
I have a good memory for remembering things I read, viewed, and witnessed, but I suck at numbers.

I know important ones, such as 081590, which is my son’s birthday, and historical ones like 12071941 and 09112001, but the only three phone numbers I know by heart are 877 CASH NOW (if I sing it), 1-877-KARS 4 KIDS, and 867-5309. The only reason I don’t know how to call Jessie’s girl is because Rick never mentioned it in the song.

There is another number I can recite and whenever I put it into a cartoon, I don’t need to double-check, and that’s 11,780. Soon, I believe I’ll be able to recite P01135809 from memory which is Donald Trump’s inmate number for the Fulton County Jail.

Donald Trump’s mugshot, which we believe he was attempting to look menacing in, will become the most shared presidential picture in history. Donald Trump is the only president (sic) to be impeached twice, to be indicted, arraigned, and arrested four times, and the only president (sic) to have a mugshot and inmate number.

Donald Trump Jr. is proud of his daddy’s mugshot and tweeted it out this morning with a statement that his father was coming for the Deep State. But your father having a mugshot and an inmate number is nothing to be proud of. Most people try to hide that shit about their parents. People make mistakes and life happens, but Donald Trump Jr’s daddy tried to illegally overturn an election he lost, deny millions of their votes and civil rights, ordered an insurrection and coup attempt and tried to have himself installed as a fascist dictator. And you’re proud?

Donald Trump doesn’t look menacing or intimidating in his mugshot. He doesn’t look like a man of resolve and with a strong will. He looks like a drunk brought in for missing child support payments. And with the way he lowered his head to give us the “grrr” look, it highlights the thinning of his bleached hairplugs.

And when Trump finally does debate, whether it’s against his fellow Republicans or President Joe Biden, his opponents should only refer to him as P01135809.

Creative note: I got this idea last night while eating wings at Hooters. Shut up. Hooters was the only place open by the time I showered to get all the sweat and MAGAt gunk off me after covering Trump’s arrest. I’m not in New York City. Atlanta shuts down. I’m sure there are some joints still open after 11 P.M. in Atlanta, but they’re not the ones I wanna go to. But anyway, I got this idea while eating chicken wings and I thought then that someone else will also probably think of it, but screw it. I like it. Plus, it’ll be pretty quick to draw and I can move on and get busy on my CNN stuff.

And that’s why I’m staying in Atlanta through today, so I don’t have to travel while working on my CNN stuff. However, I did travel while drawing up roughs and ideas for CNN after the Miami and Washington Trump arrests.

The Miami thing wasn’t my fault. I planned it so I would arrive back home by 8 A.M, and I could have taken a short nap and then gotten to work. But Amtrak had different plans and got me home at 1 P.M, so I was drawing up ideas on the train.

Washington worked out great. I drew a few ideas Friday morning in my hotel and drew a few more on the short train ride home (about an hour), and sent them in. By the time I got home around 2 P.M, my editor had picked an idea. Yay.

I’ve done this before while traveling for other reasons. When I traveled to Indiana for my niece’s wedding, I left early so I could spend all of a Friday in a hotel room drawing for CNN instead of traveling on that day. I did that in Indianapolis and left for Kokomo on Saturday morning. I did the same thing when I traveled to Louisiana for my brother’s celebration of life. I left early so I wouldn’t have to travel on a Friday.

I’m dedicated.

Signed prints: The signed prints are just $40.00 each. Every cartoon on this site is available. You can pay through PayPal. If you don’t like PayPal, you can snail mail it to Clay Jones, P.O. Box 3721, Fredericksburg, VA 22402. I can mail the prints directly to you or if you’re purchasing as a gift, directly to the person you’re gifting.

Notes on my book, Tales From The Trumpster Fire: There are 19 copies of my book in stock, which go for $45.00 each, signed. Also, I have copies of my first book from 1997, Knee-Deep in Mississippi available for $20.00.

Tip Jar: if you want to support the cartoonist, please send a donation through PayPal to clayjonz@gmail.com. You can also snail it to P.O. Box 3721, Fredericksburg, VA 22402.

Watch me draw:

37 thoughts on “P01135809

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  1. Hi Clay,

    Love the brilliance and aptness of your cartoons and your writing. Absolutely blown away by your productivity.

    Here’s another number that’s All our shipments are sent ‘signature required’, from any adult at the delivery address. very hard to forget: 215. Must be all that hot air. And he grew an inch? The pinocchio effect is gonna turn him into the angry orange giant, judging by his mugshot.



    Liked by 2 people

      1. You still draw the Russian flag, a criminal hoax that’s been debunked 7 trillion times and more and more evidence comes out Joe Biden is a foreign agent traitor.

        Everything you say is a lie. I’m highly intelligent and you know it


    1. Well, VoR, you certainly chose your handle well. Now, if only you chose who to believe as appropriately as you chose your handle you might realize that your conclusions and comments are based on false information fed to you intentionally to come to those wrong conclusions.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Nope, nothing I have stated has been false.

        You’re rooting for the most evil political party in existence.

        You have no honor, all of you were wrong about Russian collusion in 2016 and you all said that election was rigged, but now, you don’t mind at all locking up people for questioning elections.



      2. I know raw

        You’re a fascist, who spews nazi type dehumanizing words like maggot around

        You’re possessed by demonic forces

        You guys are the worst b cause you reject truth


      3. I know raw

        You’re a fascist, who spews nazi type dehumanizing words like maggot around

        You’re possessed by demonic forces

        You guys are the worst b cause you reject truth


      4. I know raw..

        You’re a fascist, who spews nazi type dehumanizing words like maggot around

        You’re possessed by demonic forces

        You guys are the worst b cause you reject truth


  2. Actually, VOR, Trump being connected to Russia has NEVER been “debunked,” we can see and hear it for ourselves, and there’s not one inkling bit of evidence that President Biden is a foreign agent, no matter how many times you see a MAGAt tweet it. The only evidence you’ve provided is that you’re a knuckle-dragging drooling mouth-breathing troglodyte MAGAt idiot who probably eats with your mouth open and wears slip-ons because you’re not smart enough to tie your own shoes.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Hunter’s “business” partners have flat out stated Joe Biden is a foreign agent for sale.

      Joe Biden did Burma’s dirty business for them

      China paid that Mfer off

      Joe’s on tape trying to reassure the ex president of Ukraine that the corruption investigation will go nowhere

      Clay, it’s obvious, why don’t you acknowledge the obvious????

      because you’re paid not to


      1. Everything you said isn’t just wrong, but a lie. Despite your choosing to believe in it, it’s still a lie. Now, I love having people come in here and debate honestly. You’re not doing that. You’re trolling and sucking the air out of the room. If you choose to be a liar and do it here, I will destroy you. What I mean is, you will be blocked. Not because I’m threatened or challenged by what you say but just for the fact that you’re trolling and this site doesn’t support misinformation, bullshit, or conspiracy theories. We don’t support MAGAts.
        I don’t have time to come in here and debunk all your bullshit. Engage honestly, or fuck off. This is your only warning.

        Liked by 4 people

  3. Harlan Ellison must have had VoR in mimd when he said this:

    “Everybody has opinions: I have them, you have them. And we are all told from the moment we open our eyes, that everyone is entitled to his or her opinion. Well, that’s horsepuckey, of course. We are not entitled to our opinions; we are entitled to our informed opinions. Without research, without background, without understanding, it’s nothing. It’s just bibble-babble. It’s like a fart in a wind tunnel, folks.”

    — Harlan Ellison

    Maybe VoR should change his name to FiaWT.

    Liked by 3 people

  4. I do not like blocking people, but he has been blocked. He’s only the second to be blocked since I built this site. I invite healthy debate but MAGAts don’t do that. I will not tolerate trolling, lies, conspiracy theories, and straight-up bullshit. It only serves as a distraction and I won’t let this site be a host to misinformation, so….buh-bye.

    Liked by 4 people

      1. I did allow him to stay too long, but I was very busy traveling and covering the Trump arrest. This is a one-dude operation going on here. Cut me a tiny bit of slack, please.

        Liked by 2 people

  5. I am mildly annoyed by The Orange One’s inmate number. Surely it should be P0S 1135809 (yes, I realize that is numeral zero and not letter O, but that acronym still pleases me). His mug shot reminds me of the famous photo of Winston Churchill, where the photographer snatched his cigar away from him and quickly snapped the shot, capturing that surprised scowl. As with everything else, tRump is trying too hard and just begging for contempt.

    Liked by 1 person

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