The Emperor May Have Clothes…But His Wife Is Nekkid


There’s a huge double standard in politics, culture, and society. It applies to gender, race, and even to personalities. For example, insanity, stupidity, and rampant racism would rule out any other candidate, but Donald Trump makes it sell.

People say there’s a double standard for Hillary Clinton and that no one else could get away with her activity. Actually, when’s the last time someone questioned the price of a male politician’s suit? People insult Hillary for her age, yet she’s younger than The Donald. Conservatives criticize her looks as if she’s supposed to be the fashion model wife of Donald Trump, and not a grandmother. Trump can take five children from three different mothers to his convention, yet do you believe Hillary Clinton would have a political career if she had children from three different fathers? Hell, can you imagine if Barack Obama had three different baby mamas? Congressional Republicans would hold hearings.

Most people, myself included, will refer to Hillary Clinton as just “Hillary.” In my defense and perhaps others, there are two Clintons who vied for the presidency. When it came to two Bushes they were both “Georges” and we could refer to one as “H.W.” and the other as “W.”, or as many others would, “Dumbass.”

Conservatives have really ripped into Michelle Obama over the past eight years. Her outfits have been criticized and so have their price tags. Her vacations aren’t just attacked. Republicans and conspiracy websites make up prices over them. She gets attacked for flying on Air Force One. Do you recall other presidents and their wives being critiqued for flying on Air Force One or the price of their vacations? Hell, George W. Dumbass Bush spent more time on vacations than any president in history but you’d think Barack Obama was on a permanent vacation. Critics forget, or just don’t want to know, that presidents pay for their vacations. Guess what. They also pay for their own food while in the White House. Look it up.

Michelle Obama has even been attacked for encouraging children to eat healthier. You’d think she was feeding them battery acid and bleach. The most fun thing they’ve done is criticize her looks, when she may be the most fit First Lady in history. Did Mamie Eisenhower own a treadmill?

Conservatives have circulated memes and photo shopped pics of her rear end, as if that had anything to do with anything. Their heads have exploded when she exposed her arms as if she was a Fox News anchor.

Democrats are supposed to live by the Republican vision of family values. One spouse, clean kids, a bookish wife, etc. Republicans could nominate a man for the presidency who has been married thrice, with his current wife a former nude model. In fact, that’s what they did.

Say what you want about former First Ladies, but none had a career of sticking their bare ass into a camera lens. That’s exactly what the New York Post has splashed on their front page, Melania’s bare ass, her bare front, engaging in a little girl-on-girl action.

Melania Trump is often described as a former fashion model. To be a fashion model one would have to actually wear something fashionable or something that could be described as clothing. Melania Trump was naked, nude, buck ass, raw, nekkid. She’s even done photo shoots where she’s making out with another woman. If that sounds like porn to you, or even lesbianish, I’m sure it’s not because Republicans are against porn and Donald Trump has actually promised to protect us all from the smut industry.

I’m not trying to slut-shame Melania here. She’s a nude model who married a billionaire and has to plagiarize a speech. I do not have high expectations for her. I’m shaming the hypocrites. Those same hypocrites who attack Michelle Obama for exposing her biceps yet probably all have accounts at Ashley Madison.

I think maybe Republicans should stop attacking Michelle Obama’s dresses and Hillary Clinton’s pantsuits until they have a First Lady who’s actually with apparel.

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