Cowards Of Historic Proportions


In 1950, as the Republican Party was abandoning what made it the party of Lincoln and well on its way to becoming the party of Nazis, Klansmen, Putin-lovers, and conspiracy-driven fucknuts, Joseph McCarthy, a Senator from Wisconson was in the midst of his red scare campaign. McCarthy was accusing Americans, usually without evidence, of being communist. He worked to smear and ruin careers, often succeeding. He even claimed, without evidence, that our government was filled with communists. He said the State Department alone had 205 members of the Communist Party, which was probably a number he pulled out of his ass.

The Republican Party was full of cowards. They were afraid if they criticized McCarthy, that he’d accuse them too of being communist. Even the president, Dwight Eisenhower, was a coward to McCarthy. He only criticized the Senator privately.

Only one Republican Senator stood up to McCarthy. Margaret Chase Smith was the first woman to serve in both houses of Congress. As a Senator from Maine, she faced scorn and threats from within her own party for speaking her mind and standing up against McCarthy.

In opposing McCarthy, Smith said, “It is high time we stopped thinking politically as Republicans and Democrats about elections and started thinking patriotically as Americans about national security based on individual freedom.”

McCarthy was finally brought down in 1954 over a different scandal after the Senate voted 67-22 to censure him. During the hearings, Army Counsel Joseph Welch famously asked McCarthy, “At long last, have you no decency, sir?” Today’s Republicans have zero.

Margaret Chase Smith was initially on McCarthy’s side even introducing a very unconstitutional bill to outlaw the Communist Party, three years after speaking out against McCarthy. But she’s not remembered for that. What will each of today’s Republicans be remembered for? Not for bravery or putting their country before their party.

Now is a time when one Republican could stand up and cement their place in history. Make no mistake about it, history is not going to be kind to Trump or those who became sycophants to him. Trump will be regarded by historians as the very worst president. Except for Richard Nixon, even our bad presidents have short paragraphs in history books. But even Nixon has positives brought up. Trump won’t have any. History will not praise him for inheriting a strong economy.

You would think at least one Republican in the United States Senate would want to be remembered for being heroic. That at least one would be able to face scorn and mean tweets. That at least one Republican would be willing to lose their seat for standing up for the United States. Nope.

While two Republicans did vote for witnesses, don’t kid yourself. There’s no bravery just because they want to hear more evidence. That’s not voting to impeach Donald Trump. In fact, a few Republicans even said they think Trump is guilty, but they still refuse to oust him or even hear evidence that he did something wrong, even when they say they know he’s wrong. What a bunch of sniveling cowards, like Ted Cruz, a sniveling coward himself, once said of Donald Trump.

Cory Gardner is a Republican from Colorado, a state with the most opposition to Trump that has a Republican in the Senate. He’s more afraid of Trump and his party than of voters in his state. He couldn’t even hear one witness in the Senate trial.

Marco Rubio said he assumes all the allegations are true, so he doesn’t need to hear more witnesses and says he’ll vote to acquit as removing Trump would inflict “extraordinary trauma” on our nation and help Vladimir Putin. Never mind the fact it’s Putin who helped put Trump in the White House. If the allegations are true, that Donald Trump abused his office and tried to bribe a foreign president, then doesn’t it inflict “extraordinary trama” by allowing him to remain? Good job defending America, Little Marco. Is it OK if I call you “Little Marco”? It must be since Trump gave him that nickname and now Marco is kissing his ass.

Retiring Senator Lamar Alexander could have gone down in history fighting the good fight. Instead, he caved. He said Trump is guilty, but what the House charged “does not meet the United States Constitution’s high bar for an impeachable offense.” If bribery doesn’t amount to an impeachable offense, then what does? Alexander says the voters need to make the decision on removing Trump, despite the fact Trump has already cheated in this election. For what it’s worth, Lamar says he’ll be voting for Trump in 2020.  Coward.

Ben Sasse of Nebraska wrote a book called the “Vanishing American Adult” and is considered to be one in the Senate. He said, “Let me be clear; Lamar speaks for lots and lots of us.” CNN’s Manu Raju (the reporter one Republican Senator called a “partisan hack”) asked Sasse directly, “if he believes then that Trump acted inappropriately,” which is what Alexander said of Trump. Sasse refused to be an adult or brave enough to actually say the word “inappropriate” himself. He refused to answer the question. Sasse is another coward for the history books.

Alaska’s Lisa Murkowski claimed she voted against witnesses to avoid a tie vote in the Senate and to bravely protect Chief Justice John Roberts from breaking the tie. Murkowski successfully framed herself as just another Republican coward.

If President Barack Obama refused to give the House any documents and even told Hillary Clinton not to testify during their multiple Benghazi investigations, do you honestly believe that not one of these Senate Republicans would have been calling for his impeachment…or voting that way if there was a trial? This isn’t about the presidency, Constitution, or what impeachable or not. It’s about 53 United States Senators being cowards, lackeys, lickspittles, and asskissers. It’s about 53 United States Senators putting a cult of rancid personality over the oath they took to protect this nation from a person just like Donald Trump.

The founding fathers didn’t put clauses in the Constitution to protect someone like Donald Trump. They put those clauses in to protect our nation from the likes of Donald Trump.

Donald Trump is a vile, disgusting human being. You shouldn’t want him in your house, less enough the White House. In allowing, excusing, ignoring, and even defending his lack of decency, the Republican Party has abandoned theirs. History won’t remember any of them as heroes because there aren’t any. But history will list each and every one of them for the cowards they are.

At long last, have you no decency, Republican Party?

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7 thoughts on “Cowards Of Historic Proportions

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  1. Previous post, worth repeating:

    All those GOPOCRITE
    have been enabling i45*
    for the past few years,
    and especially those who
    are about to surrender
    Total Control of the Nation
    to this Waste Of Sub-Human DNA (WOSHDNA), due to
    Political Fear, Mortal Fear,
    or (worst case) Eager
    Voluntary Conspiratorial
    Collusion (I.e.: they THINK
    that they are going to get a
    piece of the action), are
    forgetting One Important
    after i45* Locks Up
    Absolute Control of the
    Nation, i45* won’t need
    them anymore, and they
    will become ‘Loose Ends’
    who could potentially cause
    some ‘Discomfort’ down
    the road, and according
    to “Tyranny For Dummies”
    the only way to deal with
    ’Loose Ends’ is to PURGE

    Liked by 1 person

  2. The United States is permanently divided. PERMANENTLY. It didn’t start with Trump. It officially split in 1860 and a great Civil War was fought but has remained divided ever since. Trump has broken his oath to defend the Constitution. He is the President of the anti-constitutionists and the GOP is the party of the anti-constitutionists and they’re both against the rule of law. The Senate didn’t hold an impeachment trial …. It was a declaration of war against law and order, the United States Constitution, democracy, and the American way of life.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Actually, i45* has done everything in his power to get himself Impeached since he was elected (instead of losing like he expected) because Putin’s Plan is to spark his “Second Amendment People” to Rise Up and re-ignite The Civil War (the South never really gave up, they have just been running a Holding Action) so that Vlad can send in the Russian equivalent of Navy Seals to “Aid” the beleaguered True Believers of i45*.

    All of GOPocrite COVERUPublicans’ rhetoric about this Impeachment being “Counter to the Constitution”, “trying to overturn the 2016 Election”, and “interfering with the 2020 Election”, and maybe even leaking Bolton’s book to clinch the Conviction, is perfectly orchestrated to push the “Second Amendment People” over the edge if by some miracle King i45* The First is convicted and removed.

    Since the GOPOCRITE COVERUPUBLICANS are expected to crown King i45* The First in the near future, the next trigger point will be when the outraged American voters overcome Massive Russian Interference and Massive CHEATING by i45* and the GOPOCRITE COVERUPUBLICANS to Vote them out of office, after which King i45* The First And Friends will claim that the election was RIGGED and Refuse To Leave Office, and Call On The Second Amendment Brownshirts To Defend Them From Removal.


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