
Usually, when a president, or any politician, argues for or defends a position, they use details of the subject. They will use facts while also omitting details that hurt their argument. Sometimes they'll even lie. Every politician lies. What Donald Trump does with lies isn't just different, it's dangerous. Trump does not argue details or... Continue Reading →

Peddling In Crocs

Here's this week's cartoon for The Costa Rica Star. I was reading a story how bicycling can be very dangerous in Costa Rica. It seems drivers don't really care, or look out for cyclists. It's not that different here. Though in Costa Rica there was a huge protest on this issue. I heard a joke... Continue Reading →

Trump Train

After Trump insinuated that Obama was sympathetic toward terrorists (wink wink, nudge nudge), The Washington Post published a story on his comments. Trump reacted by banning the Post from covering his events. He claimed they were taking his words out of context and that he never would insinuate that Obama would be behind such a horrible... Continue Reading →

Is That An Alligator In Your Pocket?

I know. Go ahead and give it to me. This is very insensitive and has poor timing. I'm not good with sensitive or sacred cows...or in this case, reptiles. At least I didn't go with my first heartless idea which consisted of an alligator eating Mickey Mouse. Pissing off the NRA, Trump, and Republicans I'm... Continue Reading →

Trump’s Tantrum On Terror

Usually after a national tragedy, the country comes together. People with different philosophical and political beliefs can push them aside, at least for a few days, to unite and stand together. Then there's Donald Trump. Immediately after the attack in Orlando Trump tweeted how people were "congratulating" him on being right. Terrorist attack on our... Continue Reading →

Alligator Arms

I'm not often amused by Geico commercials, especially the ones with the gecko. He's annoying. But I liked the one with alligator arms. It shows a group of people at a restaurant and one of them is an alligator, who volunteers to pay for the meal. Unfortunately since he has alligator arms he can't reach... Continue Reading →

Historic Firsts

I've been itching to draw an Oompa Loompa since Trump first announced his candidacy. The Democratic Party is making history for the second time in a row with their party's nominee. After making Barack Obama the first African-American nominee of a major American political party they have now made Hillary Clinton the first female. In... Continue Reading →

Ryan Gets Trumped

On the same day Speaker of the House Paul Ryan said he was voting for Donald Trump, note he didn't say "endorse", he had to make a statement condemning Trump's racism. On Tuesday he actually came out and described Trump's statements toward a judge as "racist." Within the same paragraph of describing Trump's comments as... Continue Reading →

Hillary Gets A Head

The Associated Press reported Monday evening that Hillary Clinton has secured enough delegates to win the Democratic Party's nomination. This has seriously burned the Berners. Clinton now becomes the first female to win the nomination of a major American political party. That might have been the direction I should have gone in but who can... Continue Reading →

Judging Colors

Donald Trump is a racist. People are hesitant to level that charge, even while stating they disagree with one of his several racist comments, and we should be reluctant to slap that label on someone. But when you keep making racist comments you're a racist. What does it take for Republicans and the press to... Continue Reading →

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