Maduro Madness


Every time I see footage of Trump’s West Virginia rally from last week I think to myself, “Man, I really wanna piss those people off.”

Although Trump has a low approval rating at 33%, he still has strong ratings from his base of sycophants, like what we saw in West Virginia. The two most visible aspects that stood out to me were; they were entirely white, and they ate up every piece of bullshit Trump sold them.

Trump’s largest margin of victory came in West Virginia. His support is so strong in that state that the Democratic governor just switched to the Republican Party (let’s just forget how well Republican governors have done in Wisconsin, New Jersey, and Kansas. I’m sure it’ll work this time). His supporters at that rally believe the Russia investigation is “fake news,” the Justice Department should go after Trump’s political opponents, and that the coal jobs are coming back.

Trump does not care about the well-being of the people in West Virginia. He only cares about the people in West Virginia worshiping him. It explains why he hasn’t held a rally in a blue state or even ventured west of the Mississippi river since winning the election.

Trump’s supporters are the people who fell for the con. They cheered Trump on when he said he wouldn’t have time to play golf, take vacations, or even leave the White House, like Obama did. Now that Trump is on a three-week-golf vacation, his supporters fail to note the hypocrisy. They also fail to take note of Trump’s hypocrisy from this very morning, as he tweeted that polls giving him low ratings are “fake news polling,” yet proclaimed, “Trump base is getting stronger!”, which he probably gathered from the same polls.

If you are an authoritarian shouting “I am your voice” and “I alone can solve it,” then you probably need to surround yourself with “yes” people, even if it’s thousands at a West Virginia campaign rally three years ahead of the election.

Trump loves his authoritarian buddies and is envious of their powers. All he can share with them is a base of worshipers while abusing his office for personal wealth and power.

He’s envious of Turkey’s Erdogan and his ability to destroy the opposition, including the press. He wishes all his critics would silently disappear much like Vladimir Putin’s, who accidentally contract food poisoning and trips off the roofs of tall buildings. He admires the Philippines Duterte, who can kill “bad guys,” one of which was a mayor, without the hassle of trials, courts, and juries.

President Nicolas Maduro of Venezuela should be a prime candidate for Trump’s clubhouse, except he’s a socialist. Like Trump, Maduro practices nepotism (Maduro’s wife is deputy of the National Assembly and his son is Head of the Corps of Special Inspectors of the Presidency and Coordinator of the National Film School). Maduro has ruled by decree, which means he makes laws without the assembly, which Trump probably dreams of after his failed attempt at repealing Obamacare and Congress placing sanctions on Russia. Maduro is a big fan of conspiracy theories. He’s homophobic, calling opposition members “big faggots.” I don’t know why they have to be “big.” Lastly, he really likes to use the presidency to enrich himself.

While Trump claims he’s working for free, the Secret Service has to pay him rent to protect him. Also, you don’t really believe all government officials who travel with Trump stay at his resorts for free, do you? How many people have been in the foreign entourages that have stayed at Mar-a-Lago (How about that? Taking money from China.)? There were also the times Kellyanne Conway used the White House to pimp Ivanka products and plugs for Trump businesses have been posted on government websites. Let’s not overlook that Jared’s family is using his position to recruit investors in China.

As Venezuelans continue to riot against Maduro on a daily basis, he clings to power through his “rule by decree” and use of the military. The only thing stopping the guy from receiving an invitation to Bedminster are the accusations he’s a drug dealer, and the fact that he’s a socialist. Commies are bad.

If you want to be an authoritarian and get a free pass from the United States in 2017, you gotta be a capitalist.

I want to thank everyone who has donated in the past. Your support helps me continue creating cartoons and columns with a little less stress in my life. Between competing syndicates with much larger resources, timid editors, and Trump supporters who attempt to intimidate the editors who do publish anything that criticizes their idol, it’s a challenge to make a career out of this. So your support (if you can) is appreciated. Want to help me continue to create cartoons and keep doing what I’m doing (pissing off conservatives)? Look to the right of this page and make a donation through PayPal. Every $40 donation will receive a signed print. All donations will receive my eternal gratitude.

4 thoughts on “Maduro Madness

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  1. I love West Virginia but it bothers me that the good people of the state seems to support Donald’s appalling behavior and chant “lock her up”. I get it that Republican want to stand by their party but Donald ain’t their guy!

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