Accusers Get Verified

Donald Trump brought his locker room talk to his rallies this week. First he called his accusers “horrible,” “sick” and “phony,” and then he insinuated they're not attractive enough for him to violate. What a moral and upstanding defense. Regarding Jessica Leeds, who has accused Trump of groping her on a flight, he said “Yeah, I’m gonna... Continue Reading →

Hypocritical Surrogacy

Whoever did not see this coming needs to go sit in the corner and remain silent until Thanksgiving. Election 2016 just went scorched Earth. Reports came out last night of four women accusing Donald Trump of forcibly groping and kissing them. If you're attempting to eat a meal you might want to stop reading at... Continue Reading →

Powell Joins The Club

I saw an interview this week where a pundit was asked to comment on the content of former Secretary of State and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Colin Powell having his emailed hacked. He refused because he didn't think it was appropriate to reward those who violated his privacy. I really respect that.... Continue Reading →

Trump Talks Black

Donald Trump left the comfort of his Penthouse apartment on Fifth Avenue to visit a black church in Detroit. Since the only black person Trump knows is Ben Carson it might have been shocking to learn that not every African American is insane and stabby. Team Trump thought of this and prepared crib notes on... Continue Reading →

Trump’s Tantrum On Terror

Usually after a national tragedy, the country comes together. People with different philosophical and political beliefs can push them aside, at least for a few days, to unite and stand together. Then there's Donald Trump. Immediately after the attack in Orlando Trump tweeted how people were "congratulating" him on being right. Terrorist attack on our... Continue Reading →

Alligator Arms

I'm not often amused by Geico commercials, especially the ones with the gecko. He's annoying. But I liked the one with alligator arms. It shows a group of people at a restaurant and one of them is an alligator, who volunteers to pay for the meal. Unfortunately since he has alligator arms he can't reach... Continue Reading →

Third Party Enthusiasm

The Never Trump crowd has a party they can vote for while claiming innocence over Hillary Clinton becoming president. The Bernie Sanders flock can also keep their promise to never support Clinton without supporting Donald Trump, directly. Former Republican governor of New Mexico, Gary Johnson, is running for president. He hasn't secured the nomination for the... Continue Reading →

Burning For Trump

A lot of Republicans are vowing they won't support or even vote for Trump. Some are even saying they'll support Hillary. Many are even burning their voter registration cards. I say give them a month, or less. They'll come around. I don't know if I've ever had a voter registration card. If I did, I... Continue Reading →

Never Trump Powers Colluding

"Colluding." That's a word I got very tired of today. GOP presidential candidates John Kasich and Ted Cruz are "colluding" to stop Trump. The deal is this: Kasich won't campaign in Indiana where Republicans are more fundamentalists and insane (I have a little sister and brother there so I know about the insane part) which... Continue Reading →

Grabby 2016

Michelle Fields, a reporter for Breitbart, claimed that Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski grabbed her and left bruises on her arm. This happened after a Trump press conferences in Jupiter, Florida, on the night of a primary. The Trump campaign never admits wrongdoing or apologizes. They claimed it never happened. Lewandowski tweeted, because these people... Continue Reading →

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