Abortion Ruling Wipeout

Ever watch that game show Wipeout where contestants have to go through humiliating and extremely difficult physical obstacle courses to win the prize? The players are always getting knocked down, punched in the face, and knocked into a great big muddy pool. It's a really cool show to watch if you're drinking in a bar... Continue Reading →

Another Tablet Sketch: Carly Loves Ted

I made a comment yesterday about Carly Fiorina endorsing Ted Cruz. It was regarding how Fiorina and Ted have run the two most dishonest presidential campaigns this year....so far. Listen to both their comments regarding Planned Parenthood. Egad the lies! A reader told me she felt a cartoon was coming on the subject. I told... Continue Reading →

Planned Targeting

The Center For Medical Progress created a sting operation and videos as bogus as their name. Their accusations that Planned Parenthood was selling and profiting from body parts of aborted children turned out to be a total lie and cleared by eleven state investigations. A Houston grand jury was the latest investigation and instead of delivering indictments... Continue Reading →

Planned Background Checks

I'm not saying if you are against abortion that you're too crazy to own a gun. There are a lot of rational people out there who think abortion is wrong. A lot of people live in a gray area, while being personally opposed to abortion they don't believe it should be illegal. I'm talking about... Continue Reading →

Shooting Colorado

If I had much better business sense I wouldn't draw this cartoon at this time. Being that it's the Saturday after Thanksgiving this will be one of the first editorial cartoons on the issue. I should draw the Rocky Mountains crying and that cartoon would be reprinted in USA Today. Really. Maybe I'm jumping, no... Continue Reading →

A Stake On Planned Parenthood

I don't really like to depict women as witches. But what else am I supposed to do when there's a witch hunt? Besides, conservatives love to depict Hillary Clinton as a witch so let them enjoy these apples. Congress has the wrong guy. Planned Parenthood has been cleared of wrongdoing by seven investigations. The videos... Continue Reading →

Carly Describes Another Video

People who suffer cognitive dissonance are hard to figure out. They believe stuff that's not true, even after it's proven and pointed out to them. They're still all "uh-uh." They believe Obama is a coming for their guns, he's gone on an apology tour, he's Muslim and wasn't born in America. You can't convince them... Continue Reading →

Utah Stomps On Planned Parenthood

Utah's governor Gary Herbert is trying to defund Planned Parenthood because of all those sneaky (probably illegal) videos made by the Center For Medical Progress. That's an odd name for a group trying to restore back-alley-clothes-hanger abortions. These videos are smearing Planned Parenthood and trying to mislead the public. Never mind the fact PP is... Continue Reading →

Little Snot Machine

You never hear the Pro Life crowd cry about poor children starving. They don't think the government should fund their school lunch. They want to cut education (so they stand a chance to be as dumb as they are). They definitely do not want them to have sex education in schools. They don't want them... Continue Reading →

Off The Blood Of Dead Children

I was talking to a friend last week and he mentioned how he always respects opinions he disagrees with. I think that's really big of him. I don't. If your opinion is supported by lies, and the truth has been published repeatedly, yet you still cling to the lie then I don't feel any responsibility... Continue Reading →

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