Sugar Daddy’s Day

President (sic) Donald Trump used the presidential executive authority to create a new regulation for the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco Firearms and Explosives banning bump stocks in 2017.

The new regulation was in response to a mass shooting in Las Vegas where the killer was able to murder 58 people and injure hundreds more. He was able to do this thanks to a bump stock, a device that replaces a rifle’s standard stock (the butt), which is the part held against the shoulder. It frees a rifle to slide back and forth rapidly, harnessing the energy from the kickback shooters feel when the weapon fires.

Machine guns are banned from the public in this nation, but the bump stock turns a semi-automatic rifle into an automatic rifle thus, turning it into a machine gun. The killer in Las Vegas had 12 rifles, each equipped with a bump stock.

After the shooting in Vegas, the public was outraged, most of whom had never heard of a bump stock until this mass shooting. One in five wanted bump stocks banned. Every Democrat in Congress, who were the minority at the time, wanted a ban on bump stocks. Even some Republicans agreed with them.

Republicans would never push any type of gun control through Congress…but being that they’re a cult, they would have followed Trump on this and would have legislated a ban on bump stocks. Mainstream voters would have been fine with new legislation on guns but the gun-humping GOP base would not have been, and it would have created divisions within the GOP.

The solution was to add a new regulation without creating a new law. The NRA was on board because they didn’t want to seem ineffective but also didn’t want a new law. Regulations are easier to roll back than laws.

Wayne LaPierre and Chris Cox, the leadership of the NRA at the time issued a statement, saying, “The NRA believes that devices designed to allow semi-automatic rifles to function like fully-automatic rifles should be subject to additional regulations.”

See what they did there? They didn’t mention bump stocks or back a new law. They backed the regulation. They backed it and along with Donald Trump, gave their base a wink-wink and a nudge-nudge. They knew a conservative Supreme Court would knock it down and yesterday, that’s exactly what happened.

Writing for the fucknut majority, Clarence Thomas, the justice who has a sugar daddy and whose wife is an insurrectionist, wrote, “This case asks whether a bump stock — an accessory for a semiautomatic rifle that allows the shooter to rapidly reengage the trigger (and therefore achieve a high rate of fire) — converts the rifle into a ‘machine gun. We hold that it does not.”

Thomas didn’t base his ruling on law but on his opinion if the bump stock makes the rifle go boom faster or not.

Take note that neither Donald Trump nor the NRA has issued a statement disagreeing with the Supreme Court. A spokesgoon from the Trump Campaign stated, “The court has spoken and their decision should be respected,” she said, calling Trump a “fierce defender” of gun rights. And, she noted, he carries the endorsement of the NRA.

Trump himself hasn’t said anything about the ruling, probably because he has a long history of respecting and not attacking judges or our justice system. In case you’re new to this joint, that’s heavy sarcasm.

In 2017, Donald Trump did not call on Congress to ban bump stocks. He never said if a bill came across his desk banning bump stocks, that he would sign it. They created a new regulation, put the issue aside, and carried on with business as usual which was hate, racism, enriching Trump, and destroying the rest of the nation.

Trump and the NRA knew the Supreme Court, which is packed with judges who were confirmed by NRA-funded senators, would overturn the regulation. You don’t hear either calling for Congress to create a new law banning bump stocks.

And instead of giving us a ruling on Trump’s immunity, the court gave us this shit.

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Tales From The Trumpster Fire: I have five copies and you can order yours, signed by me, for $45.00. You can pay through PayPal to You can also snail it to P.O. Box 3721, Fredericksburg, VA 22402.

Knee-Deep In Mississippi: There are only 16 copies left of my first book, published in 1997. These can be purchased for $40.00

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3 thoughts on “Sugar Daddy’s Day

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  1. Let me get this straight. The Supreme Court wants to force pregnancies to be brought to term, thus turning fetuses into sometimes-unwanted children. But once they are children the Supreme Court justices are okay with letting them be killed by the modern equivalent of a machine gun, now known as an automatic tifle? Just because the term “machine gun” is no longer technologically correct? (Total sarcasm here, in case the reader is a MAGAt!)
    What good is a law that bans a weapon that is no longer in use? This is the exact opposite of the 2nd amendment which called musket “arms” because in those days a musket was the only kind of “arm” they had. These rulings by the Supreme Court contradict each other. All that matters is that a civilian can shoot up anything he or she sees as an enemy, whether the target is an enemy or not!
    So what would Thomas and the other Republican justices say if a madman attacked them with a bump-stocked rifle? The thing is, they couldn’t say anything becwuse they would be victims of their own rulings!
    Long live the Supreme Court of the United States! This is also sarcsam just in case you cannot tell!

    Liked by 4 people

  2. Clay is Absolutely correct. rawgod is correct, too. However, a few years ago the SCROTUM 6 got massive increases in their own protection (by congress?). So, they don’t have to worry about murderous bumpstock buttheads killing them.

    Liked by 3 people

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