Hearts, Treason, and Flies

At a rally over the weekend in South Carolina, Donald Trump spun a tale that during a NATO summit, he told the leader of a “big country” that the United States wouldn’t protect his nation from a Russian invasion if it was “delinquent” in payments.

Trump recalled that this leader had presented a hypothetical situation in which he was not meeting his financial obligations within NATO and had come under attack from Russia. Trump claimed the leader asked if the US would come to his country’s aid in that scenario. Trump claims he told this leader, “You didn’t pay? You’re delinquent?… No, I would not protect you, in fact, I would encourage them to do whatever they want. You gotta pay.”

Trump said he told our allies he would “encourage” Russia to attack any NATO member that failed to meet the alliance’s target of two percent of their GDP.

Each NATO member nation has an obligation to spend two percent of its GDP (in case you’re a Republican, that’s Gross Domestic Product) on its military. Despite the way Trump frames it, it’s not payments to NATO or to the United States. There are 30 nations in NATO and 19 of them are spending below two percent of their GDP on their military. Some countries aren’t as hung up on building weapons the way we are. The United States spends nearly 3.5 percent of its GDP on defense which came to$766 billion last year and 12 percent of the budget, which is down from the usual 15 percent. While we can insist our allies keep their promises, we have to understand that not everyone shares our fetish.

Donald Trump was lying. This incident never happened. There are no witnesses and no way to confirm this. But, Trump is telling the truth in that he’d not just allow Russia to attack one of our allies, but he’d encourage it. What a dick. This isn’t like the cable bill where we can just turn off services or stop being friends until the amount is paid in full. Of course, MAGAts and Republicans are going to LOVE this idea.

Donald Trump favored dictatorships and fascism over our democratic allies during his first term (sic). He defended Putin and tried to legitimize the dictatorship of Kim Jong Un. Additionally, he lavished praise on strongmen in Turkey, China, Belarus, and the Philippines. He defended the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia after he had a Saudi journalist under US protection murdered. Today, Trump is in the golf business with that murderer. Oddly enough, the House isn’t investigating that for corruption.

Our allies are nervous about a second Trump administration (sic) and they should be. We should all be nervous. Republicans in Congress under Trump’s direction are blocking further aid to Ukraine to repel Putin’s illegal invasion. What happens if Trump is returned to the White House? Will Congress start sending money to Russia?

President Biden has confused the names of some of our allies but Donald Trump will never forget Putin.

Music note: I listened to Hole.

Signed prints: The signed prints are just $40.00 each. Every cartoon on this site is available. You can pay through PayPal. If you don’t like PayPal, you can snail mail it to Clay Jones, P.O. Box 3721, Fredericksburg, VA 22402. I can mail the prints directly to you or if you’re purchasing as a gift, directly to the person you’re gifting.

Tales From The Trumpster Fire: I have five copies and you can order yours, signed by me, for $45.00. You can pay through PayPal to clayjonz@gmail.com. You can also snail it to P.O. Box 3721, Fredericksburg, VA 22402.

Knee-Deep In Mississippi: There are only 16 copies left of my first book, published in 1997. These can be purchased for $40.00

Tip Jar: If you want to support the cartoonist, please send a donation through PayPal to clayjonz@gmail.com. You can also snail it to P.O. Box 3721, Fredericksburg, VA 22402.

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