Partisan Perversions


It doesn’t matter if someone agrees with your politics or not, wrong is wrong.

Many Republicans continue to bring up Bill Clinton’s affair with Monica Lewinsky and the multiple accusations leveled on him from women, despite the fact it all happened over 20 years ago (they keep playing the hits, relevancy be damned). These same people are real quiet about the charges against Bill O’Reilly, Donald Trump, and the late Roger Ailes. They definitely keep their mouth shut over the pedophilia of former Speaker of the House, Dennis Hastert.

With the revelations that big-time movie mogul Harvey Weinstein is just as bad as Bill O’Reilly and Roger Ailes, Democrats have an opportunity to show they’re less hypocritical than Republicans. We’ll see how they handle it. According to The New York Times, Weinstein has been paying off accusers for decades. Please note that this story was broken by the “fake news” liberal media, not Fox News or Breitbart.

Weinstein isn’t just a big deal in Hollywood. He’s huge. He co-founded Miramax with his brother, and after selling that company to Disney they founded The Weinstein Company. The man has been involved with huge films like Pulp Fiction, The Crying Game, Shakespeare In Love, Gangs Of New York, The English Patient, Good Will Hunting, Chocolat, The Lord Of The Rings trilogy, The King’s Speech, Inglourious Basterds, and way too many movies with Ben Affleck. Seriously. Go check out the Wiki page. It’s Affleck, Affleck, Affleck, Affleck, etc. He even gave us Jersey Girl. He is a bastard. But, he is such a giant in Hollywood, that a putrid turd like Jersey Girl doesn’t hurt. It only hurt Jennifer Lopez, and she was only in that movie for three minutes.

So, when a guy like Harvey Weinstein says to an actress, “let me strip down so you can give me a massage while I consider whether you should be in my movie or not,” there’s a little of pressure.

What is the deal with these old, creepy bastards? It’s never “hey, would you like to go out sometime?” No. It’s always the nude massage trick or calling you up to tell you that he’s not wearing any pants which is accompanied by heavy breathing.

While it’s terrible that a rich jerk like Donald Trump believes that being a star allows you to grab whoever and whatever you want, it’s equally if not more despicable to believe you can grab whoever and whatever based on your ability to create a star.

Weinstein has been fired from his own company. He stated,  “I appreciate the way I’ve behaved with colleagues in the past has caused a lot of pain, and I sincerely apologize for it.” An adviser described him as “an old dinosaur learning new ways.” The fact that his behavior was commonplace a long time ago doesn’t make it right or acceptable, not then and not now. It’s a horrible excuse. Especially for someone who has spent years supporting liberal causes, which includes equality. It’s a national disgrace that it must be a partisan issue.

Weinstein has contributed to the presidential campaigns of Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, and Barack Obama. Obama’s daughter, Malia, even interned for him. He’s contributed to many other Democrats, with three, Senators Al Franken, Patrick Leahy, and Martin Heinrich, contributing his donations to women advocacy groups. That money has predator germs, so they’re getting rid of it.

Republicans are jumping all over this. Fox News is highlighting the time Michelle Obama said Weinstein was a “wonderful person,” forgetting that their entire organization operated like a frat house for Ailes and O’Reilly. Even Trump, with a straight face, criticized Weinstein saying, “I’m not at all surprised,” yet he was defensive of Ailes, O’Reilly, and himself saying his own admittance of assaulting women was just “locker room talk.”

Republicans are hypocrites. We already knew that. Liberals need to take this opportunity to show they’re better than them and reject Weinstein and his money.

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