Woodward Strikes Again


What’s more shocking? That Donald Trump withheld that he understood fully well just how dangerous the conoravirus was while he was playing it down to the rest of the nation…or that Donald Trump understood something fully well?

This is a bonus cartoon and more information is coming out about this. I want to learn more, and wait for more reactions, before I write a lot about it. I owe you a blog on this. 

Tip Jar: This pandemic is hitting everyone, including your favorite goofy cartoonist. I have lost clients and I’m afraid I might lose more. The PayPal button has always been included here for those who can and want to voluntarily support what I do. I understand this time is hard on everyone. If you can’t, don’t contribute. Take care of yourself and your family first. But, all and any help is greatly appreciated and it helps keep me going. Think of me like a street performer busking out tunes on a corner (I won’t play “Wonderwall.” I promise). If you like the tune, or in this case, toon, throw a buck into the tip jar. It’ll help me play another song, draw another toon, write another blog, make another video, and post another snarky post on social media. It’ll help keep me alive. You can also order a signed print for $40. And if you don’t like the PayPal option, you can snail mail it to my P.O. Box.

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New Book: Tales From the Trumpster Fire

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6 thoughts on “Woodward Strikes Again

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  1. I just finished the book, ‘Station Eleven’, by Emily St. John Mandel – not really a book to be reading during this time, but it was written so well I couldn’t stop – about a ‘flu’ that began in Georgia (not the American one) that wipes out 99% of the population, and the after effects. Written in 2014; eerily prescient (and scary as hell).

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Reblogged this on It Is What It Is and commented:
    Just a preview … “What’s more shocking? That Donald Trump withheld that he understood fully well just how dangerous the coronavirus was while he was playing it down to the rest of the nation…or that Donald Trump understood something fully well? This is a bonus cartoon and more information is coming out about this”

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Why in the Wide World of Sports was Bob Woodward not on EVERY frigging talk show EVERY day through the months of Febuary and March exposing Trump’s shit?? Why did America have to wait 7-months for this critical information?? So, Bob could make more money on a g’damn book, eh? What the shit? Over.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. “How can you be OK with this?”

    CNN’s Pamela Brown asks Louisiana Republican Senator John Kennedy about Trump’s comments to Bob Woodward.

    I imagine that the REAL John Kennedy must be spinning in his grave.
    If this slimeball is not up for re-election November 2020 then I humbly suggest that the good people of Louisiana vote to recall him from DC so that they can tar and feather him and run him out of town on a rail.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. OMG – I couldn’t get past 2 minutes of that total A-hole talking. It’s not the freaking “gotcha-book” – it’s the g-d interview Q&A!! I know politicians never answer the question they’re asked, but holy, freakin’ J-C, this guy needs to be removed from office…. NOW!

      Liked by 1 person

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