Snow Flake Safe Space


There’s a new tale-tell sign of a conservative who can’t think for himself and has to rely on GOP talking points to voice their opinion. It’s not just the so-called and nonexistent “War On Christmas.” If you’re in an argument on social media or see a post by someone and they use the term “snowflake,” they’re using talking points. What’s the matter, Sunshine? Not smart enough to think of your own derogatory terms?

“Snowflake” is kinda new for these people. They’re using it to dismiss arguments from young people who they feel are eternally offended and politically-correct protesters. It implies that liberals are soft and whiny. I don’t know if it’s new because winter has arrived or Rush Limbaugh used it on one of his shows, or what. But it’s here for some reason or another. I can totally see Tomi Lahren, who’s eternally offended, using it.

I always find it hypocritical when I hear and see conservatives accuse liberals of being whiny and ultra sensitive. Really? This from the bunch that creates persecution for themselves? They come up with the “War On Christmas” because they’re threatened when someone says “happy holidays” or “seasons greetings.” They worry that white people aren’t catching all the breaks anymore. They become outraged if Baby Jesus isn’t on a coffee cup. Hell, they won the election and they’re still whining about it. They really hate when it’s pointed out that Hillary Clinton received more votes than Donald Trump. Even Donald Trump can’t stop tweeting out excuses about it.

Former Congressman and still-active ranting lunatic Allen B. West posted some crap on his website that was shared by the sort of people who don’t research or vet information, you know…conservatives. He claimed that Hillary Clinton only won 57 counties out of 3,141 in the election. Are you so threatened that you have to create lies? Yes, you are. Hillary won 487counties. Perhaps counting is the sort of vetting too complicated for conservatives.

Or they make the argument that Trump won more counties and more states, which is true. But land area doesn’t overrule the majority of human beings. If that was the case we should just let the eleven people who live in Alaska write all our laws for us.

Now they’re making a new argument that if you take California and New York out of the election results then Trump would have won the popular vote. So basically if fewer people were allowed to vote for Hillary Clinton then Trump would have won the popular vote. This is an argument that makes sense where? Probably not in California.

The whining over the details over their election win is probably a sign of things to come. Conservatives got what they want except they’ve replaced conservatism with Trumpism. No one is really sure what Trumpism entails other than idol worship for a narcissist and image and message over policy. Now when that disaster comes home for all of them we’ll see who’s whining.

Not many conservatives will be offended by this cartoon as most don’t venture far beyond their online safe spaces like InfoWars, Daily Caller, or Breitbart, and they’ll never see it. I don’t get many reprints in conservative safe spaces.

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5 thoughts on “Snow Flake Safe Space

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  1. Now hold on. I’ve been using snowflake and special snowflake to describe entitled assholes for four decades, and I’m about a far left as you can get without being issued a tinfoil hat.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Take my word for it, the white supremacist, Christian, and conservative sites have enough bovine droppings running wild and free 24/7 that they give a new name for cesspool. HALF of America believes their misguided propaganda. I fear it, but I will never accept it.


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