Planned Background Checks


I’m not saying if you are against abortion that you’re too crazy to own a gun. There are a lot of rational people out there who think abortion is wrong. A lot of people live in a gray area, while being personally opposed to abortion they don’t believe it should be illegal.

I’m talking about the militant “pro life” people. The kind of person that would stand outside a clinic and scream “slut” and “murderer” at someone who is making the toughest decision of their life. The type of person who can’t talk about a shooting at a clinic without making a reference to murdered babies. These are terrible people who are not rational, can’t comprehend, and probably shouldn’t be allowed to own a squirt pistol. Don’t believe how just utterly horrible these people are? Go to Youtube and watch a few protests outside abortion clinics. If you have any sort of decency you won’t be able to finish watching. It’s very sickening.

It starts from the top up. Cheryl Sullenger “was” a terrorist. She’s a convicted felon. In 1998 she pleaded guilty to conspiring to blow up an abortion clinic. Today she’s the senior policy advisor for Kansas-based anti-abortion group Operation Rescue. While working for the group in 1999 she provided the court dates of physician George Tiller to Scott Roeder, who then assassinated Tiller.

Troy Newman is the head of Operation Rescue. Newman wrote in his book “that the United States government’s responsibility to “properly deal with the blood-guilty … rightly involves executing convicted murderers, including abortionists, for their crimes in order to expunge bloodguilt from the land and people.” The guy was deported from Australia for being, Australian authorities said, “a threat to good order.” Fortunately for him, this is America. We don’t have good order.

Newman has endorsed Ted Cruz. Cruz, meanwhile, says the suspected shooter of the Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood is a “transgender leftist activist.”

Carly Fiorina, who helped spread the lies that PP was harvesting dead babies, wails that the left is now attacking the pro life movement over the shootings. The pro life people say we don’t know the shooter’s motives. Yeah, it’s real hard to figure out the motive of someone who walks into a Planned Parenthood clinic, start shooting the place and then tell two police officers afterward “no more body parts.” We’re still scratching our heads over his intentions.

The body parts thing he’s referring to are the videos made by a pro life group. The videos are deceptively edited to make it appear PP is harvesting babies and making money from it. The videos have been proven, exhaustively, to be false and chock full of lies. Still, pro life people claim they’re real. Republicans in Congress want hearings over it. Never mind that seven states have conducted investigations because of the videos and all seven have cleared PP.

In the four months following the release of the videos, there have been at least four suspected arsons of abortion clinics and at least five cases of vandalism. The FBI has also reported an increase in the number of attacks on reproductive health care facilities across the country since the videos were released. On top of all this, anti-choice groups name clinic workers on their websites. It works kinda like Sarah Palin’s cross hair map of Democrats.

Since 1995, there have been a total of 5,147 violent incidents recorded at US abortion clinics, not including 2015. They include 922 reported incidents of vandalism, 663 anthrax or bioterrorism threats, 354 stalking incidents and 204 reported death threats. And yet, Republicans don’t want to call these people terrorists.

That’s why these people can’t be trusted. They spread hateful rhetoric, call people who are in a lawful practice “murderers, and when violence increases they act confused and say they’re not complicit. They even have the gall to play victim. Meanwhile, conservatives rage that Al Sharpton, President Obama and Black Lives Matter is encouraging people to shoot cops. Go figure.

The mentally challenged should not be allowed to own weapons. The militant “pro life” people, I’m not sure they should even be let outside…or run for president.

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