

Sorry I didn’t write a column for the last two cartoons. I actually received a few comments on social media and more than one email asking why. I appreciate that some people actually like the columns, or even read them. I don’t consider myself a writer in the sense of a columnist or author. I write cartoons and songs. My style of writing a column is kinda easy, which is why there’s usually a typo or two I need to correct everyday. They also help keep people on the website longer (gotcha!) and encourages their return.

I didn’t write columns for those cartoons because I felt there wasn’t a need for one and the lack of any words by me helped push the cartoons. I’m not sure I’ll make up for it with this column.

The United Kingdom is proving the United States isn’t the only nation with a lot of stupid, nationalistic, and xenophobic people. They’re leaving the European Union.

I understand the desire to leave the EU. England has a great tradition and used to be an empire. They have their own identity. But I don’t think they’ve lost it by strengthening their financial structure. At this moment the pound versus the dollar is at its lowest since 1985 all because of this “Brexit” nonsense. Even Obama has come out in favor of the UK staying in the EU. It makes more sense financially and apparently the banks agree.

A lot of people attribute this to the sort of nationalism and racism we’re witnessing today in the U.S. The UK believes they’re too progressive and smart for the the likes of a Donald Trump, but they have their ultra right wing radicals willing to throw their economy in the loo and become poorer because brown people are entering their nation. One of the radicals actually killed a member of Parliament, Jo Cox, who campaigned against leaving the EU. Her killer is apparently tied to pro-Apartheid, Nationalists, and Neo-Nazi groups. Go figure. Donald Trump would probably describe the killer as passionate.

While people look at trade (no tariffs between EU members), sovereignty, defense (they’re still in NATO), and investment, a lot of this is really about immigration. Sound familiar?

People in the EU can move and work in other EU nations without the complications of passports, visas, work visas, etc. There may be a few things in there I’m not aware of since I’m not a citizen within the EU. This has also allowed immigration to increase in the UK. Right wingers don’t like brown people. That’s established and apparently it’s not just an American issue.

What could become interesting is what Scotland does down the road. They recently voted to remain a member of the UK but looking at voter turnout, they also want to remain a member of the EU. Could there be another referendum down the line on leaving once again, so they can rejoin the EU? Donald Trump is visiting Scotland today and that image alone might encourage the Scots to break away from the right wingers. Northern Ireland might be joining them.

The UK is not an ultra conservative nation. But as in the U.S., conservatives vote much more reliably than liberals or moderates. This was a very close vote. Staying home can put your nation’s fate into the hands of the wingnuts. That should be a lesson learned by those of us on this side of the pond.

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7 thoughts on “Brexit

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  1. I was one of those who missed your sage comments. I’ve referred to you as a historian in the past when making comments on the gocomics venue. You entertain and most importantly, explain to those of us who don’t keep up with all the stuff going on at home and now the international scene. Your blog is the one I visit first thing after booting up.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. My 2 cents….After I read your cartoon in goComics I automatically click on your website to read your column. After the first couple I decided you stuck to the truth and were entertaining. It’s a comfortable length and I appreciate reading various people’s ideas and opinions. I missed the column the last couple days but assumed you were just busy and I didn’t want to pester you.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. I like to read your columns too. I figured you thought the last two cartoons said enough that words weren’t needed.

    Someone summed up the British “stay or leave” vote as “Who do you want to make happy, the big banks or the bigots?” Apparently the majority of voters went with the bigots. Here’s hoping we don’t in the US.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I’m with your, “I like to read your columns too. I figured you thought the last two cartoons said enough that words weren’t needed.”

      Clay’s thoughts as written mirror mine most always. He adds stuff/facts/research that totally escapes me until he elucidates his position. I like that.

      Liked by 1 person

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