Buh Bye, Bannon


The narcissistic uncontrollable racist has been kicked out of the White House. No, not that one. Calm down. The other racists in the White House. OK, one of the other racists in the White House. Steve Bannon is out.

Anthony Scaramucci said in an interview that he didn’t realize was an interview, that Steve Bannon was “sucking his own cock.” Of course, Bannon doesn’t have the physical or flexible capabilities to do that (I doubt he can bend over to tie his own shoes), but he was fully able to fuck himself.

So, how did Steve Bannon fuck himself? In a White House with a higher turnover rate than Gatehouse Media (newspaper people will get that reference), Bannon upstaged the boss. You don’t upstage the boss when he’s a narcissistic man-baby.

Bannon gave an interview, that he also didn’t realize was an interview, which he initiated with The American Prospect, a progressive publication. In that interview, Bannon said there was no military option to dealing with North Korea. That undercuts what the administration has been saying over the past two weeks.

Bannon also gave comments hoping to use the tragedy in Charlottesville to push his Alt-Right agenda. That would get you fired from any administration except the Trump administration.

What really screwed Bannon were his comments on who HE could replace in the administration, other departments, and taking credit for Trump’s “accomplishments,” whatever the hell those are. You can’t upstage the boss, and you especially can’t make comments alluding to being his puppet master. We all know Putin’s the puppet master.

The White House describes Bannon’s departure as a “mutual decision.” Yeah, if you believe that then I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you. But be warned, there’s a lot of Jews in Brooklyn.

After Trump’s comments on Charlottesville where he equated peace activists with Nazis, he’s losing support in Washington. Republicans have come out against him with three…oh my god, threeo, mentioning him by name. The military has made statements disagreeing with his comments on race. He’s even losing business at his ridiculous golf resorts over the comments. Thankfully for Trump, he still has the racist base of dumbasses to rely on. But, does he?

There are reports that Bannon will now be pissing in the White House instead of pissing out. A source close to Bannon told one outlet to prepare for “Bannon the Barbarian.” Breitbart’s editor tweeted out that this is “war.” He ever hash-tagged “war,” which is serious.

There were signs that Trump was getting tired of Bannon. New Chief of Staff, General John Kelly doesn’t like the lunacy that Bannon’s backstabbing brings. Trump referred to him earlier in the week as “Mr. Bannon,” which is something he likes to do when he pretends he hardly knows someone, like Paul Manafort or Carter Page.

One problem still exists and that’s the fact Donald Trump is still in the White House. Bannon may have encouraged Trump’s racism, but Trump is old-school racist. He was piloting the birther campaign long before he brought Steve Bannon aboard his hate train. Trump will continue to enable and connect with Nazis without Bannon.

Now all the racist heavy lifting will be left to Trump, Stephen Miller, and Sebastian Gorka. Though it may be a challenge, I believe in them. They can do it!

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