are a few websites I have to sign in for to make a comment, and half the times the comments just disappear into the ether anyway. What a pain! And thank you for making the effort. (As for the like button, I never use mine except in very rare cases. It’s like keeping score, the more likes some people get, the wiser they think they are, or the better. I prefer when people comment, good or bad. Then I know I touched them somehow.)


      2. Yeah … I was referring to the trumpsticka flag. I always scour Clay’s work looking for the “Where’s Waldo” hidden messages … like stuff on the sippy cup, something hidden in his crowd scenes etc.
        and thank you for the compliment. I am retired so my cartoons are not out regularly and I use them in various graphic reproductions. I should draw more but have gotten so use to not having deadlines or schedule conflicts as I had with my previous day job. If I relied on my cartooning I truly would be, as right winger critics always point out, a “starving cartoonist”. When our nation’s right wing mongrel, barbarian hoards aren’t storming the US capitol and trying to assassinate our Elected officials … doing edgy editorial cartoons is fun.


  1. “ I’m going to be asked why I didn’t include the sippy cup.”

    I am used to you occasionally losing the Sippy Cup, but I was missing the cast on Biden’s foot. Yeah… yeah… I understand that the framing of the characters didn’t allow you to show any of the characters’ feet, but I miss it anyway. 😉


  2. “Just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean they aren’t after you.”
    Joseph Heller, Catch-22

    If 45* does not attend the Inauguration, then he should still physically be in the D.C. Area.

    If 45* flies down to Mar-A-Lago a day or two before the Inauguration, then the D.C. Area should immediately be evacuated and the Inauguration should be moved to an undisclosed location.


  3. Reblogged this on It Is What It Is and commented:
    He is NOT welcome – Trump, that is!! … “We spend over $750 billion annually on defense, and the center of American government fell in two hours to Duck Dynasty and the guy in the Chewbacca bikini.”


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