Tapped Wire Or Fried Wires?


Donald Trump has lost his mind. This is not a new development.

Before he ran for president he was behind the birther campaign accusing President Obama of being born in Kenya. He swore he’d reveal the truth and claimed he hired investigators that would expose all. Years later near the end of the presidential campaign he finally said “Obama was born in the United States. Next topic please.”

During the campaign he said he saw thousands of Muslims in New Jersey celebrating 9/11. There’s no evidence this ever happened but he clung to it until it silently faded away.

He also accused Ted Cruz’s father of being a part of the conspiracy to assassinate President Kennedy. No proof of this ever materialized either and it once again silently faded away.

Trump has believed in all sorts of crazy things like China being behind the “global warming conspiracy,” Scalia being murdered, to Obama and Hillary wanting to take everyone’s guns.

Now he believes that during the campaign Obama personally ordered Trump Towers to be bugged.

Trump is currently fighting off potential investigations that his campaign coordinated with Putin’s Russian government to win the election. His first attempts at distraction was to raise the fact that several Democrats met with Russian officials.

He’s either a mad genius to use that as a distraction or he’s too stupid to understand the issue he’s actually embroiled in. There’s nothing wrong with government officials meeting with officials from foreign governments, especially out in the open. What’s not cool is meeting with them in secret during a campaign and lying to Congress about it.

Trump could have had a relatively quiet weekend hitting golf balls in Florida at his Mar-a-Lago resort and send the bill to taxpayers. Instead he engaged in a Twitter storm.

He started Friday by tweeting “I hereby demand a second investigation, after Schumer, of Pelosi for her close ties to Russia, and lying about it.” It took him three tweets, deleting the first two, to work out the spelling of “hereby.” Apparently there was not a spell checker “near by” or “nearby.”

Come Saturday morning he was bombing social media once again tweeting “Terrible! Just found out that Obama had my “wires tapped” in Trump Tower just before the victory. Nothing found. This is McCarthyism!” That would not be McCarthyism. McCarthyism is more like telling the public that the press are the enemy of the American people.

He wasn’t done. He followed that tweet with “Is it legal for a sitting President to be “wire tapping” a race for president prior to an election? Turned down by court earlier. A NEW LOW!”

And then “I’d bet a good lawyer could make a great case out of the fact that President Obama was tapping my phones in October, just prior to Election!”

Of course Trump hasn’t provided any proof and if history is any indication he never will.

What could set Trump off like this? It couldn’t be from a national security briefing because that would show the president of the United States can’t be trusted with classified information. No. It’s from a conservative radio host throwing the conspiracy out there, and then having it followed up by Breitbart, the scary alt-right racist publication formerly headed by his puppeteer Steve Bannon.

The really stupid thing in all this is that Trump’s people will believe him. They already believe Obama is a Kenyan-born Muslim out to take their guns. Why won’t they believe this? They, like #45, do not need evidence to believe whatever the hell they want to believe.

But hey, let’s keep our eyes on that lying fake news media. Right? Though the big carrot may not need any help taking himself down.

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5 thoughts on “Tapped Wire Or Fried Wires?

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  1. Some of trump’s cronies are as bat shit crazy as he is but they’re mostly just a bunch of greedy slimeballs that are in for the money. But ALL of the nitwits among the ordinary folks who still support trump have completely lost their freakin’ minds…

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Out of curiosity was it that scary yelling guy who thinks Sandy Hook was fake? I don’t want to say his name. He makes Voldemort look sweet & cuddly! I can’t believe he hasn’t been involuntarily committed. He is definitely a threat to others (at least their sanity), and with how red his face was he’s looks to be an outburst away from a heart attack.


  3. The beauty of his lunacy this time is that if Trump’s campaign WAS wiretapped, it could only be authorized because the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court believed there was credible evidence of infiltration by or collusion with foreign agents. Like Russian ones, maybe. So Trump running down the street screaming “I was wiretapped!” just raises the question why.


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