Flag Of Our SCOTUS

President Biden’s approval rating is bad. Currently, it’s around 43 percent. If you’re a Trumper, don’t get giddy and hypocritical about this like you guys do about everything. Von Shitzenpants’ approval isn’t much better as it’s currently around 44 percent. At least Biden was above 50 at one point during his presidency which Trump never achieved.

If you think those approval ratings are bad, then check out the ratings for Congress which is at 13 percent, with 68 percent disapproving. Congress never has great ratings but they’ve probably never been worse than they are now. I think that’s to blame for morons having control of the House. You have a party that can’t govern, they’ve had chaos over the speakership, they impeached a cabinet member outside the guidelines set by the Constitution, they’re more focused on impeaching President Biden without any evidence of a crime, they’re investigating Hunter Biden, some members are trying to oust prosecutors in Manhattan and Fulton County, and they put morons like Lauren Boebert and the trolliest of trolls, Marjorie knuckle-drawing Taylor Greene on the most important committees.

And somewhere between all those are the low approval ratings for the Supreme Court. Over 50 percent of Americans disapprove of SCOTUS. Jeepers, why would SCOTUS have such low approval, trust, faith, and credibility among Americans?

Maybe the reason most Americans don’t trust SCOTUS is that they overturned Roe as part of a ruling on a case that wasn’t about overturning Roe. Another reason may be that Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito have billionaire benefactors who have funded fancy-schmancy million-dollar vacations. The benefactors have also treated them to visits at their exclusive Scrooge McDuck clubs, bought Clarence’s mama’s house, paid for Clarence’s nephew’s education, and gave Clarence a low-no-interest loan for an RV which may not have ever been paid back. It also probably didn’t help that SCOTUS wrote news rules saying it’s OK to take bribes. Or maybe the public hates that there’s no regulating corrupt Supreme Court justices.

And then there’s the skepticism over Clarence for not recusing himself from cases that involve his wife, like the current one over Trump’s claim he has immunity to commit treason. And now, we have to question Alito’s ability to be impartial after The New York Times published a photo of a Trump Treason flag flapping in his yard.

During the assault on the Capitol by Trump’s white nationalist terrorists, an upside-down U.S. flag was seen being waved by many of the goons. It’s come to be known as the stop-the-steal flag. The insurrection attempt was on January 6, 2021. Before the month was over, the flag was seen flying at Alito’s house.

Alito’s defense of this was to blame Ted Cruz’s twin daughters. Why those little rascals snuck into his yard in the dead of night and raised that treason flag on his pole (flag pole, people. Get your minds out of the gutter), and then they tee-hee’ed off to Cancun.

No, Seriously, Alito blamed it on his wife, Martha-Ann Alito. Sam says he can’t tell her what to do. It’s not like she’s married to Harrison Butker. Mrs. Alito does things on her own, like Ginni Thomas when she helped Trump try to steal an election. I’m sure Clarence was all like, “Whaaaaaaa’at?”

It’s really hard to control these women. They have minds of their own and you can’t stop them from buying expensive shoes, loaning you out to help their parents move heavy furniture, ordering you to spend your entire Sunday with the inlaws and mutton, letting her unemployed brother live in the attack with his drum set, getting a cat, or flying treason flags off your front porch.

In a statement to The Times, Alito said, “I had no involvement whatsoever in the flying of the flag. It was briefly placed by Mrs. Alito in response to a neighbor’s use of objectionable and personally insulting language on yard signs.”

What did the signs say that was personal? “Alito….recuse!!!!”?

Did one say, “Stop calling your wife Mrs. Alito?” What’s that pillow talk like? “Oooh yes, Mrs. Alito. Right there, Mrs. Alito. You’re almost there, Mrs. Alito…you’re almost…YES, MRS. ALITO! YES! YES! MRS. ALITO!.” If you’re calling your wife Mrs, then you’re probably wearing a suit to bed. At least it’s not as creepy as Ronald Reagan calling his wife Mommy. Does Harrison call his wife Mommy or Mrs. Butker?

You have all sorts of issues if you call the woman you’re boinking Mommy. Ewwwww. Anyhoo…

If you don’t like your neighbor’s liberal yard signs to the point that you have to start a feud over it, then maybe don’t live in Fairfax. In 2020, nearly 70 percent of the Fairfax vote went for Joe Biden. Another free tip is… if you’re a MAGAt troglodyte, then don’t start fights with your liberal neighbors. That’s how Rand Paul got his ass kicked. Those squirrels living in his hair are still in counseling.

First, Samuel throws Martha-Ann, I’m sorry…Mrs. Alito… under the MAGA bus, then he blames the neighbors. I really want to know what those signs said beyond “fuck Trump.” How were they personally offensive? Maybe he found “Trump for prison” personally offensive since he seriously believes President (sic) Oompa-Loompa should have immunity to break the law (how about we compromise and give Trump immunity to shit himself?). But Martha-Ann’s response to these yard signs was to raise a treason flag. Yeah, that’s owning the libs.

I can’t imagine that any of the neighbors’ yard signs were more offensive than raising a flag that says, “Fuck democracy.” The stop-the-steal shit is based on the lie that Trump won the 2020 election and even without any proof, that he should be re-installed in the White House. I’m offended a Supreme Court justice, or even the person he’s calling Mrs. in bed, believes the Big Lie.

This brings us back to the problem of Supreme Court justices who are more loyal to a cult leader than to the Constitution. We already have one member, Amy Coney Barrett who’s literally in a fundamentalist troglodyte cult. She probably couldn’t raise a flag on her lawn without her husband’s permission…or Donald Trump’s.

Then we have Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito, who are both married to Trumpers. Does that mean they’re not Trumpers and they can be impartial? When SCOTUS refused to hear Trump’s election challenges, three of the justices wanted to hear them. Guess who they were. Thomas, Alito, and Neil Gorsuch, who is a Trump-appointee. Gee, if the court had heard those cases, I wonder how the husband of the woman who helped Trump try to steal the election or the husband of the treason flag waver would have ruled. I guess we’ll never know.

Clarence Thomas needs to recuse himself from the immunity case and any future ones that involve Donald Trump since his wife worked to steal the election for him. Just because Clarence has to sleep with her doesn’t mean we should all be punished. And if Alito finds yard signs personally offensive, then he’s probably even more offended that Trump doesn’t have immunity from trying to install himself as an orange fascist pussy-grabbing racist dictator.

Samuel Alito isn’t happy with just controlling women’s bodies, he wants to control his neighbors’ lawns.

I have a sign for you, Alito, and you can share it with Mrs. Alito and your little buddy Clarence too. It’s between a couple of my fingers.

Signed prints: The signed prints are just $40.00 each. Every cartoon on this site is available. You can pay through PayPal. If you don’t like PayPal, you can snail mail it to Clay Jones, P.O. Box 3721, Fredericksburg, VA 22402. I can mail the prints directly to you or if you’re purchasing as a gift, directly to the person you’re gifting.

Tales From The Trumpster Fire: I have five copies and you can order yours, signed by me, for $45.00. You can pay through PayPal to clayjonz@gmail.com. You can also snail it to P.O. Box 3721, Fredericksburg, VA 22402.

Knee-Deep In Mississippi: There are only 16 copies left of my first book, published in 1997. These can be purchased for $40.00

Tip Jar: If you want to support the cartoonist, please send a donation through PayPal to clayjonz@gmail.com. You can also snail it to P.O. Box 3721, Fredericksburg, VA 22402.

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5 thoughts on “Flag Of Our SCOTUS

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  1. Getting it all off your chest, Clay! It’s all pretty horrible. But the MAGt culters seem to think it’s their right to be assholes, but the rest of us should kowtow to them. They want a free pass, but they will prosecute anyone who stands against them. So immature of them. Pr9bably they will all feast on Trump’s dead body when he is gone. And drink his urine for wine…

    Liked by 3 people

  2. “Congress never has great ratings but they’ve probably never been worse than they are now.”

    I agree that Congressional approval is almost certainly at an all-time low, but bear in mind that Congressional approval polls (as far as I can determine) only go back to 1974 (Gallop). It would be interesting to see approval polls during, say Lincoln’s time in office (re the Copperhead issue, etc.), and the administrations of FDR, Ike, and LBJ.

    Another point of historical interest would be the Progressive Republican Revolt against Speaker Joe Cannon (1910). At the time, “Progressive politicians, who deeply distrusted parties in general, began to resent the power vested in the Speaker which was being used to thwart them.  They believed that political parties rendered government corrupt and irresponsible; that the laws that actually governed the nation were not a product of the people, but rather of a select group of interested individuals who used their personal influence to control the government.”




    http://www.historydefined.net/excesses-of-the-gilded-age/ (scroll down to see one of the most famous political cartoons of the monopolists during the Gilded Age).


  3. Liked the cartoon, but REALLY liked the blog commentary. Makes one wonder if Mother Pence and Mrs. Alito are friends.


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