Third Party Enthusiasm


The Never Trump crowd has a party they can vote for while claiming innocence over Hillary Clinton becoming president. The Bernie Sanders flock can also keep their promise to never support Clinton without supporting Donald Trump, directly.

Former Republican governor of New Mexico, Gary Johnson, is running for president. He hasn’t secured the nomination for the Libertarian Party but he’s the favorite to beat “what’s his name?” and “who that’s face?”. His Veep running mate will be William Weld, a former Republican governor of Massachusetts. What this gives the U.S. is a platform that’s Republican on economics and Democrat on social issues. This will not appeal to liberals who want a more fair economic system and Ted Cruz troglodytes who want abortion eliminated entirely and for the United States to resemble a Right-Wing Christian Taliban Theocracy.

While these two guys might be well known in New Mexico and Massachusetts, the rest of the country is going to to say “who?”. Remember that time Johnson signed that bill making something into a law and when William Weld stood up for something?…yeah. No idea.

That may not matter to many as the most important aspect will be they’re neither Trump or Clinton. There’s a report that one of the Koch brothers is pledging millions to the Libertarian campaign, which will turn off Democrats.

Basically we have two more old white guys. With neither hurling insults at their opponents or promising to build walls they’re going to come off as pretty boring. The excitement still remains between Trump and Clinton. While the Republican turnout in the primaries has been the highest ever (Trump has received more Republican votes than any Republican before him. Even Reagan), and the votes in the Democratic primary is lower than the last two contests, it’s hard to predict if there will be a large turnout for the general election. With the negatives so high for the two major party candidates, a lot of people will be staying home instead of holding their nose while voting.

Sanders’ supporters say they won’t vote for Hillary Clinton, which won’t change much as they’re not really voting now. They just like rallies. Women and minorities won’t vote for Trump. The Libertarians won’t carry a single state. Hillary Clinton will be the next president of the United States.

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5 thoughts on “Third Party Enthusiasm

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  1. In all reality there has always been third party options. I vote Green Party with the exception being president Obama’s first term. I wish people would vote their own beliefs and ideals instead of changing their beliefs and ideals to match a candidate. Sadly America does not want choice. We want someone to tell us what is best.


    1. The “winner takes all” system of voting we have insures we can only ever have two viable parties. If we switched to another voting system, 3rd party candidates would have a shot.


  2. My first thought after reading this:
    “Sanders’ supporters say they won’t vote for Hillary Clinton, which won’t change much as they’re not really voting now. They just like rallies. Women and minorities won’t vote for Trump. The Libertarians won’t carry a single state. Hillary Clinton will be the next president of the United States.”
    How sweet it would be if the majority of the bookies in Lost Wages had their $$$$ on who they think the presumptive winner is gonna be and it’s not.
    As shastaphil said, “And the beat goes on…”
    I take that and agree as, “who cares.”
    Oh yeah…somebody cares…They know who they are.
    Don’t ask me – I don’t have a clue.
    What i just typed doesn’t make any sense at all – but it sure is fun to blabber on…maybe I should run for some elective position.

    Liked by 2 people

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