Message for Elon

Is there room for a new social media platform? Sure there is, but it has to work. Currently, successful platforms are Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube. Even LinkedIn has over 900 million users and nobody knows what it does.

Is Tribel working out? I’m using it to post my cartoons, but I don’t hang out there, so I don’t know. I do get some reactions to my cartoons but I always forget to read them. I have a Post account but honestly, I haven’t even looked at that since before I went to Miami. I’m not on Mastodon because it’s way too confusing. No, thank you. How about Truth Social? It sucks, is a place for goons, and recently banned me which it says it never does.

So, is Meta’s newest platform, Threads, a threat to Twitter? No, even though it has Elon shitting himself at the moment. Threads may work out and become huge. It already has over 30 million users and it just started two days ago.

I’m on Threads. I feel like I need to join almost every platform to expose my work, build an audience, and also to know what I’m talking about when I cover it. It’s the main reason I joined Truth Social, just to understand it. So when I say Truth Social sucks, I am speaking from experience. I am not leaving Twitter. The way I see it, I spent too many years building an audience there. Mark Hamill just started following me. A lot of readers only find me on Twitter. Plus, I was there long before Elon bought and I’ll be damned if I allow a pasty ghost-face pissant like Elon Musk chase me away from Twitter. I will also continue to comment about Twitter, so shouldn’t I stay on the platform to know what I’m talking about?

The reason Threads has so many users already is that the audience was already built in. Threads add accounts from Instagram, which is part of Meta and has over two billion users. So when you sign up, it’s extremely easy. If you have an Instagram account, download Threads on your phone or tablet, it will recognize you and give you an account. Then you just add a profile photo, write a short bio and you’re done.

And so far, I’ve only used Threads like I’m using Tribel, Reddit, Pinterest, and the way I used Truth Social, just to share my cartoons and videos. I don’t hang out or spend any time there. But with Threads, maybe I will eventually. It’s a very smooth platform and it’s almost exactly like Twitter. Where Truth Social initially made users wait weeks before they could create their accounts, which Blue Sky is also doing (WFT?), Threads gets you up and running immediately. And easy is what a platform has to be to be successful. Have you interacted with people on social media? If you have, then you know that most of them are morons. But I don’t think Threads is a threat to Twitter.

The greatest threat to turning Twitter into a MySpace is Elon. Elon is destroying Twitter. He’s allowing goons to post misinformation. He’s restructured the algorithms so the first posts you see are from Trump goons. He’s charging for verification and I’m seeing a lot of verified accounts with followers in the single digits. Ad sales have dropped on Twitter. I can tell you that my engagements have been cut in half. And, Elon has reduced the value of Twitter and is now only worth 33 percent of what Elon paid for it. Even the $10 I put into Bitcoin is doing better (currently at $9.73. Fuckers).

Some friends have asked me if they should sign up for Threads and I tell them, “Do what you want.” Just don’t piss on it this early when you don’t know what you’re talking about. The best reason not to join is because you’re tired of keeping up with so many platforms. Personally, I do wish a few would die. When Truth Social banned me, I was elated that there was one less chore for me each day, which was uploading my cartoons to it. Threads fucked that up. But, posting to Threads is a lot quicker and simpler than posting to Truth Social.

Do you want me to comment on the Elon/Zuckerberg feud? That’s coming.

Now, comment away and tell me that you’re not going to join Threads. I don’t care.

Signed prints: The signed prints are just $40.00 each. Every cartoon on this site is available. You can pay through PayPal. If you don’t like PayPal, you can snail mail it to Clay Jones, P.O. Box 3721, Fredericksburg, VA 22402. I can mail the prints directly to you or if you’re purchasing as a gift, directly to the person you’re gifting.

Notes on my book, Tales From The Trumpster Fire: There are 19 copies of my book in stock, which go for $45.00 each, signed. Also, I have copies of my first book from 1997, Knee-Deep in Mississippi available for $20.00.

Tip Jar: if you want to support the cartoonist, please send a donation through PayPal to You can also snail it to P.O. Box 3721, Fredericksburg, VA 22402.

Watch me draw:

5 thoughts on “Message for Elon

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  1. Threads is smoother and sort of looks like the Blue Bird but it lacks so many features I am not likely to hang around there very much.

    And besides, Instagram disappeared by account with 5000 photos earlier this year and never responded to my appeal. (But then I may have told you that before. ). So I don’t really trust it. See you on the socials

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Twitter had mega-advertisers. Coke. Nike. A lot of them would have peeled off in the wake of banned advertisers coming back, but nothing like the full-scale Exodus fleeing the platform as it went into meltdown. For good measure, Musk insulted and belittled the stupendous corporations.

    I get a lot of right-wing and evangelical nutballs on untargeted ads, but they are so pathetic, I feel a little sympathy toward them…before I Mute them. It’s like Kid Rock, who had some variety of musical career I gather, but who’s going to end up shooting beer cans in his obituary.

    At the same time I come across Promoted ads for Actblue. It’s like some kind of nightmarish yard sale.

    Liked by 1 person

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