Gorsuch’s Grabs


The most ludicrous thing about hearings for Supreme Court nominees is that they pretend they’ve never read a legal opinion in their life. Thus, they have no view of any court decision. Ever. Roe versus who now?

If we were to actually judge someone’s qualifications based upon their confirmation hearings I doubt there would be anyone sitting on the court at all.

Neil Gorsuch comes off as smooth and charming and appears to be a rational person. How rational can anyone willing to be associated with Donald Trump actually be? Trump promised to appoint someone who’ll repeal Roe Vs. Wade. Gorsuch says all court decisions are precedents, as if they can’t be overturned. Beneath the smoothness and charm lies a right-wing extremist waiting to pounce on those who need protection the most. The man has a history of supporting corporations over people.

Gorsuch is fortunate to even get a hearing. Senate Republicans refused to grant one to the last nominee because he was nominated by a Democrat. Republicans have effectively stolen this seat. Gorsuch will be confirmed.

Senator Chuck Schumer says the hearings should be halted as we shouldn’t confirm a judge to the court who was nominated by a president currently under an FBI investigation. He has a point as everything Donald Trump touches is tainted.

If anything involving Trump and his disloyalty to the United States goes to the Supreme Court, can we trust a judge he nominated? I don’t want to find out but we probably will. As disgusted you may be over the fact Trump is president, the fact he’ll leave a stain on the supreme court for the next 30 years is vomit inducing.

The other thing I had fun with here is the story of New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady’s two Super Bowl jerseys being returned after they were stolen. It seems they were swiped by a Mexican journalist. Two things Donald Trump hates. Mexicans and journalists.

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2 thoughts on “Gorsuch’s Grabs

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  1. I think it was Clarence Thomas who said that he’d never thought about abortion and had no opinion on it. Whoever it was, he was either lying or completely out of touch, and in neither case was he qualified for a lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court.

    As a recent example, Scott Pruitt said during his confirmation hearings that he had an open mind on climate change, which should be disqualifying enough given the huge and increasing pile of evidence, but got him an OK from his fellow GOPs. Now that he’s in, he’s shown himself to be a rabid denier– “Carbon dioxide doesn’t cause climate change” means he flunked all his science classes and shouldn’t be within 500 miles of the EPA.

    And yes, anybody under FBI investigation should not be placing lifetime judges on the Supreme Court. If Comey hadn’t been as biased as hell, we’d have known about the investigation before the election.

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