Ugly Sweater Day


It’s getting harder and harder to create satire when reality gives us an orange face president, blackface governors, and blackface sweaters. Seriously.

Gucci, a swanky and snooty overpriced fashion company released a turtleneck black wool balaclava sweater that resembled…I’m not making this shit up…blackface. If you’re like me, your first question is, what the hell is “balaclava?” The second question is, how was there not one person at Gucci that didn’t say “stop” at some point in the process of creating a blackface sweater?

You don’t need the Virginia blackface controversy to know how racist and insensitive society finds blackface. Gucci is now figuring that out as there have been calls to boycott the brand.

Someone famous who I’ve never heard of named T.I. has called for a boycott. Others include Soulja Boy and Spike Lee, who described it as “coonery and buffoonery.” Lee is also boycotting Prada for…wait for it…blackface. That company created a monkey charm named “Otto” that also resembles blackface. These controversies have knocked both companies from the line of succession for Virginia’s governorship.

Gucci’s CEO has agreed to meet with influential Harlem fashion designer Dapper Dan. The company has also pulled the sweater from stores and their website. But not before the media got a good screenshot of it.

I don’t believe Gucci is a racist company that intended to create a $900 blackface sweater. I believe this is more of a product of racially insensitive, arrogant, and obnoxious Italian fashion designers.

I doubt Gucci will replace the Klan hood and become the clothing brand of choice for racists. That particular item is still the MAGA hat.

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