Trumping Religion


Donald Trump signed an executive order his administration says will combat anti-Semitism and a growing anti-Israel movement on college campuses.

Many, including some it’s designed to protect, fear this order combats freedom of speech. Others are concerned because Trump says anti-Semitism would be covered by the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which “prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color and national origin,” but does not mention religion. Judaism is a religion, not a race.

Rabbi Hara Person, the chief executive of the Central Conference of American Rabbis, said, “Not to overdramatize, but it feels dangerous. I’ve heard people say this feels like the first step toward us wearing yellow stars.”

Donald Trump, who once tweeted a graphic of the Star of David with bags of cash, believes he’s done more for Jewish people than anyone else. He touts moving the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem, recognizing Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights and withdrawing from the Iran nuclear deal, as though clearing the way for Iran to possess a nuclear weapon is good for Israel. But at the signing ceremony, he invited two conservative evangelical leaders, Robert Jeffress, the pastor of First Baptist Dallas, and the Rev. John C. Hagee, a prominent end-times preacher, who have made very anti-Semitic comments in the past. Jeffress once said “you can’t be saved being a Jew,” and Hagee once said, “the Holocaust was part of God’s plan to return the Jews to Israel.” Last weekend in Florida, Donald Trump said some Jewish people “don’t love Israel enough,” but he seems fine with the way Jeffress and Hagee feel about the Jewish state.

The fear of this order is that isolating Jews as a race or nationality will prompt more hate. Rabbi Daniel G. Zemel said, “This is deeply objectionable, going back centuries in anti-Semitic thinking,” which actually fits the Trump administration.

It’s hard to take Donald Trump’s efforts to protect any religion or race seriously when he and his administration embrace white supremacists and racist policies. Perhaps the most significant development from this is that now when Trump does and says something anti-Semitic or attacks Muslims, it’ll be another act of his racism.

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14 thoughts on “Trumping Religion

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    1. The attack was perpetrated by Black Israelites. The very same black supremacy group that instigated the Covington Catholic kids debacle.


  1. Criticism of the US’ foreign policy with Israel doesn’t equal hatred for Jews. College is where debates on controversial topics should occur, shoot I wish we had a monthly six hour commercial free debate on some channel so Americans can hash ideas out and witness both sides talking to one another.

    Debating topics with unrestricted free speech is how a society teaches our young adults truth and we capture them to be more civilized. By restricting free speech and debate topics, you drive young adults into the grasp of underground hate groups, where they will be brainwashed with hatred.


    1. For once you’ve said something that makes some sense, although i distrust your motives.

      Actually, i distrust many purported advocates of unrestricted free speech as they hide behind “free speech” arguments as they spew racist/sexist/ageist/what-have-you bile.

      Talking trash is abuse of the right to free speech. Provocation and incitement are not covered by a figleaf of Freedom of Speech.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. There’s no place to hide with freedom of speech, that’s the beauty of it. If you find racism/sexism, etc… hideous, wouldn’t you want people to be able to reveal this aspect of their thoughts, if any existed, to you? First, it would allow you to make a more informed decision on associating with the person. Second, if you’ve got a better argument or perspective, you might change someone’s mind!

        It’s funny, you distrust a person who wants people to have liberty, because they want people to have liberty….that says a lot about you.


      2. “It’s funny, you distrust a person who wants people to have liberty, because they want people to have liberty….that says a lot about you.”

        . . . but then, ending a reasonable argument with an ad hominum attack negates everything reasonable you’d written before. Truth will out, sooner or later.

        Or, as I’ve said forever about reTHUGlicans – give ’em enough rope and they’ll hang themselves, every. single. time.

        Liked by 1 person

      3. @Andréa Was I not suppose to bring up the fact that Mike said he distrusts my motives and all those who promote freedom of speech?

        This is a perfect example. Mike said something I disagree with, so I bring it up and now I’m a “thug”?

        If Mike said something heinous like all Greeks are untrustworthy, directing his comment at me; what am I to do? I recall you, Andréa, you said you’ve never met a Greek that wasn’t a racist and I retorted something like I’ve never met a “liberal” that hasn’t contradicted themselves. It’s a conversation, there’s a dance of back and forth and if I’m held to some lofty inhuman standard of civility, all the while you have carte blanche to any gutter sniping, well I’m gonna call that hypocrisy out every time.

        You feign being offended so that you may offend, it’s a terrible debating tactic. We can right the ship and discuss ideas, but for some reason I don’t see that happening….


      4. “It’s funny, you distrust a person who wants people to have liberty, because they want people to have liberty….that says a lot about you.”

        This is an ad hominum attack.

        Liked by 1 person

      5. Again, I wasn’t the one who brought ad hominem strikes into this discussion, yet I’m punished for using one, as if Mike’s comment never happened…I thought you people cared about fairness…I guess I was wrong about that.


      6. @Andréa If you notice I never said it wasn’t an ad hominem, I was simply retorting to Mike bringing me into a discussion for no reason. You’re hung up on minutiae to attack me, instead of adding anything of value to the conversation.


      7. Re: Freedom of speech:

        You are free to say anything you want. i am free not to listen.

        But there is a real distinction between liberty and license.

        If you stand on a corner advocating & inciting hatred & violence, don’t come crying about your freedom of speech if you get thumped for it; you’ve taken licence.

        One is not free to shout “Fire!” in a crowded theatre when there’s no fire.

        What this says about me is i’ve lived long enough to have seen where such taking of license with freedom of speech can lead. i am an advocate of liberty, but i am not a Libertarian. There are boundries.

        This should be clear to anyone with common sense, but then, common sense isn’t common.

        Liked by 1 person

      8. It’s just so strange that you link hatred and vileness to free speech. The US is supposed to be an open and free society in which we can and should engage in open and free dialogue with one another. To destroy imaginary barriers and transcend to higher realms of truth. By limiting topics, words, thoughts… you imprison the soul. You think chaining humanity will lead to peace, it won’t, quite the opposite really.


      9. You missed my point. You’ve turned it around. i don’t equate hatred & violence with free speech,
        i decry those who spread hatred & violence under the pretense of exercising their rights of free speech.

        If you need an example of unrestricted “free speech” & its outcomes, look no further that 4chan & 8chan. Or even perhaps, twitter & facebook.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Dear Clay,

    I was reading an article about some of Trump’s Executive Orders, and they referred to them as EO’s. That made me snicker, because it reminded me of the old Disney park attraction, Captain EO, where Michael Jackson was a bumbling space commander, sent to spread good throughout the universe. Trump on the other hand is a crooked Captain EO, spreading evil and destruction throughout the universe. It is a reference that is probably not universal enough to warrant any of your time, but I thought I would suggest it.

    I enjoy your work so very much!


    Liked by 2 people

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