The Kim Davis Rally For Bigotry


Sorry if I put that song in your head. You’re lucky I can’t really express “dum! dumdumdum! dumdumdum! dumdumduuuuuuuum! into the cartoon. Reportedly, the band Survivor is upset Kim Davis’s Rally For Bigotry use their tune. I’m upset too because now it’s in my head.

People say you should respect beliefs you disagree with. I don’t respect that belief. If your beliefs and core convictions make you a spiteful-intolerant bigot then I’m not going to respect that either. You have to really be committed to your bigotry to be willing to go to jail for your backward positions. Mike Huckabee is such a bigot he’s willing to go to jail for other people’s bigotry.

Here’s the thing, bigots. You’re not being persecuted. Your religion is not being suppressed. No one is denying your freedom of religion. You’re upset because you can’t use your religion to deny other people their freedom.

On top of all that, it’s not as much about your religious freedom and convictions when it turns into a not so humble political rally for a presidential candidate most people forgot was even in the race. And let’s not forget poor Ted Cruz who actually had to photo bomb for anyone to notice he was even there.

Kim Davis was put in jail on a contempt of court charge for denying marriage licenses to gay couples. Now that her office is issuing the licenses the judge released her. Davis says she hasn’t changed her mind. She didn’t talk about her job or the law at the rally. The only topic she mentioned was God which is further proof she doesn’t give two squats about the Constitution, the law or the separation of church and state. We’ll see what happens next.

Davis is willing to deny people their Constitutional rights for her convictions. She’s willing to go to jail for them. About the only thing she’s not willing to do for her beliefs is quit her $80,000+ a year job.

I couldn’t draw this cartoon without inserting Farmer Fran (Davis’ fourth husband), who showed up to the rally and on stage in overalls embarrassing hillbillies and scarecrows nationwide.

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