Vote Him Out


Often while wearing a face mask, I’ll smile at someone and then realize, they don’t know I’m smiling at them. I’m sure you’ve done that too. Usually for me, it’s while I’m at the post office and I kinda want to assure them they’re not pissing me off, then I realize, they can’t see the smile. I’ve literally told people, “you can’t see it but I’m smiling at you.”

Of course, if they can’t tell you’re smiling at them, then they also can’t tell if you’re frowning…or mouthing dirty words. I wonder if Donald Trump was mouthing expletives yesterday while being booed amidst chants of “vote him out.” From the photos, he looked very confused.

While pretending to show his respects to Ruth Bader Ginsburg at the Supreme Court, Donald Trump was confronted with reality which is a rare exception for him. Usually, he’s surrounded by sycophants and cultists. If he’s not at a MAGAt rally full of his devoted racist cult followers, he’s in the White House with ass-kissers like Kayleigh McEnany, or elected Republicans who can’t even bring themselves to disagree with him on something as dangerous as a peaceful transfer of power. You know, treason.

It’s very rare for Donald Trump to be in an atmosphere where he can experience how people actually feel about him. Shortly after the election in 2016, crowds gathered outside Trump Tower to let him know how they felt. Trump Tower is in a voting precinct Donald Trump lost by 38 percent. Ouch. They don’t even like him in his home town.

Another time was at the United Nations where those assembled for his bullshit literally laughed at him. The White House defended that as, “they were laughing with him.” Yeah, what made them laugh was when he said he had accomplished more than any president before him. That is some stuff to chuckle to.

He was also booed at a Nationals baseball game, which isn’t surprising because that was in the capital, a very liberal city. He was booed at a UFC event. He was booed at his inauguration which is something special because that crowd traveled to boo him.

Donald Trump could also step outside the White House on any given day and see protests against him…you know, if he doesn’t have it cleared out with teargas first.

So, as Donald Trump emerged from the Supreme Court building yesterday, he was greeted by the crowd…people who showed up to genuinely show their respects to the late justice. Donald Trump was booed and received a chant of “vote him out.” Naturally, Donald Trump said, “I didn’t hear that.”

In an episode of The Simpsons, as a crowd boos Mr. Burns, his toady, Smithers, tells him they’re saying Boo-urns. Donald Trump is more ridiculous, and evil, than Mr. Burns.

Donald Trumps says the only way he’ll lose in November is if there’s fraud. The only way he’ll win is if there’s fraud. Why do you think Donald Trump wants to stop mail-in voting, at least in states not run by Republicans? Why do you think he’s on a fear-mongering campaign that mail-in voting is rife with fraud? Why do you think the Senate wants to go ahead and confirm a Supreme Court justice now? It’s because Donald Trump is going to lose the election.

Here’s the deal, kids. America doesn’t like Donald Trump. That’s shocking to Donald Trump who refers to himself as “your favorite president.” But, since we’re all not Nazis, he’s not our favorite president. Donald Trump has been rejected by the American public every time America has had an opportunity.

More Americans voted against him than for him in 2016. Accept if he loses in 2020? He still hasn’t accepted he lost to Hillary Clinton in 2016. He even created a fake commission that couldn’t even find enough bullshit to gaslight that he won the popular vote.

In 2018, America rejected Donald Trump by giving Congress to the Democratic Party (it’s “Democratic,” not “Democrat,” by the way).

While Mitch McConnell, Trump, and other fucknut Republicans are saying voting now for a Supreme Court justice is giving America what it wants because they heard its voice, the real voice says no. Polls show Americans want to wait until the next presidential term, no matter whose term it is. McConnell argues they returned the Senate to Republicans and even increased their seats in 2018. The fact is 12 million more Americans voted for Democratic Senate candidates than for Republican ones.

For Republicans, reality is a motherfucker.

The only way Donald Trump and Republicans can stay in power is if they cheat…and they’re going to cheat. Hopefully, enough Democratic and independent voters get out enough to overcome Republican cheating.

On November 3rd, America is going to reject Donald Trump. He’s going to be furious. I expect a scowl to remain on his face for the rest of his life. It’s there most of the time anyway. I also expect him to curse a lot…even more than usual. He may wanna wear that face mask permanently.

On November 3rd, America is going to reject its most hated president. On November 3rd, we’re going to vote him out.

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7 thoughts on “Vote Him Out

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  1. Reblogged this on It Is What It Is and commented:
    #VoteHimOut … “On November 3rd, America is going to reject Trump. He’s going to be furious. I expect a scowl to remain on his face for the rest of his life. It’s there most of the time anyway. I also expect him to curse a lot…even more than usual. He may wanna wear that face mask permanently.

    On November 3rd, America is going to reject its most hated president. On November 3rd, we’re going to vote him out.”

    Liked by 1 person

  2. “On November 3rd, America is going to reject its most hated president. On November 3rd, we’re going to vote him out.”

    I wish I were as confident as you. In 2016, a ton of racist f-nuts, who never voted before, voted in the POS. I’m afraid that will happen again; I pray that it doesn’t.

    Liked by 2 people

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