Lie Lie Land


Think Progress, which admittedly is a very liberal website, has tracked 64 broken promises by Donald Trump within his first 30 days in office. I read it and while some are a stretch, he has already broken a crap load of promises. But this is Donald Trump. He lies. It’s what he does.

He said he wouldn’t have time to take vacations or play golf as being president would keep him busy. Lies. He said he’d cut ties to his businesses. More lies. He once said on the campaign trail that he’d get rid of Obamacare on his very first day in office. Huge lie. Notice how Congress, which voted to repeal Obamacare over 50 times while Obama was in office, hasn’t done squat on it since their president came into office? Trump also said he’d defeat ISIS within his first 30 days. Really big lie. He even said he’d stop tweeting after he became president. To quote The Thompson Twins, “lies, lies, lies, yeah.” I know. You gotta go way back to the 1980s and YouTube for that reference but in my defense, I’m old.

I did not watch the Oscars. A lot of people don’t watch out of protest. I don’t watch because I really don’t care. I watched The Walking Dead (I had a week to catch up on). While I was working on my last cartoon I received a few comments from readers saying they were looking forward to my take on the big Oscar mix up at the end of the event. Whosy whaty now? What’d I miss?

Oh, they called the wrong film for best picture. I went back and watched what happened. Did you watch or read about it? Well even if you did I’ll explain my take.

Faye Dunaway and Warren Beatty were to announce the winner of Best Picture. Apparently these two don’t like each other. Warren probably slept with her in the 70s and he still hasn’t called her back. Dunaway was insistent on being the one to announce the winner. Earlier in the evening Emma Stone won for Best Actress for La La Land (a movie I haven’t seen yet but should since I heard it’s really popular with white people and I’m a white people).

So Warren has the envelope and he sees that it says “Emma Stone” on the card and underneath her name it says “La La Land.” He knows there’s a problem as it says “Best Actress.” He pauses and Dunaway seemed afraid he’d announce the winner, took the card and saw “La La Land” and announced them as the winner. It’s all her fault.

The people from La La Land came on stage and did their speeches and while they were still up there it was announced that the actual winning film is “Moonlight.” That’s another movie I haven’t seen yet.

Jimmy Fallon, or Jimmy Kimmel, whichever Jimmy hosted that show, made the obvious Steve Harvey joke so that was taken from America’s political cartoonists, I hope. I knew there would be Trump/Hillary cartoons. I knew there’d be cartoons blaming Putin. My original idea had Trump winning for most terrific president ever. I wasn’t that excited about it and I figured another cartoonist somewhere would do something similar so I kept thinking about it. I really don’t know how I came up with this idea. I think there are wormholes in my brain and I keep going down them.

Donald Trump made a comment on the screw up because he has to comment on everything. He said they messed up because they were too focused on him. Once again everything is about him in his little Trump head. He’ll be speaking to Congress tomorrow night in prime time because he’s apparently not getting enough coverage in the press.

“Lie Lie Land” has been used in a lot of cartoons since that La La movie came out. I saved it for the cartoon. What is that movie about anyway? Any zombies in it?

Here’s something weird: This is the second cartoon in a week I’ve drawn that’s mentioned Emma Stone, who was in a movie with zombies once and I’m still waiting on that sequel. I’ll post the other Emma cartoon later today or tomorrow which was drawn for The Costa Rica Star.

Emma Stone is apparently the hot thing going right now which is alright by me. I’ve always liked her as she usually plays a really intelligent smart ass with a lot of spirit. I liked her in Zombieland and would probably even like her in the sequel if they ever make it. She was great in The Help, Easy A, and Crazy, Stupid, Love. I even liked her in The Rocker. The only stuff she’s done I haven’t liked was those two Spiderman movies and Aloha, where she was cast as an Asian/Hawaiian. What? Who came up with that crap and why would she do it?

But hey, if Donald Trump can pass as presidential I guess it’s believable that Emma could be Asian/Hawaiian.

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