And another 30-Day Facebook Suspension

My cartoon of Dilbert joining the hater lunch bunch at Mar-a-Lago wasn’t my first idea on the subject. This was my first idea. But like with a lot of first ideas for a cartoon, I figured it was too obvious and that others would do it. Nevertheless, I decided to share it with my readers on social media. It was posted on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Truth Social, TikTok, and Tribel.

The damn thing got more likes, comments, and shares than the better cartoon, but that’s social media for ya. Several hours later, it got me another 30-day suspension.

I discovered this after getting out of the shower. The tab on my computer was set to my email and there was something from Facebook. It was an email about the ban telling me I have 30 days to challenge this 30-day suspension, which I did. They may come back in two months, after I’m back, to tell me they got it wrong. How consistent is Facebook? The same cartoon that violated their terms of service is still up on their other platform.

After I posted this cartoon, I was told by several people that is had been done (which is why I didn’t do it initially). But guess what. Those other versions are STILL ON FUCKING FACEBOOK! Hell, I bet Scott Adams is still on Facebook.

In case you don’t know this, I’m the king of suspensions, bans, deleted accounts, and getting his wrist slapped with a ruler on social media. I challenge other cartoonists to prove they’ve been hit more than I have. I’ve been punished, banned, and suspended by Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, TikTok, and YouTube. Instagram deleted my first account and wouldn’t restore it even after they told me they got it wrong. Truth Social usually only blocks my cartoons out. Twitter has never bothered me for my contest.

Now, please don’t come at me advising that I join some alternative social media account. I’ve done it and quite frankly, they all suck. I’m posting my stuff to Tribel and Post and I don’t like them. Hell, I’m still posting on Truth Social and I don’t like that. It’s become too much.

Also, please spread the word that I’ve been suspended again. And this time, they’ve even blocked me from using Messenger which truly fucks up some things as there are dozens of people I talk to on Messenger whose numbers I don’t have. I need to inform both of my proofreaders.

Another thing that gets me is that this website makes money from visits by people clicking links to it on Facebook. This is the third 30-day ban for me since I think October. This is bullshit and it’s another financial hit.

Also, a lot of my readers won’t figure it out. They’ll wonder where I’ve been. Some will think I quit cartooning or am taking a long break, which really pisses me off. Hello? Have you not kept up with my schedule? Do you not see my output? And, I keep telling all of them to subscribe to the blog because another ban is coming yet most of them don’t. For the next month, I’m going to be getting emails and messages on other platforms asking if I quit.

The dumbest question I was ever asked on social media: Will you keep drawing during your Facebook ban? A person asking me that stupid-ass question tells me his entire life revolves around Facebook and there’s no existence for him without it.

All this has me thinking about taking my show to Patreon. Other cartoonists are charging to see their cartoons on the same day they’re drawn, to read their blogs, to see the timelapse videos of the cartoons being drawn, and to see the roughs. You know, all the shit I’ve been giving away for free.

By the way, the Hater Lunch Bunch cartoon got a mention in The Washington Post where I’m also quoted.

Update: Facebook denied my appeal…

And then a little after midnight, they reversed course and reinstated my account.

Signed prints: The signed prints are just $40.00 each. Every cartoon on this site is available. You can pay through PayPal. If you don’t like PayPal, you can snail mail it to Clay Jones, P.O. Box 3721, Fredericksburg, VA 22402. I can mail the prints directly to you or if you’re purchasing as a gift, directly to the person you’re gifting.

Notes on my book, Tales From The Trumpster Fire: There are 19 copies of my book in stock, which go for $45.00 each, signed. Also, I have copies of my first book from 1997, Knee-Deep in Mississippi available for $20.00.

Tip Jar: if you want to support the cartoonist, please send a donation through PayPal to You can also snail it to P.O. Box 3721, Fredericksburg, VA 22402.

Watch me draw:

20 thoughts on “And another 30-Day Facebook Suspension

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  1. I recall Obama raised a record amount of election funds one dollar at a time. Patreon sounds like a great idea, and we’d give slightly more than a buck a month to keep seeing your toons online and I’m sure others would as well. You might even make it your “social media will probably ban this” site, that would sure get our attention!

    Liked by 4 people

  2. Reblogged this on It Is What It Is and commented:
    There’s Facebook policing for you!! … “After I posted this cartoon, I was told by several people that is had been done (which is why I didn’t do it initially). But guess what. Those other versions are STILL ON FUCKING FACEBOOK! Hell, I bet Scott Adams is still on Facebook.”

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Nice.

    So, if I post your pointy-hat cartoon will I get suspended?

    Also, did I ever tell you my brother has won a Ruben? It was for an illustration he did for the Des Moines Register.

    Liked by 3 people

  4. My work has been censored so much I have gone “underground”. You are welcome to bunk here if the Facebook dungeon gets too cold and damp but you must use an alias…. pen name … nom de guerre (I live in a red part of the state).

    Excellent Cartoon by the way.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. It does cost me as a lot of this blog’s revenue comes entirely from hits, clicks, views, etc. Facebook is usually the top source for page views. So when I get shut down there, the income this site generates is also shut down.

      Liked by 2 people

  5. I was banned from Facebook for simply telling a friend that, “I don’t like men.”

    Facebook determined that this was hate speech, and completely ignored that the discussion was about me being a lesbian and not having any romantic attraction to men.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s ridiculous!!
      I got banned from Messenger because I was following a cat page and said I loved cats and loved being a cat sitter. Some troll took that as “promoting my cat sitting business” (but, duh, there were no links to the business nor the name of the business). I politely messaged her to say that she should mind her own business and I wasn’t promoting, just saying that I like cats. Obviously defending yourself goes against their policy. My messenger was disabled by them. So I one-upped them and deactivated my account. DONE!

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Wow, I highly admire your persistency for getting right back into the game.
    I can’t do that. It’s too stressful for me. That guy was an idiot thinking you’d stop drawing … Isn’t it bizarre how Facebook people think there is no life at all outside of Facebook? One time I took a hiatus for a very long time, and when I returned, a “friend” wrote “You’re back.” I guess he thought I went to another planet or something.

    Liked by 1 person

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