Alabama Resists


The headline writers at The New York Post and The Daily News both went with front pages featuring Star Wars and telling Alabama Senatorial candidate and accused pedophile Roy Moore to “F off” on the horse he rode in on. I don’t think that’s very nice, because why take it out on the horse? Hasn’t that beast been through enough abuse? She’s already had to gallop with Moore’s ass on her, who doesn’t know how to ride, and been stuck with the name “Sassy.” Nobody wants to be a Sassy.

Before the state elections in Virginia last month, many people predicted the Republicans would win while others believed it was too close to call. We were surprised when the Democrats won by such huge margins. Alabama’s special election for the Senate seat vacated by Jeff Sessions also had people afraid to make predictions. The result isn’t as surprising as much as it’s a political earthquake.

Democrat Doug Jones beat Moore by less than two percentage points. While it may be discouraging that 48% of voters would rather vote for a pedophile than a Democrat, and nearly two percent more chose to write in a candidate, this is still Alabama.

It’s been pointed out that Jones did far better in Alabama than Hillary Clinton did in 2016. But, it’s not really amazing that a white Democrat, or any white guy, would do better in Alabama than Hillary Clinton. What is truly impressive is that Jones did better in Alabama than Barack Obama did in 2008 and 2012. Keep in mind, this was a special election where turnouts are usually lower. What is also surprising is that Moore, a guy who said we should do away with the 16th Amendment which ended slavery, received four percent of the black vote.

This is a state where Trump won by nearly 30%. In each election since 2016, the Republican results have been less than Trump’s from November 2016, but this is still Alabama. This is where Trump’s approval, though it’s been decreasing, is the highest in the nation.

Trump endorsed the pedophile. Trump made robocalls for the pedophile. Trump campaigned for the pedophile. Maybe voters weren’t rejecting Trump as much as they ignored him…but Trump failed to bring home a win. This is a defeat for Trump, though Republicans in the Senate should be breathing a sigh of relief despite losing a seat and their margin of majority thinning. They won’t be “saddled” by Roy Moore for the next three years.

Trump tweeted out a congratulatory message to Jones, which IS one tweet we can actually believe his lawyer wrote. There was punctuation. But, Trump is going to blame someone else. He blamed others when the GOP lost in Virginia. There’s talk of Trump firing his political director, Bill Stepien, despite that guy advising Trump not to endorse the pedophile. One probably doesn’t need a degree in political science to dish out that sort of advice. Even Ivanka, who’s not an intellectual heavyweight, told Daddy to stay away from Moore.

Perhaps the best advice for Trump is to stop listening to Steve Bannon. Bannon, a guy who has worked in Hollywood and Goldman Sachs, went to Alabama and told them not to let people from outside the state tell them who to vote for. Apparently, they took his advice. In multiple appearances in Alabama, Bannon criticized Mitt Romney and his sons for not serving in the military (ignoring that none of the Trumps have served), said Joe Scarborough, who went to the University of Alabama, wasn’t smart enough to go to Harvard, and even insulted Ivanka Trump.

Ivanka said there was a special place in Hell for people who abuse children. Bannon said the same about Republicans who wouldn’t support Moore. In Bannon’s world, establishment Republicans are more evil than pedophiles. That’s the type of guy you don’t want political advice from. Though, I’m sure Democrats hope Bannon keeps running candidates in GOP primaries. It’s working out for the Democrats.

If Democrats can win in Alabama, even against a horrible candidate, they can win in 2018 in places like Arizona. The problem for the GOP is they’re still “saddled” with a guy nobody wants to be seen in public with.

Doug Jones may not last longer than 2020, but Alabama still moved forward. It’s good for Alabama, for the nation, and for the members of my family who live there.

Hopefully, in the future Roy Moore will stay away from elections, the United States Senate, malls, children, and stay off horses. From the looks of it, horses don’t like him either.

I want to thank everyone who has donated in the past. Your support helps me continue creating cartoons and columns with a little less stress in my life. Between competing syndicates with much larger resources, timid editors, and Trump supporters who attempt to intimidate the editors who do publish anything that criticizes their idol, it’s a challenge to make a career out of this. So your support (if you can) is appreciated. Want to help me continue to create cartoons and keep doing what I’m doing (pissing off conservatives)? Look to the right of this page and make a donation through PayPal. Every $40 donation will receive a signed print (please specify which print you want or I won’t mail one). All donations will receive my eternal gratitude.

3 thoughts on “Alabama Resists

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  1. At first I thought T was the anti-christ, then I thought Bannon was….then I realized if there can be multiple religions, then I guess there can be multiple anti-christs.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty

    The Dark Cloud inside Yesterday’s Silver Lining is that 45* could give Moore a Consolation Prize: The Next Vacant Seat On The SCOTUS.
    Anyone who thinks that 45* wouldn’t dare to do this, or that the GOP Congress wouldn’t approve him, I have a Bridge in Brooklyn that I can sell you.


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