Impeachable Border

Republicans impeached President Andrew Johnson in 1868. The Constitution states that “high crimes and misdemeanors” are the grounds that are required for impeachment. What was Johnson’s crimes? He fired a member of his cabinet. The Senate failed to convict Johnson and he was not removed from office. In 1926, the Supreme Court ruled on a similar case and stated that a president can fire cabinet members, even the ones they inherit. Andrew Johnson is one of our worst presidents, perhaps only surpassed by Donald Trump, but his impeachment was political.

President Bill Clinton was impeached by Republicans in 1998 because he lied about receiving oral sex from an intern. He lied to a grand jury assembled by a Special Counsel appointed to investigate a land deal the Clintons were involved in years before he became president, not if the president was engaging in hanky-panky. While the president did break the law by committing perjury before a grand jury, it was a set-up and had nothing to do with government, corruption, or national security. It was purely political and Republicans lost two House speakers in the process as their infidelities became public. The Senate refused to convict President Clinton over a blowjob.

Donald Trump was impeached twice with both being justified. The first was for trying to extort a foreign president by withholding military aid approved by Congress unless that leader gave him fictional campaign dirt on his opponent, Joe Biden, in the upcoming election. The second was for his white nationalist insurrection after losing to Joe Biden. Unfortunately, he wasn’t convicted in the Senate either time because that chamber is full of sycophants and cowards.

Yesterday, House Republicans impeached Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas by one vote, 214-213. It was the Republican’s second attempt as they tried last week after forgetting they should count votes before conducting sham exercises. Secretary Mayorkas didn’t commit any crimes. That’s not my opinion, it’s a fact. Republicans impeached him because he wouldn’t do enough, at least in their eyes, to protect the border. By the way, they did this while blocking a bill that will add protection to the border. Seriously.

Representative Ted Lieu said, “This was a stupid, purely partisan impeachment. Republicans still can’t explain what misdemeanors Secretary Mayorkas allegedly committed, let alone any high crimes.” This is true. Republicans can’t explain and they’re stupid.

Republicans did this stupid stunt on the same day they lost the special election to fill the seat vacated by George Pants-On-Fire Santos, and then they wondered why they lost.

Republicans have now politicized impeachment showing that they are not a party to be taken seriously and that they can’t govern. They’re not just babies, but very stupid babies. This is just a political stunt to put more focus on the border that they themselves refuse to protect. Republicans can’t work to help this nation, but only to hurt it. They’re not just stupid. They’re evil.

Republicans want to make the border the main issue in the presidential election. OK, let’s do that. Let’s make an issue of how Republicans refuse to pass a bill that will protect the border because Donald Trump is afraid it’ll help President Biden. Let’s make a huge issue of the fact Donald Trump will keep our borders “open” in order for it to help him personally and politically. Let’s keep a light on the issue that the Republican Party is a cult that would rather serve their Dear Leader than their constituents. Let’s make another issue that Republicans don’t understand the Constitution.

Alejandro Mayorkas isn’t going anywhere. The Democratic-controlled Senate will not impeach Mayorkas. They may not even conduct a trial because it’s a waste of time when the party that impeached Mayorkas can’t even provide evidence of any crimes he committed.

I hope this impeachment doesn’t set a precedent for parties to impeach over policy differences. This session of the House may be the worst in US history.

Music note: I listened to The Vaselines and Nirvana.

Signed prints: The signed prints are just $40.00 each. Every cartoon on this site is available. You can pay through PayPal. If you don’t like PayPal, you can snail mail it to Clay Jones, P.O. Box 3721, Fredericksburg, VA 22402. I can mail the prints directly to you or if you’re purchasing as a gift, directly to the person you’re gifting.

Tales From The Trumpster Fire: I have five copies and you can order yours, signed by me, for $45.00. You can pay through PayPal to You can also snail it to P.O. Box 3721, Fredericksburg, VA 22402.

Knee-Deep In Mississippi: There are only 16 copies left of my first book, published in 1997. These can be purchased for $40.00

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10 thoughts on “Impeachable Border

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  1. Obviously the GOP are trying to water down the seriousness of being impeahed. It was serious business that their cult leader Donald J. Trump was twice impeached, and they can’t change that. So instead they are calling the impeachment process into question instead.

    Liked by 6 people

    1. I don’t think they are that sophisticated. They are just pathetic schoolyard bullies wanting to impeach Dems solely because their idoled orange idiot, was such a bumbling fool, he got himself twice impeached. It’s revenge impeachment to appease the orange idiot god of the R party, and to assauge their overinflated egos.

      Whiny little 6 year olds could do better than these duly elected poo flingers. Disgusting spectacle, and they (R’s) clearly have no shame, no honor, no integrity, no decency, and no conscience. If they did, they’d not stand for this $hit.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. True enough, but I think some of them look like whiny little children on purpose. They didn’t “all” get there with no brains.
        If I am giving them too much credit, sobeit, but I would rather overestimate them than underestimate them. One look at 2016 and we see the danger of understimation.

        Liked by 3 people

    1. Especially the Roadrunner!😉


      🇺🇸November 5th, 2024.
      🇺🇸Save the Date.
      🇺🇸Save the Country.
      🇺🇸*Susan B_A from Resistanceville

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