Obese Scales of Justice

Trump’s staff purportedly sent his height and weight to the Fulton County jail to speed up the booking process which makes it shocking that the law enforcement agency was able to recognize him when he came in for his 20 minutes.

Trump’s staff, probably through Trump himself, described him as 6′ 3″ which is bullshit. They also listed his weight at 215 pounds, which is also bullshit. Who filled out the form for Trump, Ronny Jackson? They also described his hair as “strawberry blonde” which must mean there are bleached shitweasel/skunk hybrids out there.

A lot of people had fun with this on the internet and compared Trump’s weight to other people who are 215, such as Aaron Rodgers today and Muhammad Ali when he was knocking people out in the 70s. My weight has been hovering around 215 for the past year, going from 213 to 217 fairly consistently, and you know what. I think I’m smaller than Trump. I think it’s safe to say I’m a LOT smaller than Trump. I mean, I do like sandwiches, pasta, beer, and ice cream, but I’m nowhere near where Trump really is, which is probably around 270-300.

That’s all the analysis you’re getting today, kids because I’m tired.

I wrote this idea yesterday and CNN didn’t want it. But, I still liked it and decided to give it to my clients and to you. It was drawn on a plane from Atlanta (where I was in a TSA line longer than Trump as in the Fulton County Jail) and Baltimore. It was completed in an Amtrak station.

This was my first attempt to draw on a plane. While the plane wasn’t as shaky as a train, I had to draw with my tablet on my knees, which was pretty difficult. When you watch the video, you’ll see that I started over several times.

The Indictment Tour is over (I think) and I’m looking forward to my own bed and drawing table. I wanna go home.

So, how did you spend your summer? I think I’m going to call this my Wet Hot American Indictment Tour Summer.

Signed prints: The signed prints are just $40.00 each. Every cartoon on this site is available. You can pay through PayPal. If you don’t like PayPal, you can snail mail it to Clay Jones, P.O. Box 3721, Fredericksburg, VA 22402. I can mail the prints directly to you or if you’re purchasing as a gift, directly to the person you’re gifting.

Notes on my book, Tales From The Trumpster Fire: There are 19 copies of my book in stock, which go for $45.00 each, signed. Also, I have copies of my first book from 1997, Knee-Deep in Mississippi available for $20.00.

Tip Jar: if you want to support the cartoonist, please send a donation through PayPal to clayjonz@gmail.com. You can also snail it to P.O. Box 3721, Fredericksburg, VA 22402.

Watch me draw:

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