Hate In The House


I had planned to write the most eloquent column in the history of political columns today, but now I’m too tired. You’ll just have to take my word for how awesome the blog was going to be.

A little after 6:00 PM last night, CNN called wanting me to draw another cartoon. Great. I thought there was no way I’d send them as many roughs as I did last week. I was wrong. But, I worked really late and they didn’t get back to me until this morning…after I had drawn the cartoon for this site and my syndication clients. I drew the one cartoon I was pretty sure CNN wouldn’t want out of all the roughs. Guess which one they wanted.

So, after giving that cartoon to the network and drawing this week’s cartoon for Costa Rica, I got started on your cartoon. There are about nine more ideas from which this was chosen. You’ll see all those on Sunday.

Be Complicit

What kind of person would want to be part of something that disparages, slanders, and disrespects Dear Leader and his sycophantic followers? Hopefully, you. 
Making a contribution supports my work and keeps the cartoons, columns, and videos coming. My income is from newspapers that subscribe to my work and small contributors. George Soros hasn’t sent me a million dollar check in weeks. Making a contribution of any amount, or buying a print for $40.00, makes you part of this specific resistance, and a member of Team Claytoonz (we’re still working on the name). You are complicit, an accomplice, and in cahoots (and whatever gangster terms we can think of) with this political satire pointing out that the stupid emperor has no clothes. Contributions can be made through PayPal, checks, and wads of cash exchanged in back alleys.
Whether you can help support, can’t, or just choose not to, please continue to enjoy and keep reading my work. Thank you!!! 

You can purchase a signed print of this cartoon.

Watch the video.

7 thoughts on “Hate In The House

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    1. I definitely need to resume the Spanish lesson. I just haven’t had time. Have you seen my output lately? I need a day off too, and a nap, and a beer. I have wine but I’m saving it to celebrate with friends whenever we get around to it. Thanks for caring, Ariel. And yeah. I’m being serious. Thank you.

      Liked by 3 people

      1. I have seen your output lately. Duh. I watch the videos, remember?

        I think your clients (well, maybe not CNN) would understand you taking a day off!

        Wow. You’re being incredibly sweet. You must be super tired. 😉 ❤

        Liked by 2 people

  1. People talk smack about Nickelback, but no one can hate on Satana’s Into the Night feat. Chad Kroeger, that jam is FIRE!


      1. Damn dude, what’s up with the negativity? Overrated? What, next you’re gonna say you don’t sing along when Smooth plays on the radio?


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