Trumping The Constitution


Proponents of a flag burning Amendment say the Founding Fathers didn’t envision people burning flags. They probably didn’t envision people owning Uzis either.

On Monday night Donald Trump watched something on Fox News about a guy burning a flag at a college in Massachusetts. Because he’s easily led and has impulse control issues Trump tweeted that anyone burning an American flag should lose one’s citizenship and serve a year in jail. Saying crap like that is what makes people want to burn a flag. And someone did right in front of Trump Tower.

A lot of people agreed with Trump. I find that bizarre and hypocritical as those same people cry about Obama desecrating the Constitution but they’ll hand Trump the scissors to chop it up. You can’t be a Constitutionalist if you’re not defending the freedom it guarantees. I know conservatives love that Second Amendment thing but I encourage them to learn a bit more about the Constitution. People like Donald Trump (Psst, Donald. There’s 27 Amendments).

A lot of people disagree with Trump, even many conservatives. But they all say the politically correct thing which is “I’m disgusted by people burning the flag but I protect their right to do so….but I really wanna assault them.” West Virginia Senator and Democrat Joe Manchin said something to that effect.

Burning the flag is protected speech. What other reason does one have to burn a flag? You’re not going to replace charcoal with flags next July 4th to grill your weenies.

The Supreme Court has ruled, twice, that burning the flag is protected speech. Even Trump’s hero Antonin Scalia ruled it was protected. Also, you can’t revoke someone’s citizenship. That’s another thing protected by the Constitution. The government can not revoke someone’s citizenship against their will. It seems Trump might wanna brush up on these sort of details as he takes the presidency.

Trump is no fan of the Constitution. He’s already made goals of restricting freedom of the press. Trump’s rhetoric is such a threat to the 1st Amendment that some people are moving to Canada (hippies). The non-profit internet archive, which is based in San Francisco (gay hippies), is commonly referred as the “Wayback Machine.” What it does is archive web pages. So when one doesn’t exist anymore they may have it. Information such as vice president-elect Mike Pence’s first Congressional run when he wanted to strip funding for Aids research and use that money to convert gays into being straight (show them this Trump cartoon). The Wayback group is going to preserve a copy of all their archives in Canada as Trump has threatened the First Amendment and Net Neutrality.

In the early 1990s Congress tried to pass a new Amendment which would forbid flag burning. It was supported by President George H.W. Bush. It failed. These sort of issues are squirrels. You know, as in “SQUIRREL!” They’re distractions, kinda like when states would put gay marriage restrictions on ballots. Hey, ignore all the messed up stuff we’re doing and ignoring….gays are getting married and burning flags. The question is: What is Trump trying to distract us from? Did he just lease the South Lawn to Irish keggers?

But why stop at outlawing burning flags? Why not add to it by forcing everyone to erect a manger scene in front of their house and demand that Starbucks put snowflakes on their cups?

As I said, it’s politically correct to say you’re against flag burning but you protect the right to do so. I’m gonna be honest. I’m not offended by burning flags. You’re gonna have to push my buttons a lot harder. I don’t care if you think this country sucks. That’s too bad. I don’t care if you burn a piece of fabric with an image on it, even if that image is the United States flag or…gasp…the Chicago Cubs logo (doesn’t mean I have to like you). Besides, America does suck. America also rocks. It sucks at a lot of things like our mortality rate and the fact most people who want to ban flag burning can’t name the three branches of government. It’s great that it allows those people to be stupid, moronic, racist, Trump voters. That’s your right. It’s also great in that fake news is entirely legal and can scare the masses to give us a Cheeto Potentate, which totally sucks. Basically America is a mixed bag. Burn a flag, revere the flag, build a manger, scream at coffee cups, do what you want. Don’t hurt anyone and I won’t be offended.

I am much more offended by people trampling the Constitution because that protects us. The flag doesn’t protect anybody and nobody ever fought for a flag. It’s a symbol. Maybe it means a lot to you, but it’s just an image. I’m also more offended by people being trampled on, being disenfranchised, rights taken away, abused, punished unfairly and imprisoned for a corporate profit system. I’m more offended when someone burns a church, mosque, synagogue, than a flag.


You don’t have the right not to be offended. Sorry, Sunshine. Besides, nobody offends you. You’re choosing to be offended. You can do that because America, and the Constitution rocks. Let’s not let Donald Trump crap in it.

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5 thoughts on “Trumping The Constitution

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  1. There is a certain irony to the same people who whine about political correctness getting up in arms about flag-burning. I’m a veteran and don’t get offended by flag-burning or non-standing at anthems. I love my country for a myriad of reasons and one of them is ability to protest. Like you, I don’t care, as long as they are not hurting anyone else.


    1. I agree with you. Some on the left as well as on the right want to restrict freedom of speech. It’s one reason I love the USA


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