Do The Right Thing


During his acceptance speech for winning an Oscar Sunday night, director Spike Lee said, “The 2020 presidential election is around the corner. Let’s all mobilize. Let’s all be on the right side of history. Make the moral choice between love versus hate.”

Mobilize? Be on the right side of history? Make the moral choice between love and hate? That’s a very uplifting message only a righteous douchebag could get upset over. So…Donald Trump got upset over it and sent out a 6:50 am hate tweet.

Trump tweeted, “Be nice if Spike Lee could read his notes, or better yet not have to use notes at all, when doing his racist hit on your President, who has done more for African Americans (Criminal Justice Reform, Lowest Unemployment numbers in History, Tax Cuts,etc.) than almost any other Pres!”

Firstly, how is what Spike Lee said in any way racist toward Trump or anyone else? It’s not like he said he hates Oompa Loompas and doesn’t want any to move into his neighborhood. Second, all the positive numbers for African-Americans since Trump came into office is a continuance of an upward trend started during Obama’s presidency. Trump is continuing his trend of taking credit for “my” president’s accomplishments. Third, if criticizing someone of a different race is racist, then Trump’s tweet was racist. And fourth, Trump’s going to criticize someone else’s reading skills? Seriously?

Lee capped off his statement with, “Do the right thing,” the title of his 1989 movie. Lee is right in that we need to do the right thing and end this nightmare of a president who strives to always do the wrong thing. This is a president who chooses hate over love. He uses hate to feed his base and maintain his dwindling support.

BlacKkKlansman spoiler in the next paragraph: Lee won his first competitive Oscar, for best adapted screenplay for his great movie BlackKklansman.  In the film set in the early 1970s, two of the characters debate whether this nation will ever elect a person like David Duke as president. One of the characters explains that Duke was working to make his hate and racist agenda mainstream. The film ends showing the hate march of neo-Nazis in Charlottesville which killed counter protester Heather Heyer. David Duke endorsed Donald Trump. Trump endorsed the Nazis march in Charlottesville. We elected a man like David Duke.

In 2020, we have to correct this. When we vote in 2020, you and I have to do the right thing.

Be Complicit

What kind of person would want to be part of something that disparages, slanders, and disrespects Dear Leader and his sycophantic followers? Hopefully, you. 
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19 thoughts on “Do The Right Thing

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  1. Trump never endorsed any Nazis in Charlottesville, quit lying! He said there were nice people on both sides of the statue protest. He wouldn’t say there were fine people in antifa, the true modern day klan in America, those scumbags and the neo-nazis have no fine people in their groups.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. That’s funny, I’ve never met a leftist who wasn’t a total hypocrite or that didn’t instantaneously contradict themselves. Adio

        Liked by 1 person

  2. “When we vote in 2020, you and I have to do the right thing.”

    Clay, I’m not worried about you and I doing the right thing in 2020. We did the right thing in 2016.
    The problem was that there were too many Otherwise Intelligent and Good People who didn’t vote in 2016, and too many Stupid and Evil People Who Did Vote in 2016.

    Liked by 4 people

    1. I…I mean Donald Trump, should Never be referred to as “Dickless Donnie”. C’mon, don’t you re”member” how Stormy described my…I mean Donald Trump’s “member”? (See what I, Donal…I mean David Dennison, did there!)

      I…I mean Donald Trump, is the greatest President of all time. I…I mean he…has done more for this country than every other president before him combined. And he is always there for you when you want a hemberder! Maybe even with catsup. And, of course, covered with plenty of Cheese.


      Donald J., uh I mean, David Dennison


      1. I would Never kiss tRump.

        You, on the other hand, have your nose lodged DEEP in his ass!

        That’s one Hell of a kiss tRumpie Sheep fanboy.

        Liked by 1 person

  3. WTF? My comment has been awaiting moderation since February 27th. What a load of…awaiting moderation.


  4. Not sure why my comment from February 27th never posted. I double checked it and there’s no cursing or defamation. WTF?


      1. We know you are extra-super boring…

        Maybe you figured that out and that is why you made a logical choice, for once, and disappeared.


        Liked by 1 person

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