Hillary Gets A Head


The Associated Press reported Monday evening that Hillary Clinton has secured enough delegates to win the Democratic Party’s nomination. This has seriously burned the Berners.

Clinton now becomes the first female to win the nomination of a major American political party. That might have been the direction I should have gone in but who can resist drawing a decapitated unicorn head? Not I.

Sanders plans to stay and fight until the convention in July. His supporters are claiming this information was released the day before the last major primaries to discourage voters. Sanders’ supporters are starting to sound a lot like Republicans where they blame the messenger and become paranoid.

Discouraging the vote, especially in California, does not help Hillary Clinton. She still needs to win the state, at least for argument’s sake. She does not want to roll into Philadelphia without a California win.

Another area where Sanders’ supporters are sounding like Republicans is their trouble with reality. They’re having trouble with math. They can’t say they want the Democratic process to work and then ask the super delegates to ignore it. Hillary Clinton has won more votes and delegates than Bernie, yet his plan for the nomination relies upon the supers to switch loyalties. If Bernie really believes that is even remotely possible then he does believe in unicorns.

Bernie Sanders also argues that he polls better against Trump. That is true. But after the performance Clinton gave last week, and the trauma she caused the Trump campaign, I think she’s gonna do OK. I think Hillary can do a better job against Trump. She’s been vetted for over 20 years. She’s been dragged through the mud by the GOP for that entire time and they still don’t have anything on her. She sat through 12 hours of their grilling and came out smiling and leaving them frustrated by their own ineptness. She’s tougher than Sanders and Trump combined. I don’t love Hillary Clinton. I think she’s shady. I don’t find her entirely honest. But I also believe she’s a fighter and will totally destroy Trump better than Sanders can even dream of doing.

This doesn’t mean I think Sanders should drop out. He should keep making noise right to the convention. He has a great message that should be a part of the party’s platform. He really accomplished something historic by running a campaign largely made up of donations from individuals and not corporations or pacs. His people should not pack up, go home and sit on the couch.

The primary system is not entirely fair. But this isn’t exactly a vote by all the people in the first place. It’s a party selecting their nominee. It’s not the general election. Each party decides their process.

For example: The GOP is seriously having second thoughts and Trump is very likely to finally make a statement, or set a cross on fire and claim it’s a “T,” between now and their convention that forces them to nominate someone with more appeal, which at this point would be chlamydia.

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