Anti-Social Gatherings


Just like we’re supposed to forget Donald Trump was anti-mask and anti-social distancing, we’re supposed to forget about Tulsa.

Yesterday, Donald Trump resumed his coronavirus briefings. Thankfully, it was pretty brief. Thankfully, he didn’t make another pitch to drink bleach. To make the presentation, there weren’t any scientists or anyone informed on the coronavirus…or anything. It was just Trump.

First, let’s get one thing straight. These are NOT coronavirus briefings. They are NOT designed to inform the public or in the interest of health and safety. They are NOT intended to help or serve anyone except Donald Trump. These are infomercials for Trump 2020. If you disagree, then please tell me one thing we learned from the briefing yesterday other than Ghislaine Maxwell, Jeffrey Epstein’s former teenage girl wrangler who’s now in federal custody, must have some serious shit on Donald Trump.

Donald Trump said he wishes Maxwell well, which is a wink, nod, and a nudge to her that if she doesn’t say anything about Donald Trump, then he’ll commute or pardon her after the November election along with all those other pardons for Trump goons he’s planning. Don’t believe me? Ask Roger Stone. Normally, proof of this would be that presidents (sic) of the United States of America do not ever ever ever ever say nice things about pedophiles…except this president (sic) because this is at least the second pedophile he’s said things about. Ask Roy Moore. You can find him at the mall food court.

Of course, that Maxwell pedophile stuff doesn’t have anything to do with the coronavirus so we didn’t really learn anything. We already knew Trump is a liar and full of shit.

The day before, Donald Trump tweeted a photo of himself in a mask with a statement “Many people say wearing face masks is patriotic.” What? This guy has spent months downplaying and mocking people for wearing face masks. Now, he’s all about the face masks? Yes except for a fundraiser that very same night where he did not wear a mask, Trump is now pro-mask. So, forget those months of him not being in favor of masks. Also, he’s too pathetic to say HE finds it patriotic, relying on the “many people” crap.

Also, forget all those months of him not caring about social distancing and avoiding large gatherings. You know, large gatherings like Trump rallies.

Forget about Tulsa and Trump wishes you would. Forget during this pandemic where Trump now says to avoid large gatherings, that Donald Trump held a hate party with a large gathering. Forget it was indoors and about 6,000 smooshed together to worship at Donald Trump’s feet. Forget none of them wore masks. Forget that the Trump campaign removed stickers from seats that were advising social distancing. Forget that members of the Trump Campaign, members of the Secret Service, and Herman Cain all left Tusla with Covid 19. Forget the rally was also a flop as there were supposed to be a hundred thousand trying to jam inside to the point the campaign set up a stage outside the venue for the oversized crowd. Also, forget the coronavirus spiked in Tulsa two weeks after the rally.

While you’re at it, forget Donald Trump held another rally inside a church in Arizona (where the virus is now spiking) and on the Fourth of July at the foot of Mount Rushmore in South Dakota (where three out of the four presidents have now tested positive). Forget Donald Trump attempted another rally in New Hampshire which was canceled because nobody was going to be there. Ever see a racist Oompa Loompa talk to himself in a very large empty room? We almost saw that in New Hampshire.

Even while stating his newfound position on face masks, social distancing, and avoiding large racist crowds, Donald Trump couldn’t send that message from the heart. He had to read it off an index card. And the reason for this new position? Donald Trump’s polls are in the toilet. If this keeps up, we may look at a historic electoral wipeout of a sitting president (sic). But then again, it’s early and we’re all familiar with the Democratic Party’s ability to blow an election they should easily win.

But the Trump White House wants Donald Trump to start appearing as an adult and to at least pretend he cares about the pandemic. Why, they even want to create a plan to fight the virus and not too soon either, as over 142,000 people are now dead. Of course, that plan doesn’t include funding for widespread testing and tracing but it does include another tax cut for rich assholes. It also includes throwing your children into contaminated cesspools they can swim in before returning home for quality time with grandma.

We also learned yesterday that it’s now OK to refer to the coronavirus as the Trump Virus. We learned that from House Speaker Nancy Pelosi who probably learned it from me. And where is the best place to avoid catching the Trump Virus?

Go to a Trump rally. No one else will be there.

Tip Jar: This pandemic is hitting everyone, including your favorite goofy cartoonist. I have lost clients and I’m afraid I might lose more. The PayPal button has always been included here for those who can and want to voluntarily support what I do. I understand this time is hard on everyone. If you can’t, don’t contribute. Take care of yourself and your family first.

But, all and any help is greatly appreciated and it helps keep me going. Think of me like a street performer busking out tunes on a corner (I won’t play “Wonderwall.” I promise). If you like the tune, or in this case, toon, throw a buck into the tip jar. It’ll help me play another song, draw another toon, write another blog, make another video, and post another snarky post on social media. It’ll help keep me alive. You can also order a signed print for $40. And if you don’t like the PayPal option, you can snail mail it to my P.O. Box. 

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11 thoughts on “Anti-Social Gatherings

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    1. Know what I’m tired of? Excruciatingly tired of? People bitching about the Trump ads and me having to explain over and over and over that I DON’T HAVE ANYFUCkINGTHING TO DO WITH THE FUCKING ADS!!!!! It’s algorithms. They’re based on the content of the blog and on your search history. Why are you surfing Trump so much?

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Clay, even before I scrolled down to see your reply, I came to the realization that “loomiswebb” is really a Russian Troll Bot designed to try to make your head explode. This is at least the third or fourth time that IT has made a comment about all of the Ki45*TF ads, which IT probably paid WordPress to put here in the first place.


  1. Reblogged this on It Is What It Is and commented:
    Give him credit? Forget all that came before? NEVER!! … no way!! … “Just like this we’re supposed to forget Trump was anti-mask and anti-social distancing, we’re supposed to forget about Tulsa. Yesterday, Trump resumed his coronavirus briefings. Thankfully, it was pretty brief. Thankfully, he didn’t make another pitch to drink bleach. To make the presentation, there weren’t any scientists or anyone informed on the coronavirus … or anything. It was just Trump.” … Two words: Ghislaine Maxwell!!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. “While you’re at it, forget Donald Trump held another rally inside a church in Arizona (where the virus is now spiking) and on the Fourth of July at the foot of Mount Rushmore in South Dakota (where three out of the four presidents have now tested positive).”

    Adding insult to injury, they had to cut down some of the tallest sequoias in (Racist John) Muir Woods to make the nose swabs.


  3. Sorry, Clay, I know how you hate it when people post corrections in the Comments, but I must point out a glaring error in the cartoon.

    The Index Card clearly says:

    However, Ki45*TF says:

    We all know that Ki45*TF would really say:


  4. I see that you didn’t forget Waldo.
    Huh!… I didn’t know he was a racist.

    The janitor sweeping up “after hours” was also a nice touch… however, it would have been better if he was whistling.


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