Powell Joins The Club


I saw an interview this week where a pundit was asked to comment on the content of former Secretary of State and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Colin Powell having his emailed hacked. He refused because he didn’t think it was appropriate to reward those who violated his privacy. I really respect that. I refuse to look at any starlet’s nude pics that were hacked from her privacy. I find it as disgusting as peeping through someone’s window. Really. But I will jump on these emails. It’s news.

Pretty soon everyone of any significance will limit their communication to carrier pigeon though I suspect Julian Assange would start shooting them down. I’m not that worried about it happening to me because I’m just a pipsqueak in the grand scheme of things, though there have been recent attempts to get into some of my social media and this very website. Will the attempts stop? Nyet!

The contents of Powell’s emails show two things: He’s not wild about either candidate and he’s really bitchy. I can respect that as I’m bitchy too.

Powell has always been universally respected by Republicans and Democrats alike. He served under Reagan and Clinton and was George W. Bush’s Secretary of State during his first term. Although he’s a Republican he endorsed Obama twice. About the only thing to tarnish the General’s legacy was his selling the Iraq war to the U.N. It’s still hard to dis the General. He’s probably the only man alive who could have been president but refused to apply for the job. That makes me want the guy to have the job.

Powell expressed disdain for both candidates. Regarding Clinton he refers to her as a friend but “everything she touches she screws up with hubris.” If you’re a Donald Trump supporter “hubris” means excessive pride or self-confidence. He described her as having “a long track record, unbridled ambition, greedy, not transformational.” Would he have described a male politician that way? He also wrote he’d “rather not have to vote for her.” He really wasn’t happy being dragged into the email controversy which is kinda ironic since he’s been hacked. Dude, nobody uses AOL anymore.

He has an even lower opinion of Trump. He wrote Trump “just looks stupid trying to appeal to blacks and Latinos” and thinks of him as an “international pariah.” Part of his disdain for Trump comes from his latching onto the birther movement which Powell refers to as a racist movement, which it is.

Not being happy to choose between Clinton and Trump puts Powell in a very large club. I’m not super happy with it either but I feel it’s the responsible thing to prevent the destruction of my country so I am voting for Clinton. We could all vote for Gary Johnso….HAHAHA. I couldn’t even finish the sentence. I won’t try with Jill Stein.

It gets even nastier as he mentions his former colleague Dick Cheney and his daughter Liz with “the Cheneys are idiots and spent force peddling a book that ain’t going nowhere.” Hopefully he’s smart enough to turn down future hunting invites from Dick (who, by the way, served as vice president for eight years after having five freaking heart attacks, though he seems to be doing fine now after receiving a transplant donated by a Sith lord).

Powell also used a term I’m not comfortable posting here even though this is a big boy blog. A few of my clients who are much more respectable than this outlet carry these columns. Powell used the term in an accusation that Bill Clinton is still messing around on his wife. The term soon became a trending hashtag on twitter, which I will use with this blog. Sorry, mom.

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